U.S.A. Men mistake old woman's home for whore house

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A Texas retiree has resorted to putting threatening signs outside her home after she became besieged by men mistakenly believing her house was a brothel.

Elaine White, 66, suspects that the men are victims of an online scam, which provides her address as a meeting place for sex.

She said the men began appearing a year ago, asking variously for Nikki, Kelly and Rhonda.

'I'm frustrated. I'm irritated and I'm beyond done,' she told NBC 5 News.

'How can a grown man go to a house in a neighborhood thinking they're gonna get sex?

'As many hookers and prostitutes there are - go get one. Leave me alone. I'm not here for that.'


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
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She didn't mention anybody ever threatening her, yet she answers the door with a loaded gun? Yeah, it's annoying, but c'mon. I bet if she told the dudes what was going on instead of threatening them, some would give her enough info that the culprits could be found. Her signs are stupid for what she's trying to accomplish.
She didn't mention anybody ever threatening her, yet she answers the door with a loaded gun? Yeah, it's annoying, but c'mon. I bet if she told the dudes what was going on instead of threatening them, some would give her enough info that the culprits could be found. Her signs are stupid for what she's trying to accomplish.
I’m surprised you’re saying that. I really can’t blame her for looking after her own safety, most women I talk to online talk about how unsafe they are made to feel in this world, because of how so many men are. Like I can walk through a park at night with much less fear than a woman, because I am much less likely to get targeted for rape and assault. This woman knows that strange men are coming to her house expecting sex, and might get angry when they found out they drove all the way for a scam. Who knows what they will do?
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