Got a funny story for you on what happened today in a match between Crystal & I earlier today. So, I was playing my mono red burn deck against her while she was playing U/R Tempo. After she killed my Monastery Swiftspear, I was unable to draw a single creature for the rest of the game, though I wasn't lacking in burn spells. The problem was having to constantly assess the threats on board, and Crystal's deck had ones that gained counters for every spell cast.
Things were dicey. I had all this burn in my hand, but no Light Up The Stage to keep the cards coming, and when I ran out of burn for a few turns, I spent the next couple drawing land. By the time I stopped drawing land, Crystal had already established a board that had to be answered until I could draw a Swiftspear or an Eidolon that could punish her for every spell she cast.
Knowing that the game was lost, I stayed in it out of spite. I kept fighting till the bitter end, used every last one of my burn spells to stop Crystal from dealing lethal, and then when my last turn came around, I dealt the finishing blow to myself with my own Viashino Pyromancer. Jokingly told Crystal that she doesn't get the privilege of finishing me off. Only one who defeats me is me.
That was one hell of a session! ^^