Penguins & Scientists The war of Antarctica

Wouldn't that be great?

But really, this thread is about making sure we're on the same page that disagreements are good and we should have them. Let's get people from varying perspectives talking and not just being shut down on their ideas.

I actually PMed @Ryan! about the student loan thread and asked him to keep going because I appreciated being able to talk to someone with a different perspective and that was actually coming from a place of having a defined end goal. I want more of that. We should be able to handle that here.

That's all. Thanks everyone.


Sad, lumpy oatmeal that used to be Xellos
GW Elder
I agree, withour disagreement, it would become an echo chamber. I like having civil disagreements.

A lot of discourse these days come from politics, and a coworker and I have these discussions all day every day, it seems. He has his views, I have mine. We talk about them, debate about them, and end up with a possibility of changing our mind.

By the way, I'm headed to Antarctica right now with an AR-15, gotta help them penguins.
I agree, withour disagreement, it would become an echo chamber. I like having civil disagreements.

A lot of discourse these days come from politics, and a coworker and I have these discussions all day every day, it seems. He has his views, I have mine. We talk about them, debate about them, and end up with a possibility of changing our mind.

By the way, I'm headed to Antarctica right now with an AR-15, gotta help them penguins.
Watch out - birds have won a war against men before. They might not recognize you as an ally.

I disagree. Every discussion should be without counter points. We should be a hivemind and all believe in the same exact thing.
Hungry Space GIF by audreyobscura


GW Elder

and this is obvious coming from me. but I LOVE a good argument. especially if I trust people are arguing in good faith.

I will say, the two classic "not at Thanksgiving" topics should probably tread a bit more carefully, politics and religion.

I'm not saying don't have them, I'm saying it's things staff should keep a close eye on, because those are the ones that turn either offensive, hurtful, or disrespectful and not in the fun internet way
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