The perfect weekend?

What is your idea of a perfect weekend?

Week End GIF by Red Bull


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
For me, going to this breakfast cafe we have in town makes a big difference for me on Saturdays. It helps if I get out and at least do something rather than sit around the house all day.
Oh I miss going to a little cafe that we used to live near, made an awesome breakfast. It was quiet, too, so I could be in there and not freaking out with my social anxiety. Nothing like that around here, though :(


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
I would sleep in, wake up at my leisure with no alarm. The weather would be nice, like 50-70s, and I would walk the mile down the road to my little coffee house with music in my ear. Have breakfast and some tea. Walk back home. Chores would already be done (magic) so then I can just spend time playing video games with bae and cuddling with my cats.
Food would magically appear in my fridge so I wouldn't have to go shopping before dinner time.
Then I get a call that some prince has deeply fallen for me but alas, it was not our time as he is dying but has left me a sizeable inheritance so I no longer have to work.
Sunday we go to the gym in the morning then brunch with friends.
Having nothing scheduled. I don't really enjoy going out and prefer to chill in my apartment pretty much always. When I do feel like going out, I have the pleasure of having anything readily available at all times thanks to where I live. COVID allowed me to finally build a beefy PC, so I have spent the last 3 years getting my money's worth. :smash
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