Short story suggestions

I'm teaching an advanced class right now that's capable of finishing their work for 4 periods in just one or two periods. As such, I'm a bit starved of material for them. Luckily, they're motivated, hard-working, and interested in English lit, so I've taken to reading short stories with them in class.

Anyway, I need some suggestions for short stories that would be good for them. They loved The Lottery, The Monkey's Paw, and especially The Things They Carried. I REALLY wanted to read to them I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, but it's a bit too gratuitous for Saudi students -- even if they are 18-20 years old. Some allusions to religion, allusions to sex, and swearing are fine, but sexual assault and dick descriptions crosses the line.

Here's what I plan to read next:
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Last Question
Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
Cask of Amontillado
Pit and the Pendulum
Rivers of Canada (poem)
Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
Lamb to the Slaughter
PKD stories
Smoke and Mirrors (Gaiman)

Past these, I'm a bit starved of what to read with them.

So, can you offer some suggestions? They shouldn't be novella length -- something that can be tackled by average readers in about an hour.

Edited: to include suggestions
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
I'm not much of a reader myself, however, my recommendation would align with what you're planning.

Edgar Allen Poe is phenomenal with short stories as illustrated in The Tell-Tale Heart.

One of the books I own is a compilation of his work.

If Tell-Tale Heart is something you enjoy, you cannot go wrong with more Poe.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
If Tell-Tale Heart is something you enjoy, you cannot go wrong with more Poe.

This. You simply can’t go wrong with the literary masterpieces of a Baltimoron. I’m not sure about the content of all of his works and how well they’d translate to Saudi students, but “The Pit and the Pendulum” is a good read for students that age as well. They started us with unabridged Poe in middle school here, but the cultural differences kinda have me stumped on what’s appropriate.
Thanks for the recommendations, guys. I've never read Pit and the Pendulum, so I'll be sure to give it a look. I was also thinking the Cask of Amantadillo (sp).

I'd like to space out the Poe stuff a bit, ideally. I want to give them a bit of variety. For that reason, I'm even thinking of doing a bit of poetry and poetry analysis with the class, but they really love the short stories. I've never seen such engagement, insight and interest before.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Cask of Amantadillo
This story has some bleak twists and turns that maybe should be avoided for young ones because it might put the wrong ideas in their heads as they grow older.

Poetry is an excellent tool - when I was young I was very heavy into poetry and even once had a poem published in one of those coffee table compilation books.

I'm not sure how well the poem would translate to the students but you may enjoy it as a fellow Canadian and be able to see if it's applicable for them. It has a lot of metaphors to analyze.

Rivers of Canada by Bliss William Carman
This story has some bleak twists and turns that maybe should be avoided for young ones because it might put the wrong ideas in their heads as they grow older
They're 18-20 years old, bear in mind, and very familiar with Netflix. I'm sure The Things They Carried is more graphic than the Cask, so it should be fine.

Never heard of Rivers of Canada. Excited to check it out, thanks!
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