Sony PlayStation 2

"Back in the day" makes me feel fucking old. :bawl

I didn't have one at launch, and we didn't have any luck trying to secure one through Ebay. Ultimately managed to get one, sans memory card because there was no stock of the goddamn things anywhere at the time, alongside Final Fantasy X - and I played the shit out of it. And routinely had panic attacks trying to push further into the game and not dying, thereby losing all progress. Made it just past the Calm Lands, en route to Mount Gagazet, before acquiring a third-party memory card, saving, and... dying very soon thereafter courtesy of you-know-who. Crisis averted!

PS2 is probably second only to X360 in terms of numbers of games I've completed. So, so many fantastic games and great memories with that thing. ...Also why I first got into tinkering with and repairing electronics, because goddamn was Disc Read Error frequently problematic.
It'll still be some time before The Abyss™ is remotely presentable, but fuck it - let's nerd out a little! These are very obviously not in any real kind of order (although I enjoy that the .Hack games are still aligned properly after being pulled out of the boxes. My partner's OCD is showing on that 😂)


The blank spine is Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Never did get around to getting new cover art for that, or a non-GH SO3 and Onimusha. Womp womp.
Anyway, Growlanser! Nobody's ever heard of this shit 'cept meganerds. Which makes sense because, uh, y'know, Vash and I are also about the only ones here familiar with Digital Devil Saga.

Growlanser Generations (which is a compilation disc of the second and third games) is weirder, though, because... it's an Atlus game, but Atlus didn't publish it. Working Designs did! Which 1) holy shit Working Designs actually managed to release a(nother) game?? and 2) Atlus let another company touch their shit?

I quite liked Growlanser 2. Not sure I ever really got around to finishing G3, or if I did - it didn't end strongly, and so I don't remember the details. 🤔 These are about the closest to an RTS that I can stand, at any rate. I don't gel with something like GrimGrimoire because it's too focused on resources and zipping across the map/screen, whereas Growlanser retains enough of a turn-based core to be workable.



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I see those copies of Mana Khemia 1&2 and it makes me smile.

I absolutely adored those games. Christina was all about that Atelier Iris so it was fun that we could bond over little anime dudes and dudettes saying "BARREL!" whenever you looked at a barrel.
I basically completely skipped the PS2 when it was active. I had a GCN during that era for most of it until near the end when I finally got a PS2 slim. Only games I really had though were Guitar Hero 2 (the reason I got it and an amazing game), Shadow of the Colossus (cuz it was Sonic but it SUCKED), and Shadow of the Colossus (one of the best games I've ever played).

Since then though I've gone back and played some games here and there. I've played a few Shin Megami Tensei games on it (Nocturne and DDS1) and Fatal Frame Crimson Butterfly. Aside from that though I haven't played much on it
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