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TV Shows Supernatural (2005)


Title: Supernatural

Genre: Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Creator: Eric Kripke

Cast: Jared Padalecki,Jensen Ackles,Misha Collins

First aired: Sep 12, 2005

Last air date: Nov 18, 2020

Overview: When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father raised them to be soldiers. He taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America ... and he taught them how to kill it. Now, the Winchester brothers crisscross the country in their '67 Chevy Impala, battling every kind of supernatural threat they encounter along the way.

Who else actually watched all of this? Weird to think for a show of this nature that it started when the forums were in their prime, and ended long after they died. This was always a guilty pleasure of mine because there really were some seasons where the overarching plot was really not very good at all, but I just kept coming back to it. I liked the ending, too.
Who else actually watched all of this? Weird to think for a show of this nature that it started when the forums were in their prime, and ended long after they died. This was always a guilty pleasure of mine because there really were some seasons where the overarching plot was really not very good at all, but I just kept coming back to it. I liked the ending, too.

My wife and I haven't. We're almost done with season 9. Still a lot of road to cover lol


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Who else actually watched all of this? Weird to think for a show of this nature that it started when the forums were in their prime, and ended long after they died. This was always a guilty pleasure of mine because there really were some seasons where the overarching plot was really not very good at all, but I just kept coming back to it. I liked the ending, too.
I was talking with @Cole a while back and mentioned how I was considering watching it once I noticed it was on Netflix. I had only seen a few scattered episodes previously, but I’ve been binging it and I just started the final season (2 episodes into it)


GW Elder
Who else actually watched all of this? Weird to think for a show of this nature that it started when the forums were in their prime, and ended long after they died. This was always a guilty pleasure of mine because there really were some seasons where the overarching plot was really not very good at all, but I just kept coming back to it. I liked the ending, too.
yeah I watched it all. I got into it when it was "new" around maybe season 7. prior to that I thought it was definitely just a chick show.

then I watched on Netflix and caught up to "live" and it quickly became one of my favorite shows. it's on my "regular research" list.
I started watching it right at the beginning when I was in my second year of university. I finished when I’d already been a barrister for over a decade and I had two children. That’s a fair chunk.

To be fair I don’t begrudge you thinking it was a chick show considering the tagline when it started on the adverts was “scary just got sexy”. Which is really hilariously bad. Not sure why I ever started watching it with that sort of advertising.


GW Elder
the finale, when Sam gets to heaven at the end, the entire regular cast was meant to be there. Mom, dad, Bobby, Ellen Jo and Ash, Kevin basically anyone we met a long the way that had any kind of real impact, was all gonna be there. kind of showing that they were given a "collective" heaven where they can all be together and finally at peace.

but covid made that impossible, they shut down in the middle of production for the last season, the last 5 episodes were delayed, and borders were still closed so they couldn't get everyone there. it would have been a great send off. it's an unfortunate it didn't go down that way.


GW Elder
I didn’t know about the COVID stuff either. Makes me feel like the ending we got should be better now though, and I was originally happy Sam and Dean got to be happy at last.

Bloody hell im going to have to start this again now.
this was my thought as well. I was very happy with the ending. shortkut didn't like the way
Dean died
and that
Sam basically carries on without him.

but it is exactly what was written in the tin.
Dean wanted to go down swinging and Sam wanted a normal life. and what I think some people don't get, shortkut was like "for Dean to be taken down so easily..."

but that misses the point of the whole series. Chuck had been manipulating their entire lives, protecting them to finish his story, now he's dead, Jack wanted to be hands off, so Dean succumbed the way all great hunters do. one. bad. day.

it was exactly what needed to happen.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
it was more, because the episode felt lacking, everything else stuck out more like a sore thumb. Sam bothered me more than anything else

It’s not how Dean died, but more when he died that bothered me. The entire season, he was talking about being able to write his own story, and he didn’t even last a few weeks. I thought it was out of character for Sam to not even shout for Jack to help while Dean was bleeding out. I know Jack said he would be hands off, but the boys could still call for him and be ignored

I was hoping Dean would be able to retire and Sam would be a hunter dispatcher/information repository living in the bunker. Almost like an inverse of where they started, showing their character growth

I was annoyed that after working to revive Eileen and not-so-subtly hinting at her relationship with Sam, they couldn’t even name drop her as Sam’s wife. I know they couldn’t get the actress, but that makes it seem like the parts of the show were wasted time

They make it seem like Sam leaves the bunker and never returns (we never see them shut off the lights), but on his deathbed, we see his son has the non-possession tattoo. Did Sam tell his son about the life? Was he able to get away entirely? How did he convince his son to get that specific tattoo without telling him details?

We’ve seen Sam without Dean not look nearly as miserable as he did in his aging montage, even when he was with his son. Dean would not have wanted Sam to live out the rest of his life being miserable.

Why wasn’t the dog miracle in heaven?


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
I've watched quite a bit of it, but it seemed to get a bit repetitive in the middle seasons so I gave up on it. Would you all recommend going back to it? It felt like they ran out of ideas, but if it was just a temporary lull, I'd give it another go.
It picks back up season 11/12 and then each subsequent season gets better


GW Elder
I've watched quite a bit of it, but it seemed to get a bit repetitive in the middle seasons so I gave up on it. Would you all recommend going back to it? It felt like they ran out of ideas, but if it was just a temporary lull, I'd give it another go.
so for those unaware:

Supernatural was written to be 5 seasons long, that's why the first 5 are so golden because they were effectively written as a single script.

then of course they were popular enough to keep going.

6 and 7 had a natural flow to add on to that story, but after that it declined for a bit. 8, 9, 10 are a little sluggish, I don't think they are bad at all, but less driven. it starts to pick up in 11 and by 12 it rolls to the end again.


The Great One
GW Elder

Avenger can't believe he watched all 15 damn seasons of this damn show. Some of the seasons after 5 were really bad. Like, REALLY BAD.
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