The Thread Where Vash Posts Cool Move Clips

Probably a desire to see cool shit.
Yeah, but there's a difference btwn seeing cool shit and seeing what was effectively a 20+ minute squash match; I mean, did you think they were going to give that scrawny :censored Hook the world title?

Yeah, right. Given the talents AEW has, there's way better options for them to go with agst. Samoa Joe - Swerve Strickland, Adam Page, Sammy Guevara, Wardlow, and so forth. But they go with Hook?



Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
It's part of building Hook for the long term. A chapter in a longer story.

I never see this energy for literally any other non-ppv title match.

Hell, this was TK's ENTIRE point with his Twitter rant. Where were the people bitching about Jinder getting a title shot when he didn't win a match for an entire year? No one believed Jinder would win.

But everyone lets it go because there's not a bunch of podcasters desperately clawing at what little remains of their relevance yelling at clouds about it.
It's part of building Hook for the long term.
Building him for what?

I mean, if he were challenging for the International belt I could see him doing a long-term angle with Orange Cassidy, but putting him in a 20-+ minute squash agst. Samoa Joe?

Unless they're either (a) building up Samoa Joe as a nigh-invincible, no one can beat him champion or (b) Hook as the constant thorn in Joe's side who ultimately goes over and gets the belt, I don't see it.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
You're thinking incredibly short-term here.

He's 24 years old. The experience gained being in the ring with a Samoa Joe in a main event is massive.

It's one step in a million in trying to build a future star.

In the meantime you book a fun main event. No one EVER believes that the champ is going to drop the belt in his first defense. You mentioned all these other options that are better for a title shot but those are matches that are great for an actual PPV defense to build to. This was a random Dynamite.

Joe gets a clear cut victory. Hook gets to look like a tough guy and future star. They used a couple segments (including the post-match of THIS VERY MATCH) to build the Hangman/Swerve story where they're both angling for the PPV title shot.

I don't see any basis for complaint.
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