Other Today, I bought a house


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
We'll have an extra bedroom even including me using one as my office. If any of you find yourselves in the Boston area needing a space to stay, you know who to ping.

Congratulations, man. Hopefully y’all ain’t too sore by the end of it and actually get to kick back and enjoy the first night in the new place.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
We'll have an extra bedroom even including me using one as my office. If any of you find yourselves in the Boston area needing a space to stay, you know who to ping.
Sold! You do the full B&B experience, right? I expect my meals!

My wife didn't change her name.

The Boob and Mature Adult
Boob and Co!
Is she even remotely aware of the whole “Alu sucks” and the “man of 1,000 names” things? There are SOME things that take some time and patience to explain… and if she came in here blind I could imagine her having some interesting questions for you afterwards.
I've told her about the name changing thing but that's about it.
I'm partway through redoing the downstairs. Back in March there was a problem with the sump pump and there was like 6 inches of water down there. And that wasn't the only time that's happened in the last few years. So my dad ripped out all the sheetrock and the floor etc, used the insurance payout to get all the perimeter joists replaced and new sheetrock put up. Then we painted it and he put in a new floor back around the 4th. Here’s what it looks like right now:
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I want to do something else with the ceiling but not sure yet what
Depending on where you live, I'd definitely keep the wood stove; I use one to heat my house during the winter and it cranks out the heat....
I bump this thread to inform you all that I am moving into my new house this weekend!

It's crazy. I'm super excited.
How awesome! Congrats, it's gotta' feel absolutely amazing!!

Now I expect to see a mailbox with "The Boobs" on the side.
Animated GIF

Road trip!!!!
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