Nintendo Playing SNES games for the first time!

I never had an SNES growing up. About 7 years ago or so I bought an SNES classic on a whim, but then I kind of set it aside for a while and never got around to playing it much. But this winter I finally decided to get it out and actually start playing some games.

I had played some SNES at a friend's house in the past, mostly Super Mario World, which I had by far the most experience with on the console and even beat a handful of times. But there were so many classics I had never played at all. So this thread will just be me sharing the journey with you all, and you can feel free to chime in with any thoughts, memories, and/or suggestions for what I should play/continue playing next.


Megaman X
- After getting a little taste of a handful of games on the system, this was the first one I decided to stick through to the end. Really fun game, easy to pick up and play. I feel like it has just the right amount of challenge. At first it seems difficult, but as you start to master the controls and get the power ups, it gets a lot easier. Sigma felt impossible the first time I fought him, but once I learned his patterns (and weaknesses) I was able to take care of him.

I like how you can choose your path and how finishing an area affects the layout of another area. It makes me want to play through it again to choose different paths.

I can't talk about this game without mentioning the stellar music. A lot of catchy tracks full of energy that really complement the action well. Perhaps my favorite track is one that is noticeably different from all the others: the password theme. It's so uplifting and also feels nostalgic. It perfectly captures the vibe of "remember all that you went through to get to this point, but look forward to the adventures that still lay ahead."

Currently playing

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
- The first Zelda game I owned was OoT. I had played the original NES game and Link's Awakening on Gameboy (borrowed from friends) without ever finishing them, though I did eventually finish the original LoZ many years later on GameCube. This was my first time playing LttP, and I can see why it's a fan favorite.

I recently defeated the first Dark World dungeon, so I still have a ways to go. Admittedly I have used a guide to supplement my exploration, mainly because I just don't have the time to wander around to find everything like I would have wanted to when I was younger. That's not to say I haven't found plenty of secrets on my own.

When I first played OoT, I had no idea some songs were originally from LttP, like Zelda's Lullaby and Kakariko Village. While I did learn that later, it was still surreal hearing them in their original form now.

Definitely a fun game so far. I have died quite a bit, but it's probably just me still getting a feel for the controls and combat. The only frustrating thing was when I got my magic mirror warp point back to the Dark World stuck on an inaccessible piece of land (after accidentally jumping off it) in Lake Hylia after getting a heart piece. I ended up going up to the warp point on Death Mountain only to remember you can't get down the mountain while in the Dark World. Finally I realized I could go to the castle in the Light World to get back to the Dark World. Good times.

Super Metroid - Another legendary SNES game that I am playing for the first time. Most of my Metroid experience is with Metroid Prime on GameCube, which I did make it all the way through and enjoyed very much. I only played the original NES title a little bit as a kid. Super Metroid has been a lot of fun so far. The backtracking can be a little tedious but not too bad. It's been fun trying to figure out where to go next and finding secret areas. The controls are tight and powering up Samus and getting more abilities has been fun.

I'm on a little bit of a break from it at the moment as LttP has taken over my main playing time, but I plan to get back to it.

Donkey Kong Country - I had minimal experience with this one as a kid, but Donkey Kong Land was one of my favorite Gameboy games. DKC is fun, but it can be frustrating too. I have died so many times. It looks great and the music is fantastic, so I don't mind trying and trying again. I think I'm somewhere in the snow levels at the moment.

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - I actually played this for the first time a few years ago during the early stages of the pandemic, and I have played it a little more during this current stretch. A really fun game with an amazing soundtrack. It also looks beautiful. I like how it shows you all of your stats for each level, so you know how much you missed and might want to go back for next time through.

The one thing I always heard about this game was how annoying crying Mario was, and yeah, I can see why that was a talking point, but overall it doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the game. I think I'm about halfway through it.

Kirby Super Star - I love Kirby as a character. I own Kirby's Adventure on the NES and have beaten it, and Kirby was my favorite character to play as in the original Super Smash Bros. I've only dabbled in Super Star briefly so far, but just the little taste brought me much joy. There is so much charm to everything in this world. Obviously trying out all the copy abilities is a blast, but now you can get a helper too? Genius.

Tried them out and may or may not return to them

Contra III: The Alien Wars
- Contra is a blast, but it's also hard. I made it to the overhead street level, or maybe the level after that, I don't remember. I'll likely go back to it at some point.

Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts - Did I say Contra was hard? Forget that, this game is hard. I died several times on the first level before giving up. I had never played this before, so I was getting used to the controls. I might come back to it another time.

Final Fantasy VI - I never got into or really even played RPG's growing up, so I was curious to finally give one a try. I didn't know which of the few on the SNES Classic I should start with, so I randomly went with this. I haven't put too much time into it yet, but I at least am intrigued by the story. I'm just not sure if the gameplay style is for me. For the RPG folks, is this a good one to start with for an RPG n00b, or would one of the others (Earthbound, Super Mario RPG, and Secret of Mana are the others on the SNES Classic)?

Super Punch-Out!! - I had never played any of the Punch-Out games, so I gave this one a try. It was ok and I made it past the first couple opponents, but ultimately I don't think it's for me. Not sure I'll return to it.

Completed before but playing again

Super Mario World
- When I can't decide which game I feel like continuing, I just fire up this classic and have a good time.
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Donkey Kong Country - I had minimal experience with this one as a kid, but Donkey Kong Land was one of my favorite Gameboy games. DKC is fun, but it can be frustrating too. I have died so many times. It looks great and the music is fantastic, so I don't mind trying and trying again. I think I'm somewhere in the snow levels at the moment.
DKC is definitely the weakest of the trilogy. Depending on who you ask its either 2 or 3 being the better game. More people tend to like 2 better, but I personally liked 3 more.

But DKC is definitely fairly hard. Between the three it's the only one I never 100% completed where the other two I did. Still loads of fun regardless.

All the other games, I also played SMW to 100%. Super Metroid I played later on on an emulator. ALttP was the first Zelda I beat. I had played Zelda 2 previously, but never beat it as a kid. And FFVI I played on PC eventually.

Contra is the only one indont remember for sure which one I played a lot. It could be 3, but also I don't remember for sure. Whichever it is, I did eventually beat it after god knows how much times and tries.

SNES games are fun. I kind of liked that era games more than the low poly Era that followed. A lot of 3d games looked great at the time, but after trying some of the games again I don't understand the appeal anymore. Not even with nostalgia goggles.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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Final Fantasy VI - I never got into or really even played RPG's growing up, so I was curious to finally give one a try. I didn't know which of the few on the SNES Classic I should start with, so I randomly went with this. I haven't put too much time into it yet, but I at least am intrigued by the story. I'm just not sure if the gameplay style is for me. For the RPG folks, is this a good one to start with for an RPG n00b, or would one of the others (Earthbound, Super Mario RPG, and Secret of Mana are the others on the SNES Classic)?
So FFVI is probably my favourite RPG ever and I play a ton of RPGs - but there are quite a few elements that could end up daunting to RPG newcomers as well.

What about the gameplay style bugs you?
Turn based combat? Text heavy dialogue? Running around towns/dungeons?

That would help point you to a good intro RPG.
DKC is definitely the weakest of the trilogy. Depending on who you ask its either 2 or 3 being the better game. More people tend to like 2 better, but I personally liked 3 more.
From what I hear, DKC3 is most often cited as being the weakest in the trilogy. But yeah, it's my favorite of the three as well.

Some must-play games:
  • Super Mario RPG
  • Chrono Trigger
  • Earthbound
  • Harvest Moon
  • Act Raiser
  • EVO
  • Donkey Kong 2 & 3
  • Mega Man X2 and X3
  • Super Castlevania IV (not my favorite but some people love it)
From what I hear, DKC3 is most often cited as being the weakest in the trilogy. But yeah, it's my favorite of the three as well.

Some must-play games:
  • Super Mario RPG
  • Chrono Trigger
  • Earthbound
  • Harvest Moon
  • Act Raiser
  • EVO
  • Donkey Kong 2 & 3
  • Mega Man X2 and X3
  • Super Castlevania IV (not my favorite but some people love it)
Donā€™t forget Turtles in Time
SNES games are fun. I kind of liked that era games more than the low poly Era that followed. A lot of 3d games looked great at the time, but after trying some of the games again I don't understand the appeal anymore. Not even with nostalgia goggles.
Yeah, that definitely is an advantage for the SNES/Genesis generation. I have a lot of love and nostalgia for the N64, but the high end 2D games are way easier on the eyes these days than those early 3D games.

So FFVI is probably my favourite RPG ever and I play a ton of RPGs - but there are quite a few elements that could end up daunting to RPG newcomers as well.

What about the gameplay style bugs you?
Turn based combat? Text heavy dialogue? Running around towns/dungeons?

That would help point you to a good intro RPG.
Probably the turn based combat and random encounters. It's just not a gameplay element I'm used to. All the strategy that goes into building and arranging your party/inventory/skills and all that seems like it could get rather complex. I don't mind the dialogue and story/character elements.

From what I hear, DKC3 is most often cited as being the weakest in the trilogy. But yeah, it's my favorite of the three as well.

Some must-play games:
  • Super Mario RPG
  • Chrono Trigger
  • Earthbound
  • Harvest Moon
  • Act Raiser
  • EVO
  • Donkey Kong 2 & 3
  • Mega Man X2 and X3
  • Super Castlevania IV (not my favorite but some people love it)
Thanks for the recs! Unfortunately, as TD mentioned, I only have the SNES Classic, so my selection is rather limited at the moment. But at least I have some of those on there!

Donā€™t forget Turtles in Time
I have played this game a few times and enjoyed it. I had the original three TMNT games on NES, so that's where I experienced most of my Turtles gaming. I wish Turtles in Time was on the Classic.
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Probably the turn based combat and random encounters. It's just not a gameplay element I'm used to. All the strategy that goes into building and arranging your party/inventory/skills and all that seems like it could get rather complex. I don't mind the dialogue and story/character elements.
So Earthbound and Super Mario RPG both have turned based combat.

Earthbound is quirky and not for everyone, if it's your thing it's great (wasn't my thing).

Super Mario RPG is great if you're into mario stuff, it's turn based combat but there's a lot of Mario style flavour in it that should hook you right in if you love Mario.

Secret of Mana may fit what you're looking for best as it's more of an "action" rpg where you move around the map fighting things you see, not full blown action but not random encounters or turn based.

Based on what you said, Secret of Mana is probably a good spot to get a feel for RPG type games and then maybe one of the others if you feel like giving turn based a try.


Caterpillar Accountant
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Super Mario RPG is a perfect RPG for beginners, IMO. They ease you in to a lot of the tropes, plus the battle system has a timing element that makes it more exciting for those who aren't absorbed by menu based combat.

That said, FF6 is a masterpiece of storytelling and one of the 5 greatest games of all time, by my estimation. Chrono Trigger shares that distinction.
Thanks for the recs! Unfortunately, as TD mentioned, I only have the SNES Classic, so my selection is rather limited at the moment. But at least I have some of those on there!
Just in case you want to sail the high seas in the future. SNES is pretty easy to emulate and find ROMs for.
So Earthbound and Super Mario RPG both have turned based combat.

Earthbound is quirky and not for everyone, if it's your thing it's great (wasn't my thing).

Super Mario RPG is great if you're into mario stuff, it's turn based combat but there's a lot of Mario style flavour in it that should hook you right in if you love Mario.

Secret of Mana may fit what you're looking for best as it's more of an "action" rpg where you move around the map fighting things you see, not full blown action but not random encounters or turn based.

Based on what you said, Secret of Mana is probably a good spot to get a feel for RPG type games and then maybe one of the others if you feel like giving turn based a try.

Super Mario RPG is a perfect RPG for beginners, IMO. They ease you in to a lot of the tropes, plus the battle system has a timing element that makes it more exciting for those who aren't absorbed by menu based combat.

That said, FF6 is a masterpiece of storytelling and one of the 5 greatest games of all time, by my estimation. Chrono Trigger shares that distinction.
Awesome, thanks guys! When I get through some of these other games, I'll give Mario and Mana (M&M) a try and if I get into those, then I can look into tackling FF6 too. After a brief venture, it felt like a game I would really need to immerse in, and I wasn't ready just yet.

Just in case you want to sail the high seas in the future. SNES is pretty easy to emulate and find ROMs for.
I hear there be pirates in them seas. šŸ‘€
I never had an SNES growing up. About 7 years ago or so I bought an SNES classic on a whim, but then I kind of set it aside for a while and never got around to playing it much. But this winter I finally decided to get it out and actually start playing some games.

I had played some SNES at a friend's house in the past, mostly Super Mario World, which I had by far the most experience with on the console and even beat a handful of times. But there were so many classics I had never played at all. So this thread will just be me sharing the journey with you all, and you can feel free to chime in with any thoughts, memories, and/or suggestions for what I should play/continue playing next.


Megaman X
- After getting a little taste of a handful of games on the system, this was the first one I decided to stick through to the end. Really fun game, easy to pick up and play. I feel like it has just the right amount of challenge. At first it seems difficult, but as you start to master the controls and get the power ups, it gets a lot easier. Sigma felt impossible the first time I fought him, but once I learned his patterns (and weaknesses) I was able to take care of him.

I like how you can choose your path and how finishing an area affects the layout of another area. It makes me want to play through it again to choose different paths.

I can't talk about this game without mentioning the stellar music. A lot of catchy tracks full of energy that really complement the action well. Perhaps my favorite track is one that is noticeably different from all the others: the password theme. It's so uplifting and also feels nostalgic. It perfectly captures the vibe of "remember all that you went through to get to this point, but look forward to the adventures that still lay ahead."
I like Megaman X, tough at times, but fair

Currently playing

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
- The first Zelda game I owned was OoT. I had played the original NES game and Link's Awakening on Gameboy (borrowed from friends) without ever finishing them, though I did eventually finish the original LoZ many years later on GameCube. This was my first time playing LttP, and I can see why it's a fan favorite.

Easily my favorite Zelda

Super Metroid - Another legendary SNES game that I am playing for the first time. Most of my Metroid experience is with Metroid Prime on GameCube, which I did make it all the way through and enjoyed very much. I only played the original NES title a little bit as a kid. Super Metroid has been a lot of fun so far. The backtracking can be a little tedious but not too bad. It's been fun trying to figure out where to go next and finding secret areas. The controls are tight and powering up Samus and getting more abilities has been fun.

I'm on a little bit of a break from it at the moment as LttP has taken over my main playing time, but I plan to get back to it.

My unpopular opinion is that Super Metroid does not hold up gameplay wise, I found Samus controls really stiffly. She is both tanky and floaty.

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - I actually played this for the first time a few years ago during the early stages of the pandemic, and I have played it a little more during this current stretch. A really fun game with an amazing soundtrack. It also looks beautiful. I like how it shows you all of your stats for each level, so you know how much you missed and might want to go back for next time through.

The one thing I always heard about this game was how annoying crying Mario was, and yeah, I can see why that was a talking point, but overall it doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the game. I think I'm about halfway through it.

My other unpopular opinion, I hated this game. It feels like one of those European platformers where the levels are just huge air hangers to explore, feel kind of random. I much prefer the level design of SMW

Final Fantasy VI - I never got into or really even played RPG's growing up, so I was curious to finally give one a try. I didn't know which of the few on the SNES Classic I should start with, so I randomly went with this. I haven't put too much time into it yet, but I at least am intrigued by the story. I'm just not sure if the gameplay style is for me. For the RPG folks, is this a good one to start with for an RPG n00b, or would one of the others (Earthbound, Super Mario RPG, and Secret of Mana are the others on the SNES Classic)?

This is a pretty good one. Super Mario RPG may be a better one, it's like person's first jrpg. Story is nothing to write home about, but its a solid system. IV may be better/easier for non rpg, but VI is still pretty straight forward though some things like espers, rages, etc may have you unsure at first

Super Mario World - When I can't decide which game I feel like continuing, I just fire up this classic and have a good time.
Always a good choice
In LTTP, I made it a little further that worm/rock boss that keeps knocking you down to the lower floor forcing you to trudge back up to fight him all over again. Most frustrating Zelda boss I've played. It took me far too long to beat that fuck. I don't know where I got stuck at next but it had to be pretty close to that.
In LTTP, I made it a little further that worm/rock boss that keeps knocking you down to the lower floor forcing you to trudge back up to fight him all over again. Most frustrating Zelda boss I've played. It took me far too long to beat that fuck. I don't know where I got stuck at next but it had to be pretty close to that.

By far my least favorite boss in the game


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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My other unpopular opinion, I hated this game. It feels like one of those European platformers where the levels are just huge air hangers to explore, feel kind of random. I much prefer the level design of SMW
This hurts my soul. :(

Until Odyssey came out, this was my favorite Mario game, period. So many fun little moments and probably my favorite Mario soundtrack.

Plus at the time, the graphics were kind of mind-blowing, especially the boss effects.
This hurts my soul. :(

Until Odyssey came out, this was my favorite Mario game, period. So many fun little moments and probably my favorite Mario soundtrack.

Plus at the time, the graphics were kind of mind-blowing, especially the boss effects.

Graphics are great

Also to continue to hurt your soul, I didnt like Odyssey, felt too easy and shallow. Give me Wonder, 3D land or Bowser's Fury!

I will say Odyssey does have the best controls for a Mario game


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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Graphics are great

Also to continue to hurt your soul, I didnt like Odyssey, felt too easy and shallow. Give me Wonder, 3D land or Bowser's Fury!

I will say Odyssey does have the best controls for a Mario game
That one doesn't hurt. I don't think it's a perfect game by any stretch, I just had a really fun time with it and it was the first non-Zelda Nintendo game in like decades that I actually had a lot of fun with.

Made me feel like a kid again and thats tough to put a price on.
Graphics are great

Also to continue to hurt your soul, I didnt like Odyssey, felt too easy and shallow. Give me Wonder, 3D land or Bowser's Fury!

I will say Odyssey does have the best controls for a Mario game
I agree with everything you said. Mario Odyssey was too empty and easy for me. It felt like a series of checklists rather than platforming challenges. I remember not liking SMW2 either. Some parts were really cool (art work, fuzzy levels), but others were tedious. It's been a while but I remember not liking the egg aiming mechanic, or, like you mentioned, how sort of empty and loose the levels are.

About controls, I still think Mario 64 has the best controls though. It might be a bit slippery, but Mario has never had a repertoire of moves that diverse since.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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I honestly don't feel like Odyssey's controls are all that great, myself. I love that game despite the controls.
I agree with everything you said. Mario Odyssey was too empty and easy for me. It felt like a series of checklists rather than platforming challenges.

This is the appeal of the game to me. One of those ultimate Chill games where I can just shut my brain off and it becomes practically like meditation.

Also I'm the guy who feels like Mario 64 is one of the 3 most overrated games of all time.
That one doesn't hurt. I don't think it's a perfect game by any stretch, I just had a really fun time with it and it was the first non-Zelda Nintendo game in like decades that I actually had a lot of fun with.

Made me feel like a kid again and thats tough to put a price on.

That is what Wonder did for me, made me feel like a kid again!
This is the appeal of the game to me. One of those ultimate Chill games where I can just shut my brain off and it becomes practically like meditation.
I get where you're coming from now, but now you've just made it even harder for me to articulate my thoughts on it šŸ˜‚ I guess I just don't gel well with those types of games. I've never really been into collectathons, and Odyssey is more of a collectathon than a platformer.
Also I'm the guy who feels like Mario 64 is one of the 3 most overrated games of all time.
In LTTP, I made it a little further that worm/rock boss that keeps knocking you down to the lower floor forcing you to trudge back up to fight him all over again. Most frustrating Zelda boss I've played. It took me far too long to beat that fuck. I don't know where I got stuck at next but it had to be pretty close to that.
I haven't made it through the whole game yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if that takes the cake for most frustrating part by the time I'm done. There were multiple times I got him down to a single hit left (when he speeds up) only to get knocked down.

About controls, I still think Mario 64 has the best controls though. It might be a bit slippery, but Mario has never had a repertoire of moves that diverse since.
I also enjoy the controls of this game. Mario is fun to just move and jump around with. And now I'm realizing I haven't played any mainline 3D Mario games after Mario 64, so I really can't compare it to anything haha.
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