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Verdict What's better: squirrels or frogs

*bangs eggplant*

The court of public opinion will now open the case of squirrels versus frogs. Which is the superior animal? One is a champion swimmer, the other a master of climbing trees. Both have their celebrities even in the video game world, like Conker or Frogger. We will discuss the pros and cons of each.

Is this a dumb case? You bet it is! So feel free to also submit writs for future cases. Actually maybe I'll make a separate thread for that. Oh I'm rambling.

Submit Matt Groening GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
So without any of that happening, there's no story then
Well, no. That sub plot wouldn't exist, about the error in counting not enough data. There was still Nedry as you said, and the lysine contingency that should have stopped them surviving, but they were getting from local plants.

But, neither of those is arguing for the squirrel, so it gets no credit for it.

Amphibians are the closest vertebrates to dinosaurs that can change sex after birth. Reptiles can only do it during incubation.

While that includes salamanders and stuff, frogs are still fine.

Also... Beezlbufo


Combined with Conker's antics, and all the jokes about nuts, I'm thinking squirrels are horndogs. I might have found my spirit animal.

Very convincing argument for squirrels there.
While I identify with the horn dogging, even I'm siding frog now.
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