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I have an impulse to play BG3 and try to make it a forum-participation thing, so I think I'm going to start a new play through on my PC and post to this thread as I go. I think I'm mostly going to keep it to screenshots since that seems easier, but I might throw in some video every now and then. Major story videos I'm not including, etc. but I'll recap what happens after each scene to keep a narrative going.
We'll be playing on Balanced mode for this.
FIRST DECISION: What race, class, etc. do we want to play?

Original character or one of the existing ones? I'm going to guess original, though could be wrong.
Man? Woman? Neither?


Background? I can give more detail on the specifics if anyone cares.

I will also accept suggestions for name and/or appearance, which I'll try to match as best as I can.
I'm going to smoke and give it maybe 10 minutes. If I don't have any suggestions by then, I'm coming up with something I think might be fun and getting started.
I've primarily played Druid before, so maybe going hard on some type of caster could be fun. Or Paladin, though I'd probably need to try and not kill people then depending on oath...