Top 10 Favorite Marvel Characters


GW Elder
I'm not a huge comic reader, but I love Marvel dating back to the cartoons when I was a kid.

1: Wolverine, the true leader of the X-Men. would never let some boy scout with ugly glasses lead his team.
2: Spider-Man, I don't care if it's an "obvious" answer, or her the most popular Marvel character. I grew up loving him and always will.
3: Scarlett Witch, I love how underestimated she gets, many (even post MCU) not understanding quite how strong she really is.
4: Deadpool, again, don't care if it's a common answer, he's awesome and fun.
5: Magneto, what can I say? I have a soft spot for holocaust survivors. I "get" his fear that the humans will try to eradicate them and he thinks he needs to kill them first.
6: Gambit, I don't have a real reason, I just always thought he was cool when I was a kid.
7: Jean Grey, even without Phoenix she's insanely powerful when focused.
8: Domino, I think it's one of the most fascinating mutant abilities, and depending on how it works day to day she could be one of the most powerful.
9: Nightcrawler, ngl, this is purely becsuse of the White House scene in X2.
10: Groot, I am Groot.
That's the thing I've noticed with Domino fans. It is all about Domino.
Really, I'm too lazy to make a list, but when I saw Domino in Deadpool 2, she catapulted to the top of my favorite Marvel character list. I had never heard of the character beforehand and she was suddenly a favorite after a two hour movie.
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