Wolf Christmas Party at Nakatomi Plaza Day 3

Who to lynch (3 votes required)

  • Alu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ants!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dimmerwit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kat

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Day will open at 8pm EST

And here are the roles:

Village team:
3x Random Strong Villagers
6x Random Regular Villagers

Note: There will be NO MORE than one person who has a "speak with the dead" role. There will also be no more than one person with a "lock players up at night" role. There may be none of either, but there won't be multiple.

Wolf team:
3x Random Wolves

The werewolves can be any of the numbered wolves (except regular werewolf) listed in the dictionary.

Solo/wildcard team:
1x Random Killer/Fool/Headhunter/Werewolf Fan/Cupid

If the Werewolf Fan is selected, one wolf will become the Sorcerer.

I recommend browsing the roles, along with new roles, any role with an * after the name I have edited it (usually a meaningful way). Not all tweaked or new roles are present

Strong Villagers:

Aura: Unknown
During the day, can hit a player with a rock and give them a concussion. Selection of a player to concuss is made via daytime PM. A player who is concussed will not be able to use their abilities during that day or the subsequent night. Abilities that trigger upon a players death will still activate when that player dies, but selection cannot be changed. If the shadow wolf is in effect, a concussed player cannot vote. A concussed wolf cannot vote in wolf chat. If a player is hit with a rock a second time, they will be killed. If the bully kills a player, the bully's role will be revealed to the entire village. The bully can only shoot a rock once per day. The bully gets 4 rocks in total.

Aura: Unknown
Can speak with the dead in a dead forum at night. During the day, can take on the role, powers, and abilities of any dead village team player for use that day, that night, and the following day. During the following day, the Conjuror may choose to immediately take on another dead player's role or wait for the day to end and revert to Conjuror. The Conjuror will lose the ability to speak with the dead while they are taking on another player's role. Cannot take the same player's role twice. If a dead player's abilities have been consumed (such as the witch's potion) they will be consumed for the conjuror. If killed while taking on another role, they will be announced as that role and not the conjuror. MP Usage: 0

Aura: Good
At night, can check if two other players are from the same team. The Detective is only told if the players belong to the same team or not. Teams are typically: Villagers, Wolves, Fool/Headhunter, Solo Killer/Instigator team. Ability is used at night by PMing the names of the two players the detective wishes to check. MP Usage: 0

Aura: Unknown
Can shoot and kill any player once per day. Two shots max. Their role is revealed to all upon use. Uses their power by posting in bold: "XXXX shoots YYYY". MP Usage: 50

Aura: Unknown
During the day, can select another player to jail at night. Selection is done via PM to me. The player jailed cannot be killed at night via normal evil/solo attacks. The jailer is not notified if their detainee is attacked. The player jailed cannot perform any night actions. Abilities that trigger upon a players death will still activate when that player dies, but selection cannot be changed. The Jailer can kill the player at any time (one kill per game). The jailer can send up to two messages to the prisoner, and the prisoner can send two back. I'll work as intermediary. Messages go Jailer -> Prisoner -> Jailer -> Prisoner. If the jailer decides not to send any messages the prisoners messages won't be sent. If the jailer is nightmared, they can still detain a player. The Jailer will not be able to speak to them or use their bullet. If the jailer is killed at night, the player is immediately unjailed and may use night actions if available. MP Usage: 0 to Jail. 100 to shoot.

Aura: Unknown
Can speak with the dead in a dead forum at night. Can revive any dead player whose role is not masked. (For example, the medium cannot revive a player killed under Confusion status as their role would be reported as "??????"). One time use. Revives at night by PMing the name of the player they wish to revive. MP Usage: 100 to revive.

Aura Good
Can shoot and kill any player once per day. Two shots max. Their role is revealed to all upon use. Uses their power by posting in bold: "XXXX shoots YYYY". If the person they shoot is a villager, the officer retires from the game. They are not dead, cannot be killed, cannot vote, cannot post, and does not count towards the win ratio. They may still spam reactions. They may unretire on the condition they choose to save someone from lynch. Must send PM before the day ends. Will not be able to use the remaining bullet (if applicable).

Aura: Unknown
Can speak with the dead at night. At anytime, including the first night, can cast a spell on any player who is alive (except for themselves). The Ritualist at any time can change who is spelled. If the spelled player dies, the spelled player will be resurrected after one phase. For example, if the spelled player is lynched, they will remain dead throughout the next night before rejoining the game during the next day phase. If they were a werewolf, they will be revived as a regular werewolf with no powers. The spell will remain after the Ritualist is killed. Only one player may be revived per game. MP Usage: 100 to revive

Aura: Unknown
Can behead any player once per day. Their role is revealed to all upon use. Uses their power by posting in bold: "XXXX beheads YYYY". A sword as we all know has unlimited uses, but if the Samurai kills someone on their own team, they in disgrace kill themselves via hara-kiri

Special Agent
Aura Unknown
At night may choose to protect someone, knock someone out until the next night or kill them. If attacked at night, they are given the option to hide in one of seven locations If the attacker picks the location the Special Agent is hiding, then they die. If attacked while protecting both escape, if attacked by a berserker, Special Agent will sacrifice themselves and let their ward escape. If the Special Agent is still alive, wolves must make up a majority of the remaining players to win and not equal amount. Does not affect lynching ratio.

Aura: Unknown
During the day, can select to jail two players at night. Selection is done via PM to me. Cannot jail fewer than two players and cannot jail the same player two nights in a row or jail themselves. Jailed players cannot perform any actions at night. Abilities that trigger upon a players death will still activate when that player dies, but selection cannot be changed. Jailed players cannot be killed by normal wolf/solo attacks. Jailed players will be placed in a group chat for the night. The Warden cannot contribute to the discussion but will be given a full transcript. The Warden can choose to give either player a weapon. That player can choose to use it against the person they are jailed with. If a player attempts to use it against someone on their own team, the player using the weapon will die. Otherwise, the other prisoner will be killed. The weapon can only be used once per game, but if not used, the Warden can continue to offer it on future jailings. If the warden is nightmared, they can still detain two players. They will not be able to drop the weapon. If the Warden jails two wolves, the wolves can choose to break free of jail and kill the warden. If the warden is killed at night or the weapon is used, the players are immediately unjailed and may use night actions if available. MP Usage: 0 to jail, 100 to shoot.

Regular Villagers:

Aura Seer

Aura: Good
At night, can see if a player is village team, evil team, or unknown. Uses their ability by PMing at night who they want to check. MP Usage: 0

Aura: Good
Can select a player to kill when they die. The attack will always occur when the Avenger dies and cannot be blocked by any other roles. The player to die must be selected by sending a PM prior to death. The selected can be changed at any time. Unlimited uses. MP Usage: 0

Beast Hunter*
Aura: Unknown
At night, can place a beast trap on any player, including themselves. If a werewolf attacks a trapped player, the lowest ranking werewolf will be killed instead of the target. If the solo killer attacks, the trap will trigger but both the solo killer and the person the trap is on will be unharmed. The Beast Hunter is always told if their trap activates when it activates. The entire village is told that the Beast Hunter's trap killed a wolf if it does so. This ability is used by PMing the name of the player they would like to place the trap on or move the trap to. During the day may move the trap via PM, must be done before the day is over/lynching occurs. May do twice

Bell Ringer*
Aura: Good
At night, can select two people. If one of them dies (whether at night or during the day) the other player's role will be revealed to them. Can only view one player's role per game. Should both die at the same time, the Bell Ringer may select two other people

Aura: Good
Can save a player at night. The bodyguard takes the place of the person that they are protecting at night. If the Bodyguard or the person they are guarding are attacked by normal evil/solo night attacks, the person they are guarding will be protected and the Bodyguard will be injured. If the Bodyguard is injured again (by either protecting someone that is attacked or being attacked directly) the Bodyguard will die. The Bodyguard will be notified if their protection is successful, but nobody else will be. They use their ability by PMing me the name of the person they wish to protect. MP Usage: 100 upon first successful protect.

Aura: Good
The defender is given six protection attempts per game. Each night, they can use as many or as few as they would like. They cannot protect themselves. The protection attempt is consumed regardless of whether or not an attack is actually blocked. Once all six attempts are used, they cannot do anything for the rest of the game. MP Usage: 16

Aura: Good
Can protect any other player from death at night from normal attacks by evil/solo roles. Cannot protect themselves. Unlimited use. Uses their ability by PMing the name of the person they wish to protect. The doctor will be notified if their protection is successful, but nobody else will be. MP Usage: 0

Aura: Good
No powers. Just a normal villager. Has access to farmersonly.com

Aura: Unknown
At night, can select any player to protect (including themselves) and a player to target. Must select both or neither. Any normal (i.e., non-berserk) night attacks by evil/solo players against the protected player will be redirected to the targeted player. Wolf attacks can kill wolves and solo attacks can kill solos if their attacks are redirected to themselves. Wolf attacks still cannot kill solos. The flagger can successfully redirect up to two attacks per game. The flagger cannot redirect attacks in consecutive nights. The village will NOT be notified that an attack has been redirected. The flagger will know if their redirect is successful. MP Usage: 50 upon success

Flower Child
Aura: Good
Can prevent a player from being lynched during the day. One use. Nobody will know why the player could not by lynched. Uses their power by PMing the name of the person they wish to protect anytime during the day. MP Usage: 100

Aura: Unknown
During the night, can choose to create a shield or a gun. Per game, can create a total maximum of two shield and one gun. The Forger will finish creating the item at the start of the next night. The Forger cannot use the items they create, they must be given to other players. The Forger cannot begin the creation of a new item unless they have selected to give away any items they currently have. The shield will give a player a permanent protection for a normal night/solo attack. It is consumed only if it successfully blocks an attack and persists across nights. A berserk werewolf attack against a player with a shield will kill the player and the Forger. The gun has one bullet and can be used during the day similar to the Gunner. A player is notified that they have received an item. A player being killed cause the loss of any items. A player cannot receive more than one shield in a game. MP Usage: 33

Aura: Good
During the day, can select a player to convict. Selection must be sent via PM. Conviction will only occur if the village cannot decide who to lynch. The judge may convict up to two players per game. If the player convicted does not belong to the village team, they will be killed. If the player convicted does belong to the village team, they will survive and the judge will be killed by angry villagers. Or may choose to convict before the day is over by XXXX Judges YYYY. If the judged player does not belong to the village, the Judge lives. If the player does belong to the village, the Judge and the selected villager both die

Aura: Good
At night, can select a player to mute for the subsequent day. The muted player will be thread-banned for the entire next day. The Librarian cannot mute the same player for consecutive days. The librarian has unlimited use of this power. If the librarian is killed at night, their target will still be muted the next day. MP Usage: 0

Aura: Good
Can select a player to reveal their true role to the entire village when they die. The reveal will always occur when the Loudmouth dies and cannot be blocked by any other roles. The player must be selected by sending a PM prior to death. The player can be changed at any time. Unlimited uses. MP Usage: 0

Aura: Unknown
Has two arrows. At night, can place a target on a player. On any subsequent night, the Marksman can shoot them if the target is not moved. If the target is a villager, the Marksman will die instead. If the target is not on the village team, the target will die. The village will be notified if a Marksman shoots and the result of that shot. The Marksman can place a target/shoot a target by PMing me the name and action. MP Usage: 50 per shot

Aura: Good
At night, can select a player. If that player dies, the Preacher will gain an additional vote during the day for the remainder of the game. Can gain up to 3 additional votes for a combined total voting power of 4 votes. Other players will not know that the Preacher has increased voting power, their increased voting power will be added behind the scenes. MP Usage: 0

Aura: Good
Can splash a player with holy water during the day. Their role will be announced to everyone upon use. If the player splashed is a wolf, the wolf dies. If the player is not a wolf, the Priest dies. Used by posting in bold: "XXXX waters YYYY". One time use. MP Usage: 100

Red Lady*
Aura: Good
Can visit a player at night. If the player visited is a wolf or solo killer, the Red Lady dies. Cannot be attacked directly and killed at night by wolves/solo if they are visiting. If they visit a player who is killed by wolves/solo, the Red Lady also dies. Upon death the village will find her diary and a list of every player she has visited and returned home safely from.

Aura: Good
Can watch a player at night. If the player watched is killed by a normal wolf/solo attack, the Sheriff will be given two possible suspects for the person responsible for that player's death. If the Sheriff watched a wolf kill, the Sheriff will be given info on the lowest ranking remaining wolf and another villager at random (who may be any role). A jailed wolf will not be selected. The player selected is made at night by PMing a name to watch. MP Usage: 0

Seer Apprentice
Aura: Good
Initially has no powers or abilities. However, if a seer dies, the apprentice will transform into their role during the day. The following roles count as "seers" for this ability: Aura Seer, Detective, Sheriff, Spirit Seer, Violinist. If the person the Apprentice transformed into is revived, the Apprentice will revert back to an Apprentice with no powers. MP Usage: 0

Spirit Seer
Aura: Good
Can check one or two players to see if those players killed someone at night. The simply receive a color, red or blue. Blue results means none of the players selected killed anyone. Red means at least one player selected killed someone, if not both. If there is a wolf kill, all wolves will show red except for the Blind Wolf and the Wolf Seer. If the Blind Wolf or Wolf Seer resign their ability they will show red like any other werewolf. A jailed player will always show as blue. This power is used at night by PMing the name or names of the players they wish to check. MP Usage: 0

Tough Guy
Aura: Good
Can save a player at night. If the Tough Guy or the person they are guarding are attacked by normal evil/solo night attacks, the Tough Guy will be told who attacked them. If it is the wolves, the Tough Guy will be given the identity and role of the lowest ranking remaining wolf. A jailed wolf will not be selected. That wolf/solo that attacks the Tough Guy will also be notified of the identity of the Tough Guy. The Tough Guy will die at the end of the day. The Tough Guy will be notified if their protection is successful, but the village at large will not be aside from the person who did the attacking. If the Tough Guy saves a player from multiple attacks (both the wolves and solo killer), they will see multiple culprits. They use their ability by PMing the name of the person they wish to protect. MP Usage: 0

Aura: Good
At night, can check a player to see if they are the same team as the first player to die the previous night. Lynches occur at the end of the day for the purposes of this check. If nobody died the previous night, the Violinist cannot check anybody. MP Usage: 0

Aura: Unknown
Has two potions to give to another player. One can kill any other player at night. One can protect any other player at night from normal attacks by evil/solo players. Potions are consumed if the use is successful. Potions are used at night. It will not be announced who the witch is upon potion use. The witch will be notified if their protection is successful, but nobody else will be. MP Usage: 50 per potion.

Wolf team (ranked from low to high):

Wolf Mechanics:
Each night the wolves vote to kill someone (Wolf Seer and Blind Wolf cannot vote, the Alpha Wolf gets 2 votes and automatically wins ties). The player with the most votes is attacked. In the event of a tie, the tie is broken by wolf ranking. Higher ranked wolves (higher number below) will win tie votes. If the target the wolves select in the night is killed, all votes for that person are changed to "no vote". It may benefit wolves to tactically split votes in order to avoid killing the same role as someone else. For example, let's say 2 wolves vote the medium and 1 wolf votes the Aura Seer. The medium gets killed at night by the Jailer. The 2 wolves that voted medium automatically have their votes changed to "no one" and the Aura Seer will be attacked since they are the only person the wolves voted for. If all 3 wolves had voted for the Medium, nobody would be attacked.

1. Wolf Avenger
Aura: Evil
Will take another player with them to the grave when they die. The player must be selected by sending a PM prior to death. The player can be changed at any time. MP Usage: 0

2. Werewolf*
Aura: Evil
A normal werewolf. No unusual powers. Has access to mustlovedogs.com

3. Shaman Wolf
Aura: Evil
Can select a player to enchant for the night. That player will show as having evil aura and wolf team affiliation. This ability has unlimited uses, but cannot be used if the shaman wolf is the only wolf alive. The player to shaman will be selected via PM. MP Usage: 0

4. Berserk Werewolf*
Aura: Evil
Once per game, can activate berserk status. The wolves' normal nightly kill will be guaranteed to die unless the attack the Special Agent. Anyone attempting to protect that player is also guaranteed to die regardless of role or role attributes other than the Special Agent. If the wolves directly attack the Special Agent, they get two chances to guess their location. If the player the wolves attack is protected by the Special Agent, the Special Agent will die, but the original target will escape. The berserk can be activated anytime for the current or next night phase by sending a PM. The berserk ends immediately if the berserk werewolf is killed, including if killed by the solo player immediately prior to use.

5. Nightmare Wolf*
Aura: Evil
Can cause one player to fall asleep during the night, thus being unable to use any abilities. Up to two uses per game. During the day, must notify by PM the player to fall asleep for the subsequent night. If the medium is nightmared, they will lose access to the dead forum for one night/day cycle. Nightmared players can still vote to skip. Or At night may choose to nightmare someone during the day, but at the cost of both uses. Notify via PM

6. Voodoo Wolf
Aura: Evil
At night, can select a player to mute for the subsequent day. The muted player will be thread-banned for the entire next day. The Voodoo Wolf cannot mute the same player for consecutive days. The Voodoo Wolf has unlimited use of this power. If the Voodoo Wolf is killed at night, their target will still be muted the next day. MP Usage: 0

7. Guardian Wolf
Aura: Evil
Can prevent a player from being lynched during the day. One use. Nobody will know why the player could not by lynched. Analogous to the Flower child. Power used during the day. Uses their power by PMing the name of the person they wish to protect. MP Usage: 100

8. Wolf Trickster*
Aura: Evil
Can select a non-wolf player. Can change the player selected at anytime via PM. If the selected player dies via any means other than werewolf kill, that player will appear to be the wolf trickster and the wolf trickster will take on the aura and team status of the player killed. Single use.

9. Confusion Wolf
Aura: Evil
Twice per game, can activate confusion status at night. Anybody killed that night will not have their roles revealed. The wolves will be told the roles of those killed. The wolves still cannot see the roles of those killed by the corruptor. MP Usage: 50

10. Shadow Wolf
Aura: Evil
Can cast a shadow one time over the town's votes during the day. Must be used with adequate time remaining in the day, at least 12 hours. Usable via PM. Voting for the day's lynch will become private, and wolves votes will be doubled. If the shadow wolf is on the wolf team, the wolves will not be able to communicate with each other privately during the day until the night after the shadow wolf ability has been used. If the Alpha Wolf is in the group, the Alpha Wolf may send private, one-way messages to the team during this period by PMing me. MP Usage: 100

11. Jelly Wolf
Aura: Evil
During the night, can select any player (including themselves) to protect from any attack. Once selected, the Jelly Wolf cannot change the selection until the next night. The village will be informed of a successful Jelly Wolf protection. MP Usage: 100

12. Toxic Wolf
Aura: Evil
During the day, can select a player to poison. The poisoned player can be killed that night by the wolves regardless of any village protective roles. Two uses per game. The village will be notified that the killed player was poisoned. MP Usage: 50

13. Wolf Scribe
Twice per game, can successfully alter how night deaths are reported. The Wolf Scribe can select a player at night and if they die, whatever method and role the Scribe chooses will be reported to the village. They can alter the death reports of their teammates and themselves. MP Usage: 50

14. Alpha Wolf*
Aura: Unknown
Natural leader of the wolves. Has two votes at night, and automatically wins ties. Does not possess Evil aura.
On night zero must choose one of three perks and cannot change once the night is over
1. Require two attacks to be killed
a. The village will be notified if the Alpha Wolf has been attacked, but not the manner in which they were attacked, who attacked them, or who was attacked.
2. Have a good aura (still shows red for spirit seer)
3. Add one more to any other wolf's skills

15. Blind Wolf
Aura: Evil
Each night can check up to two non-wolf players and gather information about their role. They will be told that their target is one of the following: Regular Villager, Strong Villager, Solo Role (Non-violent), Solo Role (Killer). Selection is made via PM at night. Cannot vote with the other wolves unless the Blind Wolf resigns their ability. Once the ability is resigned it can never return. The Blind Wolf can check, resign, and vote in the same night. MP Usage: 0

16. Wolf Seer
Aura: Evil
Once per night can select a non-wolf player and see their exact role. Selection is made via PM at night. Cannot vote with the other wolves unless the Wolf Seer resigns their ability to See. Once the ability is resigned it can never return. The Wolf Seer can check, resign, and vote in the same night. MP Usage: 0

Aura: Good
The Sorcerer belongs to the wolf team because they are evil, but they are not a wolf. Each night the Sorcerer can select a player and see their exact role. Selection is made via PM at night. Will be part of wolf chat but they cannot post or communicate in it. Using their magical powers, the Sorcerer disguises themselves as an Aura seer. Cannot kill anything at night. Twice per game, during the day, the Sorcerer can reveal a players role that was checked to all wolves. Does not belong to the village team, so the Marksman would kill them. Appears as a villager to the Detective and other seer roles. At any time the Sorcerer can resign their powers and become a normal evil werewolf with no powers. The Sorcerer will then be able to communicate with the wolves and join in on kills. If all of the wolves are dead, the Sorcerer will be automatically resigned as soon as the last wolf dies. MP Usage: 0

Werewolf Fan
Aura: Good
Is a normal townie. Really wants to be a werewolf. The Marksman cannot kill this player nor can they be killed by the Warden's weapon. Cannot kill at night. The Detective can see that they belong to the werewolf team, but they have good Aura. Werewolves do not know their identity, and they do not know the identity of the werewolves. If they are attacked by the werewolves then they become a regular werewolf with no powers. At any time, the Werewolf Fan can choose to have their role revealed to a player of their choosing. The chosen player will be told the identity of the Werewolf Fan at the beginning of the next night. MP Usage: 0

Solo team (Non-Violent):

All solo roles will show as "solo team" to roles that check team affiliation, regardless of whether or not they can currently win with the village.

Aura: Good
During the first night, can select two players to become a love couple. Night 1 targeting rules will not be applied, they can choose exact players. The coupled players can still win with their original teams, but their first priority is to win together as a couple. Coupled players will show as belonging to their original teams to roles that check team affiliation. Coupled players can win by being the last players alive either with or without cupid. The coupled players will know each other's roles and have private chat ability. They will not know who Cupid is. The cupid can send one way messages via the GameMaster to the couple. If one coupled player dies, the other dies as well. If Cupid is alive when the couple dies, Cupid becomes embittered at how the world treats true world and becomes a Serial Killer, turning his bow of love into a bow of judgement. Cupid dying has no effect on the couple. Cupid can only win with the lovers or as a serial killer. It is not required for the village to kill the lovers to win unless a coupled player is evil. Two serial killers could exist due to this

Aura: Unknown
Wins the game if they get lynched during the day. Loses in all other scenarios. If the fool is the last player alive, the Village wins.

Aura: Unknown
At the beginning of the game they will be given a villager to target at random. If that player is lynched, the headhunter wins. If that player is killed by some other means, the headhunter becomes a villager with no powers (even if the target is revived). If the headhunter is killed, they cannot win as the headhunter even if revived. If the player does not die, the headhunter loses. The following roles cannot be the headhunter target: Gunner, Bully, Priest, Conjuror, Flower Child.

Solo team (Killer):


Aura: Unknown
Cannot be killed by the wolves at night. At night, can give a red potion and black potion to separate players. Both players will be notified that they received a potion at the start of the day. They will not know what color potion they received. The black potion will kill a player sometime during the day. The red potion will do nothing. The red potion is unblockable by any player powers (such as the Doctor or Jailer). The black potion is treated as a normal solo attack. A player receiving a second red potion will die during the day as if they were given a black potion.

Aura: Unknown
Cannot be killed by the wolves at night. At night, they have two options. They can choose to douse two players with gasoline. Dousing is unblockable by any player power (such as the Doctor or Jailer). Or, The Arsonist can light the fire, and every person doused with gasoline dies.

Aura: Unknown
At night, can choose a player to corrupt. Corrupted players cannot talk, vote, or react during the day thread or any other game chat they may be a part of. At the end of the day, the player will die if the Corruptor has not been killed. The player killed will not have their role revealed to the village and cannot be revived. The corruptor cannot be killed by the wolves at night. Cannot stack kills, it's use it or lose it.

Cult Leader
Aura: Unknown
Cannot be killed by the wolves at night. At night, can select one player to convert to the cult. Conversion attempts are treated like a normal solo attack for the purposes of being blocked. A converted player becomes part of the cult team for purposes of team checks (such as Detective or Violinist). They maintain their normal aura and abilities of their original role. Converted players cannot see other players in the cult. The cult leader can send anonymous messages to any/all converted players at any time, but otherwise the cult members have no special communication. The cult wins when all remaining players belong to the cult. Instead of a conversion attempt at night, the Cult Leader can sacrifice any one of their followers in order to attack another player. If the cult leader is killed, all converted players die. Dead players are revealed as their original role as well as cult members. Converted players can win with the cult or their original teams.

Evil Detective
Aura: Unknown
Cannot be killed by the wolves at night. At night, can compare two players. If they belong to the same team, the Evil Detective will be told that both players belong to the same team. If they belong to different teams, both players will be killed. The Evil Detective can compare players against themselves, which always guarantees that the other player will die.

Aura Unknown
Can kill one player at night. Cannot be killed by the wolves at night. Can choose not to kill at night and stack kills for later use. Wins in kingmaker situation where all remaining teams have one player left

Aura: Unknown
Cannot be killed by the wolves at night. At night, can choose to disguise a player. Any disguised player will appear to be the Illusionist to all seers and will be reported as the Illusionist if they are killed. Disguising is treated as a "normal solo killer attack" for the purposes of being blocked. During the day, at any time at least two hours prior to the end of the day, the Illusionist can decide to kill all disguised players. If the Illusionist is killed, all players will no longer be disguised. Players killed by the Illusionist still will not have their roles revealed. Aura: Unknown

Aura: Unknown
Cannot be killed by the wolves at night. At night, can choose a player to infect. Infection is treated as a normal solo killer attack for the purposes of being blocked. Any player who uses a seer ability on a player who becomes successfully infected that night also becomes infected. Infected players will be notified of their infection. If the infector is not killed during the day phase, the infected player will die after the vote concludes.

Aura: Good
During the first night, a random villager and a random wolf be be selected to be recruited by the instigator. These players can no longer win with their original teams and can only win with the instigator. The instigated players will show as part of the Instigator team to roles that check team affiliation. The instigator and their recruits can communicate privately and will know each other's roles. The instigator CAN be killed by the wolves at night. If one recruit dies, the other will die as well. If the instigator's recruits die, they will gain the ability to kill any villager they choose at night. The instigator wins if they or their recruits are the only surviving players.

Serial Killer
Aura: Unknown
Can kill one player at night. Cannot be killed by the wolves at night. Can choose not to kill at night and stack kills for later use.

Nights will be 12 hours and days will be 24 hours. The end of the next period will be clearly posted.

You may edit your posts for clarity. If you edit out an action (like shooting someone) and you get caught I'm killing you.

Votes will be conducted via poll. The poll will close exactly at the deadline. You have unlimited changes until that point. If this sucks we'll go back, even if it's mid-game (not mid-day).

There will be a minimum number of votes required to lynch. Usually this number will be around the number of villagers / 2 - 1. In the event of a tie, nobody is lynched. In the event that the minimum number of votes is not reached, nobody is lynched.

Skips require a skip vote from every player. They'll be posted in the forum as usual. Once you vote to skip, you cannot unskip.

Wolf Nightmare activates
Player gets Jailed
Beast Hunter picks up trap (if moved)
Wolf Shaman/Confusion activates
Medium/Ritualist revive spell
Wolves break out of warden prison
Warden weapon used
Wolf seer/Sorcerer check
Wolf seer/Sorcerer choice to resign
Blind Wolf check
Illusionist disguise
Flagger redirect
Doctor protect
Jailer/Warden protect
Bodyguard protect
Witch protect
Tough Guy protect
Defender protect
Special Agent protect/kill/knock out**
Forger Item Completed
Forget Item Gifted
Forger Item Selection
Violinist check + gets results
Detective check + gets results
Aura Seer checks + gets results
Spirit Seer check
Sheriff check
Voodoo wolf / Librarian mute
Marksman shot
Witch kill (if not killed by marksman, otherwise potion unused)
Jailer kill (if not killed by marksman/witch)
Red Lady visit
Revived players return from the dead (cannot be targeted by wolves/solo in same night)
Solo killer attack
Wolf berserk mode activates
Wolves kill
Spirit Seer gets results
Sheriff gets results
Beast Hunter places trap
Cupid selection

In the event that two of the same role perform the exact same action, they will both be credited.

**I reserve the right to change this placement since it is new. Will I tell you? No. Am I drunk on power? Yes

Please do not talk about the game outside of the designated threads. This is honor system. When you die, you will gain access to a special forum that is already set up. One player may have access to this forum at night. If you are revived, you will lose access. Please use this forum for all discussion by dead players about the game. Alive players can talk during the main thread during the day.

It is possible, if very unlikely, for the game to end in a tie if every single player is killed. The game also ends in a tie if there are no deaths for three straight days and nights.

Winning Conditions:

Village: Kill all wolves and the solo killer.

Wolves: Kill the solo killer. Afterwards, once the wolves make up half the total players*, the wolves win.

Solo Killer: Kill all other players.

Wildcard Role: Satisfy your winning condition. Your winning condition trumps any other that may occur at the same time. (For example, if you lynch the fool and it creates a situation where there are 3 wolves left and 3 villagers, the Fool wins only).
@Wolf Players

Another beautiful sunrise over smoggy LA hits the village.

As those who slumber slowly wake, they begin moseying to the main area to see what they have missed.

It is a bittersweet scene

Frist, they come across a body, a bit hairy, with one bullet through the temple. Next to him lay a gold platted gun, on the side written Argyle's Protective Limo services.

Next to the hairy body lie a boy in a hoodie. He's been mauled to death. Overrun by the loss of Hans, Karl took out the poor spirit seer.

Fool's Requiem has died, he was the tricksterwolf
Tommy Boy has died, he was the spirit seer
I killed three wolves now, yall murdered poor innocent Local. Get it together, people! :tease
Bowing Down Waynes World GIF

Acceptable User Murder

puppy haver
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Or at least one was fake
Ants role says if he tries to convict a townie dies as well, and if he tries to kill a town while being wardened he dies.

Does the trickster get around that? Also, is there any reason to believe Jon was tricksters? Admittedly I wasn't able to follow much of the first day, so that conviction came out of left field for me.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Why might I have chosen that gif while quoting you saying the warden didn't reveal himself I wonder...
Then I change my vote off you. I’m the doctor and I had been protecting Jawneh to see when he would say goose. I switched to Kat last night

Voting dinmerwit
@Quagmire what are the number of roles in each category?

They currently only add to 13, but there were 14 players including the Dead Body.

3 wolves
3 strong
1 solo
6 regular (I had to sneak in local because I missed him in the sign up thread)

I guess 7 regular if you count the dead body I didnt give the dead body a number and realized I should have
I'm a silly goose duck.

I drew a blank this game and am just a farmer. Duck farmer specifically. Gotta keep them all in check. All dem want to form lines like some maniacs in stead of rows. It's unnatural I says!
And then some nights… When you are feeling lonely… And your bed gets cold…


The Ritualist
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
And then some nights… When you are feeling lonely… And your bed gets cold…
Ducks are hecking fluffy and warm. Very stinky and gross as ducklings. Shiddin' and fartin' everywhere. We've raised a couple batches before and sold them off to folks.

Just like chicks though, very dumb and WILL walk, sit, sleep, and shit in their water and food for no reason at all than the option existing for them.
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