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Neon Nexus Welcome to the Neon Nexus!

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Welcome to the Neon Nexus!

This is the Neon Nexus where the ongoing fight between the City denizens that want to be free and Mega-Corporations that seek to maintain unlimited control has raged on for years. While Corporations and their agents seek to continue to control the masses and the wealth within, the City and her Citizens seek to eliminate all remaining Corpo holdovers. While these two factions fight for control of Neon Nexus, there are a few rogue agents, spurned by both sides, that just want to see the city burn.

Special Conditions

  • In this game using abilities is not free. Resources are used to pay for abilities.
  • Each role is assigned a starting number of resources with which to use up front.
  • City Roles will use their resources independently. You may use your ability unlimited times, provided you have the resources to pay for it, unless specified otherwise in the role description.
  • Corpo resources are pooled together and can be used in any combination the Corpo agents choose collectively.
  • When using Corpo abilities, the Corpo agents must notify me of the distribution of points. For example, if the total pool of the Corpo agents is 50 resources, and they choose to use an ability that costs 10 resources, they must declare whose resources are being used to pay for the ability use. The nightly kill from the Corpo agents does not cost resources.
  • Resources from a killed Corpo agent are deducted from the Corpo pool.
  • For abilities that automatically use resources, the resources MUST be present in the Corpo pool at the time of ability trigger. If there isn't, the ability will fizzle.
  • Lone Wolf roles are assigned different starting resources depending on the role.
  • For city roles, additional resources can be acquired by:
    • Certain role abilities
    • Eliminating players
    • Successfully defending another player
  • For Corpo, additional resources can only be acquired via eliminations.
  • Lone Wolves have special conditions with resources specified within their roles.
  • Successful eliminations award the killing player all the remaining resources the killed player had remaining.
  • Successfully defending another player will award the defender 5 resources paid to them by the city (and not tied to a player).
  • Some roles' abilities are exceptionally powerful and cost more than the starting resources.

City Roles

  1. Street Samurai (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A physical specimen capable of killing enemies or protecting allies.
      • At night may declare another player to protect from a killing blow OR another player to kill. Cannot perform both actions in a single night. Selections are made via DM.
      • Killing or protecting a target costs 5 resources. If a target set for protection is not targeted, the resources WILL be used.
  2. Fixer
    • An underground leader who assigns contracts to city agents.
      • Starting resources: 10
      • Once per night, during the night, may secretly reassign resources to a player. 5 resources will be sent per transaction. The receiving player will be notified they have received a payment but will not be told who sent it other than it came from a Fixer. Targets are selected via DM. The Fixer cannot send Corpo or Lone Wolf roles resources. If the Fixer sends a Corpo or Lone Wolf resources, the Fixer will be notified that the transaction failed, and the resources are lost. The Fixer will be thread banned and unable to vote, react or chat the following day. The Corpo or Lone Wolf will NOT be notified of the transaction attempt. If the sent credits are successfully used to eliminate a Corpo or Lone Wolf, the Fixer will receive half the used credits back.
  3. Bounty Hunter (Starting Resources: 5)
    • A for hire contract killer capable of eliminating another player.
      • At night, may declare a target to be assassinated. If the resources used to kill a target came from anywhere except the Bounty Hunter's starting resources, the target cannot be protected. Targets are selected via DM.
      • Killing a target costs 5 resources.
  4. Android Assassin (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A programmed contract killer capable of silently eliminating a target.
      • At night, may select a target to be eliminated. Upon the target's death, their role will not be revealed to anyone. The Android Assassin will be not told the role of the deceased player.
      • Killing a target costs 10 resources.
  5. Ganger (Starting Resources: 15)
    • A popular gang member leader capable of recruiting targets with valuable information.
      • At night, may select up to two players. These players will have their starting and current resource counts revealed to the Ganger. The selected targets will not know they were targeted.
      • Revealing a player's resource count costs 5 resources per player searched.
  6. Cyber Detective (Starting Resources: 15)
    • A cyber enhanced detective capable of detaining players at night to perform an investigation.
      • During the day may select UP TO two players to place in jail. The jailed players may NOT use night abilities and may NOT be killed. At night the Cyber Detective may send up to two SINGLE questions to each jailed individual SEPARATELY. The Cyber Detective may choose to not question a jailed target. If the Cyber Detective chooses to not question, the jailed player will not be able to send a message to the Cyber Detective. The Cyber Detective sends the questions secretly through me as an intermediary via DM.
      • Jailing a target costs 5 resources.
  7. Ripperdoc (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A skilled surgeon specializing in the repair and installation of cyber modifications.
      • At night, may select another player to protect from being killed. Selections are done via DM.
      • Successfully protecting a target costs 5 resources. If the protected target is not targeted, no resources will be used.
  8. Neon Dealer (Starting resources: 10)
    • A savvy black market dealer capable of using charisma to confuse buyers.
      • During the day can select a target to be confused. A confused target cannot vote in the day's vote but may still contribute to the day's discussion. The Neon Dealer will be capable of placing a vote on the confused player's behalf. The target is selected via DM and must be selected with at LEAST 3 hours remaining in the day's vote. The entire city will be notified that a player has been confused but the role of both the confused player and the Neon Dealer will not be revealed. The Neon Dealer selects a vote for the confused player via DM and the city will be notified of the vote publicly. A vote cast in this manner MAY NOT BE changed once selected.
      • Confusing a target costs 5 resources.
  9. Informant (Starting resources: 5)
    • A former Corpo agent-turned-City snitch that provides valuable intel.
      • Upon death reveals the role of a player. The target is made via DM and can be changed at any time up to the time of death. The target's role is revealed to the whole city.
      • Upon death, rather than awarding resources to the killer, the Informant awards resources to the Cyber Detective. If there is no Cyber Detective or the Cyber Detective is already dead, the resources will not be awarded to anyone.
  10. Brainhacker (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A skilled psychological hacker capable of planting information.
      • May select a target at any time. The target may be changed at any time up to the point of the Brainhacker's death.
      • Upon death, hides their role from the city. At the time of death, if a target is selected, the Brainhacker's role will be revealed to the target. If no player is selected, the Brainhacker's role is not revealed to anyone.
      • Upon death, rather than awarding resources to the killer, the Brainhacker awards resources to the selected target. If no player is selected, the resources will be awarded to the killer (or no one if the Brainhacker is lynched).
  11. Courier (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A delivery person capable of communicating with delicate sources.
      • At night, may visit with and talk to the dead. May bring back a message from the dead to the city. The Courier may decide which message to bring back or choose to bring no message back. The message the Courier takes back is DM'd to me and will be posted in the day thread at the Courier's request during the day.
      • While visiting with the dead costs no resources and can be done each night, bringing a message back costs 5 resources.
  12. Saboteur (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A skilled counter-intelligence operative capable of disrupting the cyberware of others.
      • During the day may select a player who cannot use their abilities at night. If the sabotaged person has no night abilities, the Saboteur's ability fizzles. The player who is sabotaged will be notified their ability is blocked at the start of the night phase. The Saboteur will NOT be notified if their ability succeeds or fails.
      • Sabotaging a player costs 5 resources.
  13. VR Junkie (Starting Resources: 20)
    • A junkie who is addicted to virtual reality and can no longer determine real from fake.
      • At night, may select a target to enter virtual reality with. Target is selected via DM. If the player is a city role, the VR Junkie may send one message to the visited player and may receive one message back. Messages are sent through me as an intermediary. The VR Junkie may choose to send no message and will not be able to receive a message. If the player in VR with the Junkie is attacked, the VR Junkie will be notified and no messages will be sent. If the visited player is Corpo or Lone Wolf, the VR Junkie will be trapped in VR and die. No messages can be sent to a Corpo or Lone Wolf. The visited player will get a message that they were visited by the VR Junkie. If the VR Junkie is killed, the role of the visited player will NOT be revealed, but the city will be notified that the VR Junkie died while visiting someone.
      • Inviting a player to join VR costs 10 resources.
  14. Nomad (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A charismatic gang leader incapable of ever being in the same place for too long.
      • At night may invite another player to a campfire. While at the campfire, the Nomad and target share a conversation and will reveal each other's role to one another (if the target is a city role). They may send up to two messages to one another through me as an intermediary, starting with the Nomad. The Nomad may choose to not send a message but will receive no messages back. Roles will still be revealed. If the target is killed while at the campfire, the Nomad is also killed in the ambush. If the target is Corpo or Lone Wolf, the Nomad will be killed with no role revealed to the Nomad.
      • Inviting a player to a campfire costs 5 resources.
  15. Netrunner (Starting Resources:10)
    • A skilled cyber-enhanced hacker capable of retrieving hidden information in the net.
      • At night may select any information previously hidden by any role and have it revealed to the Netrunner. This could be a hidden kill role or a hidden transaction. Hidden information will be shown to the city as "?????."
      • Revealing hidden information costs 5 resources.

Corpo Roles

  1. Corpo Executive (Starting resources: 10)
    • A corporate middle manager using others to secretly move up the corpo ladder.
      • At night can choose to hide role information from the Corpo kill. The city will not be told the role of the Corpo kill, but the Corpo agents will. Will not apply to other kills performed at night.
      • Obfuscating roles costs 5 resources.
  2. Corpo Hacker (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A skilled computer engineer paid to uncover secret information and plant evidence.
      • At night, can select another player to have their role revealed to the Corpo agents. Selections are done via DM.
      • Revealing a player's role costs 5 resources.
  3. Undercover Agent (Starting Resources: 20)
    • A skilled operative hiding in the city gathering information for the corporation.
      • At night, may select another player. Selections are done via DM. The selected player will show as the Corpo Undercover Agent for all role checks for the duration of the night.
      • Changing a player's role check costs 10 resources.
  4. Media Personality (Starting Resources: 20)
    • A social media influencer whose sole purpose is to spread Corpo propaganda.
      • During the day can create a media blackout. All current votes for lynch will be wiped out. Voting will be done in private via DM and all votes and tallies will be hidden from the city. Corpo votes will secretly be doubled. This ability must be used with at least 12 hours remaining in the day to give all players the chance to cast a secret vote. City conversation may continue.
      • Creating a media blackout costs 20 resources.
  5. Corpo Spy Assassin (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A trained specialist who can infiltrate and stealthily assassinate a target.
      • At night, may select a target to be assassinated silently. The target is chosen via DM. This kill occurs in addition to the nightly Corpo kill. A target killed this way has their role hidden from the city upon death. This ability can only be used once per game.
      • Assassinating and hiding the role of a target costs 20 resources.
  6. Mercenary (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A tough-as-nails thug for hire capable of taking hits and living to be hired again.
      • The Mercenary takes two hits to eliminate. This can be a combination of a lynch and any other role kill attempt. At any time may choose block an incoming kill shot for another player (including themself). If the Mercenary chooses to block, the kill shot is redirected to the Mercenary. Once the Mercenary has redirected or taken two hits, they will die. Any time the Mercenary is hit, resources are automatically used for blocking. If there is not enough Corpo resources, the block cannot occur.
      • Blocking and redirecting an attack automatically costs 5 resources.
  7. Genetic Scientist (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A genetic specialist capable of changing the genetic makeup of teammates.
      • At any time, the Genetic Specialist can alter the DNA of a single player. Selection is made via DM. Upon that player's death, an airborne spore poison releases from their blood stream. This poison will kill a single player at random. The random player can be city or the Lone Wolf. If the Lone Wolf is selected, their last breath is used to reveal the Genetic Scientist. If the Lone Wolf isn't killed by the attack, the role of the Genetic Scientist is not revealed. If no player has been eliminated the Genetic Specialist by the time of their death, the Genetic Scientist drops the spores and a member of the Corpo team is killed. Only one player can be poisoned per game.
      • When the poison cloud is triggered, 15 resources are automatically used.

Lone Wolf Roles

  1. Traitor (Starting Resources: 10)
    • A ganger turned Corpo informant given a burn notice and now wants the city to burn.
      • Cannot be killed by Corpo at night (this includes additional kill shots in addition to the nightly kill). At night the Traitor may choose one of two actions: they can kill a player and have all role information hidden to the city (the Traitor will NOT know the role of the killed player) OR may choose to hide an explosive device on a player. During the day, may choose to detonate all explosives planted on players. Role information is NOT obfuscated for players killed in this manner. When killed, the Traitor will award one half resources to the killer, rounded up.
      • The Traitor has learned to use resources wisely and his abilities cost no resources to use.
  2. Cyberpsycho (Starting Resources: 20)
    • A cyberware addicted junkie who has been so ripped up they've entered cyberpychosis.
      • The Cyberpsycho feels no pain and must be attacked three times to be killed. Can be attacked by Corpo at night. Cannot acquire additional resources. If the Cyberpsycho blocks an attack, their role will be revealed. May kill a player during the day at any time. Kills may not be stacked.
      • Kills do not cost any resources, but each block by a Cyberpsycho automatically uses 10 resources.
  3. Rogue Engineer (Starting Resources: 100)
    • A talented crafter who builds and uses gadgets to cause chaos within the city.
      • The Rogue Engineer uses resources at night to create and use gadgets. Each gadget on the list may only be created and used once. The Rogue Engineer can acquire additional resources from kills, but when killed, does not award any resources to the killer. The Rogue Engineer does not get a nightly kill, but some gadgets do kill.
      • Gadget List (Resource Cost):
        • Flashbang (10): Hides the nights' kills' roles from the city; including the Rogue Engineer
        • Neural Disruptor (20): Prevents a target from using nightly abilities; the target is told they've been Disrupted
        • Nano-Swarm (10): Reveals a target's role to the Rogue Engineer
        • Graviton Disruptor (20): Target chosen at night; Goes off during the day preventing the target from being able to post, react or vote. The target is informed they've been Disrupted.
        • Holographic Decoy (10) Persistent Item: Once created, will block one nightly kill shot against the Rogue Engineer or a lynch attempt the next day and lasts until used up; the reason the kill or lynch was unsuccessful will be hidden
        • EMP Grenade (10): Target chosen at night; that night and the following day the target cannot use any abilities; target is told they've been EMP'd
        • Augment Overload (20): Overloads the cyberware of the target, killing them
        • Nanobot Injector (20): May revive one target at the start of the day; cannot be used on the Rogue Engineer
        • Data Spike (10): Floods the cyberware of the player causing them to die from overload when the Rogue Engineer chooses during the day; If the Rogue Engineer does not trigger it or dies during the day, the player will die at the end of the day phase
        • Nano Wire (10): A thin, nano enhanced fiber wire hidden in a wrist compartment; Can be used to kill a target during the day and all kill information will be hidden to the city; the Rogue Engineer will know the role
        • Invisibility Cloaking Generator (30) Persistent Item: Lasts until the Rogue Engineer dies; hides the Rogue Engineer's role from the city to all checks and upon death

Win Conditions

The City –
Kill the Lone Wolf and all Corpo Agents
Corpo – Kill the Lone Wolf and have as many Corpo Agents as City Roles
Lone Wolf – Be the last person standing
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Change Log:

The following roles have been modified. This shows the my reason for modifying it.

This was the game killer in the first game. It was able to identify every single role in the game during the day with no drawback or issue. To combat this, the Fixer will now only be able to send a fixed amount once per night, and if they guess wrong, they have a consequence. I felt death was too harsh, so I went with at least delaying their ability to reveal the information they found out. However, guessing right twice and providing the town valuable kills will award the fixer a third transaction. Hopefully this balances what was an absurdly powerful role.

Android Assassin
Just changed that the Android Assassin won't see the role either. There is a lot of obfuscation in this game so giving too many single roles information like that would be possibly problematic.

Brain Hacker
This role was cleaned up a bit. Originally the two death triggers could be different people., but stylistically this didn't make sense. The role now ties itself to one other player as opposed to two.

The role felt too steep at 10 resources to bring back a single message. I've lowered the cost to 5 resources. The role was a little obscure, still, so I attempted to clarify it. While anyone can claim the role (I'm looking at you @Jawneh), only the real Courier can trigger the reveal. It's the reveal that costs resources. So, before the night phase ends, the Courier will tell me which message they want revealed in the day thread via DM. And at any point during the day can DM me and I will reveal the exact message from the dead thread. Hopefully making this a more intriguing role.

Similar to the Courier, the cost was steep. I lowered the cost to visit from 10 to 5 resources. I could have increased the starting resources, but I feel doing that can be detrimental to the city by too much since unused resources go to the killer. This seemed like the smarter move.

Media Personality
This role initially prevented the ability to talk about votes once the blackout occurred. That was silly and removed. Votes still hidden but conversation can still occur.

Corpo Spy Assassin
Like the Android Assassin, there is already a lot of obfuscation. The CSA originally got the role reveal, but that revealed to the whole Corpo team, and felt too powerful, especially because it's already an additional kill. The change is that the Corpo team isn't revealed the role either.

Genetic Scientist
This was the other role that was overpowered. I took some of the advice proffered after the first game and made my own twist to it. Initially, there was no limit to the number of people that can be spored. It made for a situation that would be better suited for a solo role. However, it is designed as a Corpo role, so the modifications here limit the amount of uses to one. Because this role can target and trigger as an additional kill I felt it really had to have drawbacks, and allowing it multiple uses felt overpowered, especially in situations where the Corpo team get multiple additional kill roles. If the Genetic Scientist does not kill a city player by the time they die, they will kill a member of the Corpo team. This incentivizes strategy on when to use this ability. Additionally, any Corpo ability that can eliminate the Lone Wolf becomes an incredibly powerful tool, so a drawback was given there too. If the Lone Wolf is hit, they reveal the Genetic Scientist to the city upon their death. Note: if the Lone Wolf is NOT killed (Cyberpsycho for example), the reveal does not happen, but the ability is still used. Hopefully this role is much more balanced.

Rogue Engineer
Several of the tools the RE gets has been slightly reworded or costs modified. Haven't yet had this role to know if things are overpowered, so it's subject to change. Essentially, killing tools were slightly upped in cost, and some items are flagged as persistent, and will last till used or RE death. In addition, obfuscation was again hidden from the role as well.
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