[Not E-fed]Bray Wyatt Passes Away


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
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GW Elder
It's weird that I was almost relieved to hear it was from the COVID because the first thing I thought when the news broke was suicide. It was well known that he struggled mightily after the sudden death of Brodie Lee a couple years back.

While his death is obviously still a major tragedy, I find some minor solace in the fact that it wasn't due to mental suffering.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I’ll admit, I haven’t followed wrestling since I was a kid… but I recall flipping channels and seeing the Firefly gimmick on whichever show it was on and thinking to myself that it was about time they started getting creative again. Admittedly, I know nothing about what happened after the WWF became the WWE and absorbed WCW to compare his gimmick to, but it reminded me of back in the day with Undertaker and then Kane and Mankind, or Kevin Sullivan and his Taskmaster era with his stable of wrestlers. You know… that darker style. It was cool seeing that kinda effort go into it again, and a shame that he died so young.
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