You have 24 hours to spend at your favorite place; Where would it be?


Horror Movie Guru
It could be anywhere in the world, at any venue, check in is 8 am and check out is 8 am the next day. No you can not break into wherever you choose, it's done legally lol.
Probably at as close to this place as possible:

Beautiful bar right on the beach. Very lively area with lots of boats coming and going, locals practicing their acrobatics routine on the beach, and a steady stream of new faces.

It's a simple, comfortable, quiet, beautiful existence. When I travel, I often feel like I have to cram as many sights/activities in as possible, so I never really am able to truly enjoy calm and relaxing places like this as much as I would like to.
Mt. Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

That place is like magic to me.

This threw me off before I read the rest of your post as there is a Mt Washington where I live and it's kind of trashy

Do I have to have been there?

If not, where ever Natalie Portman is

If I have to have been there, my in-laws shore house in Maryland is nice and relaxing
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