Aussie Dingo Welcome to Australia Zoo - Aussie Dingo Role List

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Team Prey:

Role: Kangaroo
Animal Instincts: Prey
Description: Can't remember the Joey's name. However is desperately trying to find it. At night can nominate a player to check. If that player is the Joey they will be reunited via DM, if the player isn't the Joey the Kangaroo will receive no further info and must keep searching.

Role: White Ibis
Animal Instincts: Prey
Description: At night, can nominate one player they wish to see the animal instinct of that player. As noted in the role descriptions not all animals on the Prey team present as such when the Ibis uses their animal instincts.

Role: Kookaburra
Animal Instincts: Prey
Description: All seeing, always laughing. The Kookaburra loves nothing more than having fun at others expense. Can nominate one player to have their role revealed publicly on the Kookaburra's death. Nominated via PM and can be changed at any point.

Role: Platypus
Animal Instincts: Prey
Description: Is the only player able to stop the Great White Shark's blood sense. Once per game may nominate to clean the waters, they do so via DM and must successfully pick a member of the predator team. Example: I choose to clean the waters and nominate XXX as a predator. If succesful the water will be cleaned, the town will also be notified that the clean was successful. If unsuccessful the platypus may no longer take part in lynch votes.

Role: Magpie
Animal Instincts: Unknown
Description: Magpies swoop and boy are they pricks. No one knows whether they are evil or not. Each night is able to swoop a player, that player is now injured. If a player is swooped for a second time they are now dead. Can not swoop the Joey, the Kookaburra or the Box Jellyfish.

Role: Joey
Animal Instincts: Prey
Description: No powers, however knows which player has the Kangaroo role as it's mother.

Role: Wombat
Animal Instincts: Prey
Description: At night can nominate one player (or itself) to take back to its burrow for protection. Wombat protection can only work twice. If succesful in defending a target the wombat will be informed of the role, but not player, that attacked (in the case of the predator vote they will be informed as such). Once twice successful in defending a player the wombat becomes powerless prey. Protects against all night attacks.

Role: Koala
Animal Instincts: Prey
Description: While being cute and cuddly they are often infested with chlamydia. The koala can scratch a player with its claws during the day in an attempt to give it chlamydia. Their role will be announced to everyone when used as use requires a post in thread of "XXXX scratches YYYY" if the player scratches a Predator or Solitary Animal that player dies, if the target is on the Prey team the Koala is culled. This power can only be used once per game.

Role: Possum
Animal Instincts: Prey
Description: Often killed by domestic cats left out at night, the possum is the least powerful member of the prey team and as such has no powers.

Role: Quokka
Animal Instincts: Prey
Description: Can watch a player at night. If the player watched is killed by the predators the Quokka will be given two suspects for this death, one will be the lowest ranked remaining predator and the other a random prey.

Role: Echidna
Animal Instincts: Unkown
Description: Spikey little fellas, they're slow moving but all seeing. At night, can nominate a player to check their role however doesn't receive the result of this check until during the next day phase. If killed before receiving their result the result of their check will be passed to the Joey (if still alive).

Role: Tasmanian Devil
Animal Instincts: Prey
Description: Distantly related to the Tasmanian Tiger, the Tasmanian Devil has the ability to select two players to watch, if either of those players dies the living players role will be revealed to the Tasmanian Devil. Nominates watch targets at any point during a Day Phase, via DM. One successful use only.

Role: Tasmanian Tiger
Animal Instincts: Unkown
Description: Has been extinct for many years however many still offer rewards if you can find proof of them living. At night, can speak with the dead in a dead forum. Can revive any dead player (except the Joey) once per game via nomination at night via PM.

Role: Veterinarian
Animal Instincts: Unknown
Description: You hold the anti-venom to protect the box jellyfish target, unfortunately you have only a one-time use as the manufacturer is suffering from decreased output following the return of a niche internet forum.
May select one player to target once per game as the Box Jellyfish (once selected can not change), if successful the Box Jellyfish will not be able to take another player to its death when/if they die. If unsuccessful you become a powerless human.

Team Predator:
Role: Box Jellyfish
Animal Instincts: Predator
Description: The deadliest of all Australian animals can only be killed via lynch or day attacks. Can take another player to the grave with them, this is nominated via PM prior to death and can be nominated at any time.

Role: Funnel Web Spider
Animal Instincts: Unkown
Description: Once per night can creep its way into another players den and find their exact role, done via PM. Can vote with other predator players however in the case of a tiebreaker being required their vote is removed.

Role: Great White Shark
Animal Instincts: Predator
Description: Once per game activates its ability to sense blood in the water (must be activated during the day). The predators normal nightly kill is guaranteed however everyone is alerted that there is a shark in the water. Sense is active until either the Great White is killed or the water cleaned by the Platypus

Role: Common Death Adder
Animal Instincts: Unknown
Description: Can select any non-predator player, can change the selected player at any point via DM. If the nominated player dies by any method except predator kill or Crocodile Death Roll the dead player will appear as the Death Adder and the Death Adder will take on the animal instinct and team status of the dead player.

Role: Saltwater Crocodile
Animal Instincts: Predator
Description: Once per game at night can nominate a player to put in a death roll, that player now has two day phases to live. The only way to save a player from the death roll is for the Crocodile to be lynched. Can not vote with other predators on nightly kills.
If the Crocodile attacks the following roles it will also die at the end of it's death roll: Dingo, Tasmanian Tiger & Daddy Long Legs Spider

Role: Cane Toad
Animal Instincts: Predator
Description: The most useless thing ever brought to Australia, literally told to kill them at night in Queensland. The lowest ranked predator they can vote but have no other powers

Solitary Animals:
Role: Dingo
Animal Instincts: Unknown
Description: The dingo's win objective is to find and snatch the joey from it's mother. Sends their attempted snatch at any point by DM to me in the form of Dingo snatches XXXX. If the snatch is successful the game is over and the Dingo has won. If the target is incorrect the Dingo is culled. If the Joey is killed by prey lynch while the Dingo is still alive they join the Predator team and win with them. If the Joey is killed by the Predator team while the Dingo is still alive they join the Prey team and win with them.

Role: Daddy Long Legs Spider
Animal Instincts: Unknown
Description: Lots of silly rumours exist about these guys have the most potent venom of any spider in Australia but just can't bite, really they are nothing to fear and are good for getting rid of other insects. Wins the game by being successfully lynched during the day. Loses in all other scenarios and if they are last alive the Prey win.
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