That said, I have finished Rhythm of War now. Did again feel a bit of drag with this. I really enjoy this world and characters, as you'd hope being 4,000+ pages into a story, but I don't think these last two books needed to be quite as long as they were. Still, as usual with Sanderson's books it finished strong and makes me want to read the next one. Going to move onto other things for a bit though.
Yeah, Rhythm of War was the weakest of the 5, by a mile. It was too long and acted mostly as a bridge between 3 and 5 where important things happen or are learned.
Wind and Truth is a more interesting read, but not any easier. It really dumps lore and action does happen, it's just long. It's the longest one, and it could have been condensed in the middle.
Quagmire mentioned the new editor that came in during RoW and the tone is different in the last two books. The characters' language and choice of dialogue feels more like an Avengers type story. The world is still the same, characters are still true to themselves, but more jokey, quippy dialogue comes into these two. Wind and Truth definitely feels like it parallels some of the Avengers movies with characters from different worlds showing up, moments with epic things happening that people would cheer for in theaters... I pumped my fist at a few parts near the end. All indications are the cosmere is heading towards that super heroes vibe, and less of the high fantasy it started as.
I'd rank the books the following:
1. Words of Radiance - S tier - Shallan's backstory is the best written of the main characters (WaT adds to it significantly, too, making WoR feel stronger)
2. Oathbringer - A tier - Dalinar's past was incredibly written and rounded him out so much
3. The Way of Kings - A tier - Bridge Four
4. Wind and Truth - A/B tier - I give the nod to WoK being it set up the series and the Bridge 4 parts of it are my favorite story thread of the series.
5. Rhythm of War - C tier - It felt like going through the motions and I really did not enjoy the Venli sections.