Tony Khan hindered by Jinder


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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GW Elder
Someone needs to change Tony's twitter password and not tell him the new one
I'm always amused by it. Dude is a forum poster from way back (actually started one of the greatest wrestling threads of all time back in the day) and hasn't changed a bit.

People give him shit because Hook is challenging for the world title, I think he has the right to clap back. Note that the featured tweet wasn't his first on the issue.

Then you get these doofuses like Bischoff talking shit about him talking shit. Bischoff literally challenged Vince to a fight when he was running things.
You haven't seen his conversations with Bischoff or Disco Inferno
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That said, I give Tony Khan props for defending Hook. Say whatever you want about him but at least he is defending his FTW championship and getting over with fans (not as much as might be expected but still..). Jinder Mahal is a straight-up Creator's Pet of WWE's a/la Roman Reigns (though, at least Roman Reigns can wrestler; can you say the same about Jinder?)...quoting the Tropes,
--The reveal that Vince McMahon was personally writing a lot of Mahal's promos and material received unfavorable comparison with Vince doing the same to Roman Reigns, making a lot of fans perceive Mahal as being an overpushed pet project of Vince's, once again being forced down the throats of fans. This intensified even further when he failed to have a good match with Shinsuke Nakamura at SummerSlam 2017, and yet was given a win at the event in the exact same fashion as nearly every win he has had as champion (i. e. the Singh Brothers interfere, Mahal's opponent dispaches them, Mahal seizes the opportunity to hit his finishing move on his opponent for the win). Earlier in the same week of SummerSlam he also ruined Baron Corbin cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase (though John Cena also played a part in that), which has led to many accusing Jinder's push of doing great damage to other, more worthy talents.

--This sentiment fired up again when he won the US title in a match with three men (Rusev, Randy Orton and Bobby Roode) who all were far more popular with fans, particularly Rusev, who was the one Jinder pinned to win the match; the fan disgust was very audible. Fortunately, Jinder's reign with that title was much, much shorter.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
WON is reporting that it was Sting's call. He loved working with the Bucks so much in his previous match with them that he wanted them for the last match, apparently.

I've always liked the tradition of wrestlers going out on their backs, so I'm expecting Sting to lose. But I won't exactly cry if he and Darby finish up as an undefeated tag team...
WON is reporting that it was Sting's call. He loved working with the Bucks so much in his previous match with them that he wanted them for the last match, apparently.

I've always liked the tradition of wrestlers going out on their backs, so I'm expecting Sting to lose. But I won't exactly cry if he and Darby finish up as an undefeated tag team...
Definitely agree, I think the end of a wrestler's career should almost always be a loss. That's what frustrates me here, The Young Bucks in my opinion don't need the rub of finishing Sting's career. I suppose given it was announced months ago, it's a little less problematic
The Young Bucks in my opinion don't need the rub of finishing Sting's career.
I'm not a gambling man, Tubbs, but I'd bet my next retirement check that they'll do what everyone else has done to Sting - they'll screw him over one last time by hotshotting the ending from "Sting wins on his way out" to "Young Bucks bury Sting on his way out."

It'd be just like them to do it, regardless of how anyone there feels about it.
And Tony Khan will allow it because he doesn't know how to run a company and Uncle Dave (Meltzer) will squee about it afterward like some cheerleader after her team wins the big game.
How many wrestlers purposely end their career with a win?
I can't think of many, and I really doubt Sting is winning this
Not many offhand and Tubbs' is right; I'd be shocked if Sting wins.

Of course, what they should've done is at least, once Sting announced his retirement, given him one last title reign and, as I was going to post in a "Webster's Thoughts" wrestling thread, here's how I would've booked it.

(1) Sting announces his retirement on Oct. 18th, 2023
(2) Soon after, Sting and Darby Allin (or whoever they can get to tag up with Sting) win, after a quick-shooting feud, the AEW tag belts from FTR in a three-way btwn. them, Sting's team and a third team.
(3) Sting's team defend the belts through the holiday season and through to AEW Revolution
(4) There, Sting drops the belt in another three-way w/FTR and the House of Black (either team picks up in turn) and Sting, while losing (which is what I expect AEW to do for real), gets to enjoy championship glory in his career one last time while not wrecking ongoing feuds elsewhere in the promotion.

By going the tag route in giving him a championship it allows you to (a) decide who should take the strap after his retirement (and's there a good bunch of top-tier tag teams at present - FTR, the Acclaimed, Ricky Starks & Bill Bill, any two of the House of Black, Le Sex Gods (Jericho & Guevara) and (b) it doesn't disturb or interrupt anything else ongoing in AEW.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Interestingly, the point of TKs tweets was that it made more sense for Hook to get a title shot that Jinder Mahal, when all the haters online were talking shit about Hook getting a title shot.

Hook's title opportunity led to the highest rating for AEW in a long time, for people who care about that kind of thing.

Did these tweets help or hurt? It's an interesting discussion.
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