Progrumz is here!


New Member
My own intro thread? I feel so... exposed.

Uh oh, somebody has been setting expectations unreasonably high. Welcome!
Thanks! I doubt I'll be disappointed. If I am, though, I'll just ask my mom how she dealt with her disappointment in me.

I'll see myself out after making that joke. ;)


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
My own intro thread? I feel so... exposed.

You’ll notice quick… most people are exposed here. Figuratively or literally.

Thanks! I doubt I'll be disappointed. If I am, though, I'll just ask my mom how she dealt with her disappointment in me.

Self deprecating AND Mommy issues? You’ll fit right in.

I'll see myself out after making that joke. ;)

Please don’t. We could use more like that. Welcome to the forums.


Full-time time waster
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
GW is a much cheaper form of therapy and probably equally as effective than those supplied by those so called "professionals". Ha.

This is not mental health advice. Do shop around and find a therapist who will work with you if you feel you need it.


New Member
GW is a much cheaper form of therapy and probably equally as effective than those supplied by those so called "professionals". Ha.

This is not mental health advice. Do shop around and find a therapist who will work with you if you feel you need it.
Good to hear. Every therapist I visit abruptly retires, even the last one who was in her mid-twenties. Weirdest thing. She must have been really good at saving.

Who is progrumz?
Progrumz (born 1992) is a full-time, professional, salaried loser with a career spanning over three decades (source: Wikipedia).
Good to hear. Every therapist I visit abruptly retires, even the last one who was in her mid-twenties. Weirdest thing. She must have been really good at saving.

Progrumz (born 1992) is a full-time, professional, salaried loser with a career spanning over three decades (source: Wikipedia).
Good wiki entry. Welcome aboard!
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