Unresolved Spell check issues with firefox

I have notice that spell check doesnt always work. It will stop showing a word is misspelled if I type too far away from it.

Sometimes It will come back and sometimes it wont

Anyone had this issue?

I've posted two screen shots, you can see "love" is misspelled but not underlined, it was at one point, and then "theasdf" is at first, but as I continue typing it is no longer underlined.

Ok, that does kind of lineup with a past issue XF had with FF 56 and Froala, wondering if it's a recurrence of that, in which case the fix will come in the form of an update from FireFox, that or using a different browser in the meantime. I'll keep digging!


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
That didn't do it. Also this is the only site that this happens on.

My next suggestion would be to restart your device or clear your other temporary files associated with this site. Beyond that, @Crystal will be able to hunt through the support site to see if this is a common issue with the forum software, or if there’s something else user-specific that can be done to remedy this for you.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Ok, that does kind of lineup with a past issue XF had with FF 56 and Froala, wondering if it's a recurrence of that, in which case the fix will come in the form of an update from FireFox, that or using a different browser in the meantime. I'll keep digging!
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