Which do you regret?


Sad, lumpy oatmeal that used to be Xellos
GW Elder
Which consoles/hardware/games/aftermarket accessories do you either regret getting, or regret getting rid of, and why?

My biggest regret was getting rid of my original (top loading) NES to get a PS1 when I was like 10. Good ol' Funcoland. I don't regret getting the PSOne (yea, I had the tiny one), by any means, but the top loading NES seems more like a collector's item now, and sell for ridiculous prices.

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
i sold some of my old CIB pokemon games on DS a few years ago, including a soulsilver complete with still-functional pokewalker...i should have known that the market for those would become untenable

in terms of buying regrets...i got the fire emblem fates special edition. was happy to sell that one CIB to the local game store for two hundred buckaroos. it sat behind glass with a $300 price tag for years and i think it's still there


Resident of the GWF Retirement Home
GW Elder
Back when I was a broke preteen I traded in most of my NES games and my gray NES Zapper to get a single N64 game at Babbages. It was Star Wars Episode 1 Pod Racer. I knew I fucked up immediately because the cashier set the zapper aside and excitedly said he was going to buy it when he got off.


Sad, lumpy oatmeal that used to be Xellos
GW Elder
I never got the Red Ring of Death on my Xbox 360s and I bought mine shortly after the release of Full Auto.

Disc drive broke down before I got the RRoD.
My first 360 got RRoD, sent in, got a new one.
I then got a 360S that my ex wife stole and pawned.

I have a launch model now that I bought for $5 with a RRoD. Wrapped it in a towel and into an oven it went. That was 2012, still works
My first gaming PC bought in 2012. It cost £1000, performance had issues from month 2 or 3 and it took over 2 years of replacing components to figure out which one had been causing the issue, then other components started burning out and I had to replace those at high cost, the tower was absurdly huge, it had a blu ray drive which never worked, it couldn’t play well games that were too old or too new, strained my eyes because I was sitting too close to the screen. Hassle and money sink. Tried to make the most of it over the years but the experience convinced me that console gaming was way better.
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I have two regrets.
Letting my Mum sell our N64 and about 40 games when I was 11-12 is a decision my brothers and I regret to this day

I also regret never having purchased a gaming PC growing up so I have never had one as budget wise it hasn't been something I can just do. I'd really love to move to gaming on PC instead of PS5 currently but it's just not going to be a reality yet.
I regretted asking for a 360 for Christmas as a kid. By the time Christmas came I had changed my mind and wanted a PS3 instead, but it was too late. Might've been a great console for everyone else, but I didn't have the $100 wireless adapter thing and our router was too far away, so I couldn't play any of the popular online games like Halo. The only good games I really had were Fable 3, some SmackDown vs RAW games, and Soul Calibur.

I was always too sentimental to ever sell any of my games or consoles, but I did sell Smash Bros Melee to a friend of a friend for 50 bucks like maybe 5ish years ago. At the time I was like "I'll probably never actually play this again", but I ended up regretting it and rebuying a copy off eBay for more than I sold it for. Don't even know if the disc works because I was right lol


Featherless Biped
GW Elder
I kind of regret getting a PS4. It was start of the first lockdown in the UK, and FF7:R had just come out, so it seemed like a good idea at the time. Also came with Spiderman. I never finished Spiderman on the console, and ended up getting them both on PC anyway. So now the PS4 just sits there, being used for Disney+ every now and again.

I'm gonna do my best to repeat doing the same with a PS5 when the next FF7 part comes out. We'll see how it goes.
I was originally of the mind that I didn't do anything that I particularly regret (I've done plenty that I normal-reget!), but then I remembered that Idea Factory/Compile Heart exists. So now I can say that I regret contributing to them continuing to exist, back in the days where I just bought any JRPG - especially ones published by Atlus or NIS America - that managed to actually get an English release/translation. Sight unseen, usually.

NSFW -> So I own this fucking thing. <- NSFW
It's in the basement, somewhere. I've never actually played the game, but obviously it's hot garbage. 😠

Alternatively, I regret buying third-party PS2 memory cards. Lost so many save files, but at the time the official Sony ones were completely out of stock everywhere. This was early-to-mid 2002, when stuff like Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 2, etc. were still fairly fresh, and I guess they didn't expect such demand.
Looks like they went the 00s Hardees "needlessly sexualize our product so it sells better" tactic. The game is rated Teen because of the partial nudity which only looks to be in wallpaper style unlocks. The game is a grid styled turn-based RPG game with sprites. The "naughty" crap is the mousepad, the pillowcase, and some of the artwork.

Based on Reddit comments, the game is dull.

I imagine if you actually enjoyed the game for the gameplay and whatnot, but "naughty" edition comes with a CD of the spundtrack. Always nice to get one of those.
Yeah, that's Idea Factory/Compile Heart in a nutshell. The games themselves - I played bits of others like Spectral Force 3 (X360), Generation of Chaos (PSP) and Chaos Wars (PS2) - are super generic, bland, poorly-balanced games. SRPGs for the most part, but not always. At some point NIS America just went super fucking hard into publishing borderline shovelware garbage, and while there were plenty of side-eye worthy character arts, that game's marketing just did... that. :rolleyes:
I mean I guess in their defense I am bringing it up/talking about it some 13 years later...

Took me a while to play one to realize that and, uh, stop buying everything. :chuckle

I have so, so many "sample" CDs packed away too. Atlus, NISA, Xseed, Aksys - it was all the rage for quite a few years. Tons of mini artbooks, too.
NIS America's anime physical copies annoy me. Kimi ni Todoke was sold in three separate releases (season 1 was split into two releases). Volumes 1 and 3 use Blu Ray sized boxes, volume 2 uses the DVD sized boxes. It ruins the look of the three volumes together.
Oh, that's some Xbone shit there. Constantly changing the box arrangement and size of the boxart so it's literally impossible to look nice on display.

You can actually add any and all Steelbook releases to my "normal" regret purchases for that reason. Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy XII, bunch of others - hate 'em. Have actually gone out of my way and bought second copies, used, much later, because my OCD fucking demands it.

Speaking of NIS, which Neptunia are they on nowadays? I have 2 of the older PS3 titles that I have yet to finish.....
Lord only knows. Gotta be close to 10 mainline entries by now, surely?

I heard one of the spinoffs is actually coming to Xbox, for whatever ungodly reason. Otherwise my eyes just kind of glaze over and go sideways as I scroll by the article.


Bingo! Dino DNA.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder

When I was probably 12-13, I went on a school skiing trip to Switzerland. As I was living in England at the time, it was a ferry ride across the channel then a really long coach ride through a few countries and up a mountain.

I had a Sega Game Gear, with the TV receiver too. On the ride going through France at 2am, that thing definitely picked up porn and was handed around the entire back of the coach.

Anyway, cut towards the end of the trip and I'd spent all of the money I brought with me. Whether it was my idea or someone else's, I sold my Game Gear to another kid for probably not very many Swiss Francs. Just so I could go play in the arcade they had in the small town, or buy rotisserie chicken to eat in a snowbank.



Resident of the GWF Retirement Home
GW Elder

When I was probably 12-13, I went on a school skiing trip to Switzerland. As I was living in England at the time, it was a ferry ride across the channel then a really long coach ride through a few countries and up a mountain.

I had a Sega Game Gear, with the TV receiver too. On the ride going through France at 2am, that thing definitely picked up porn and was handed around the entire back of the coach.

Anyway, cut towards the end of the trip and I'd spent all of the money I brought with me. Whether it was my idea or someone else's, I sold my Game Gear to another kid for probably not very many Swiss Francs. Just so I could go play in the arcade they had in the small town, or buy rotisserie chicken to eat in a snowbank.


Yikes! That reminds me...

A little over a decade ago I came across my Sega Game Gear. It didn't work anymore, a victim I'm sure of the bad capacitors that plagued that handheld. I gave it away to a coworker because he wanted to see if he could fix it, I told him he could keep it. Fast forward, I'm married to an electronics enthusiast who I am certain could have revived my poor Game Gear if I still had it.


Full-time time waster
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I don't remember if I had anything to do or saying in wither of these first ones, but we had a megadrive with a handful of games, including the first 3 sonics and something else. They were gone sometime before or soon after getting.... something. No memory what happened as I was 6 or 7.

Next was getting rid of some of my snes games when I was a bit older. Or I think I was part of the equation. We had two snes consoles. Dunno where the second one came about. My mom or step-dad was selling the console and some of the games went with that one. There were some sports game i didnt care about but the two that I did was Mario all stars with SMW and a link to the past. I think it was the Zelda that bit the dust.

A bit older, usually for my bday my dad and I would go to a video game store and i could pick a game. For my N64, I remember picking Chameleon Twist and Hexen. Hexen was kind of fun tbh, but... I probably could've done better. Chameleon Twist was weird, clunky, but enjoyable. I did cruise through that pretty fast and there wasn't much replay value in that...

Oh, random memory that now falls into the regret pile. For the longest time I had all the cardboard cases for at least my N64 games. I think I still had them with the manuals and other cards in them when I went to trade in some of them for something new. If only I knew that those were actually desirable and not just a thing I did. Welp.

After that, no game regrets as I was now older and could decide properly what I wanted and whatnot. Hardware wise, I was fooled by some marketing nonsense before I delved a but more into PC hardware. I liked the sound of AMDs (or was it still ATI?) APU chips with graphics in them and thought I could save a penny now and get more than normal performance when I actually get a gpu. Well, um. That stuff was never that good. I got one or two of their APUs and also the oldest kids first computer also had one. Granted, at the time I barely worried about fancy graphics or super smooth game play as I hadn't experienced that yet so it was fine. Hindsight though... ugh.
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