APAC Iran Launches Attack Against Israel in Major Escalation of Gaza Conflict

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Israel drunkenly walked into a bar and threw their drink at Iran's face. Iran then said "I will slap you for this in response" to which Israel was like "nuh uh you're nothing." So Iran followed through and Israel was like "what was that for I never did anything to you!" And went crying to their sober friend who watched the whole thing happen (the west) asking for them to help get revenge.


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GW Elder
Israel, while killing its neighbour's kids, stealing their house and trying to convince the rest of the town it was a victim, drunkenly walked into a bar and threw their drink at Iran's face. Iran then said "I will slap you for this in response" to which Israel was like "nuh uh you're nothing." So Iran followed through and Israel was like "what was that for I never did anything to you!" And went crying to their sober friend who watched the whole thing happen (the west) asking for them to help get revenge.


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GW Elder
A war with Iran would mean catastrophic oil prices as they close the strait of Hormuz, effectively blocking all the gulf states from exporting. It would boost Russian petro profits, kill any re-election chances Biden thought he still had, and plunge the west further into energy crisis. The US clearly wants no part in it but Israel has shown itself to be absolutely rabid so who knows what they'll do. The US will probably happily provide arms though.
The US clearly wants no part in it but Israel has shown itself to be absolutely rabid so who knows what they'll do.
Yeah. And by refusing to curb the Palestinian genocide in any way Biden has demonstrated, if not actively encouraged, Israel to act with wild abandon. If Israel were to attack, to cause the war, then the US could not say it wasn't their own fault.

President Joe Biden has privately expressed concern that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to drag the U.S. more deeply into a broader conflict, according to three people familiar with his comments.

The US will probably happily provide arms though.
Absolutely zero doubts about that.
Iran has a right to defend itself.
Israel also has the right to stomp Teheran into irradiated obsidian glass and not care one whit what the Global Street says.

And given how the rest of the Arab Street feels about Iran, odds are none of them save for the Butcher of Damascus (a/k/a Bashar al-Assad) or the Houthi rebels in Yemen will object either. Even Bonesaw McGee (a/k/a Mohamed bin Salman) in Riyadh's not gonna in this instance what happens to his fellow Muslims in Iran. They picked the absolute wrong fight with the one country that absolutely, given their history and past, doesn't give two shits what you or I or anyone else thinks.

And the pro-terror wing of the Democratic Party (a/k/a the pro-"Palestinian" wing) can go jump in a vat of pork blood for all I care.
They picked the absolute wrong fight with the one country that absolutely, given their history and past, doesn't give two shits what you or I or anyone else thinks.
It's not so much a defense as it is a reason they shouldn't be given tools that are beyond their capacity. Indescriminate slaughter - genocide - is not something that should be cheered on. :shrug

They do care what the US thinks, though. Always have, always will.

And the pro-terror wing of the Democratic Party (a/k/a the pro-"Palestinian" wing)
Hamas =/= Palestine.

Entirely possible (because it's true) for both Israel and Iran to be in the wrong. It's not even a particularly high bar and they both fail spectacularly at passing it.

If I have to explicitly tell you that Hamas is in the wrong too, well, there's a communication problem.

pork blood
Mm, yeah, that's not a great look.
Israel also has the right to stomp Teheran into irradiated obsidian glass and not care one whit what the Global Street says.

And given how the rest of the Arab Street feels about Iran, odds are none of them save for the Butcher of Damascus (a/k/a Bashar al-Assad) or the Houthi rebels in Yemen will object either. Even Bonesaw McGee (a/k/a Mohamed bin Salman) in Riyadh's not gonna in this instance what happens to his fellow Muslims in Iran. They picked the absolute wrong fight with the one country that absolutely, given their history and past, doesn't give two shits what you or I or anyone else thinks.

And the pro-terror wing of the Democratic Party (a/k/a the pro-"Palestinian" wing) can go jump in a vat of pork blood for all I care.
this was randomly antagonistic, webby.


Senior Member
GW Elder
Israel also has the right to stomp Teheran into irradiated obsidian glass and not care one whit what the Global Street says.

And given how the rest of the Arab Street feels about Iran, odds are none of them save for the Butcher of Damascus (a/k/a Bashar al-Assad) or the Houthi rebels in Yemen will object either. Even Bonesaw McGee (a/k/a Mohamed bin Salman) in Riyadh's not gonna in this instance what happens to his fellow Muslims in Iran. They picked the absolute wrong fight with the one country that absolutely, given their history and past, doesn't give two shits what you or I or anyone else thinks.

And the pro-terror wing of the Democratic Party (a/k/a the pro-"Palestinian" wing) can go jump in a vat of pork blood for all I care.
Take your pills bud
Israel also has the right to stomp Teheran into irradiated obsidian glass and not care one whit what the Global Street says.

And given how the rest of the Arab Street feels about Iran, odds are none of them save for the Butcher of Damascus (a/k/a Bashar al-Assad) or the Houthi rebels in Yemen will object either. Even Bonesaw McGee (a/k/a Mohamed bin Salman) in Riyadh's not gonna in this instance what happens to his fellow Muslims in Iran. They picked the absolute wrong fight with the one country that absolutely, given their history and past, doesn't give two shits what you or I or anyone else thinks.

And the pro-terror wing of the Democratic Party (a/k/a the pro-"Palestinian" wing) can go jump in a vat of pork blood for all I care.
If they are a pro terrorist, then you are pro genocide of little kids.


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GW Elder
Zionists are shitting their pants apparently
Meanwhile, that's not the wind there. A source very familiar with the marathon meetings that took place this week in a series of secret discussion rooms, above and below ground, says that "if they had filmed it and broadcast it on YouTube, today there would be four million people in Israel trying to find a way to escape from here
Didn't know 4M Israelis could just fly to another country and live there. Curious.

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
yeah, it’s insulting to suggest that any meaningful sector of the democratic party isn’t totally on board with what’s happening right now. it took six months and thirty thousand deaths before chuck schumer said anything and it took a celebrity chef’s staff getting killed to move biden a nanometer closer to calling his friend bibi and saying “hey that wasn’t nice. don’t do that again. where do i send the next batch of weapons btw?”

also why pork blood specifically. i mean i can figure the answer out on my own but i’d love to hear it explained in a way that isn’t needlessly racist or islamophobic
yeah, it’s insulting to suggest that any meaningful sector of the democratic party isn’t totally on board with what’s happening right now. it took six months and thirty thousand deaths before chuck schumer said anything and it took a celebrity chef’s staff getting killed to move biden a nanometer closer to calling his friend bibi and saying “hey that wasn’t nice. don’t do that again. where do i send the next batch of weapons btw?”

also why pork blood specifically. i mean i can figure the answer out on my own but i’d love to hear it explained in a way that isn’t needlessly racist or islamophobic
Yeah, I agree. It’s frustrating that we have to vote for one horrifically awful party just because the only alternative is somehow even worse than they are.
There are likely a couple factors that dictate that the President and everyone at the top handle this situation with kid gloves.

1. Religion. Like it or not, 70% of the US population consider themselves Christians and 2% Jewish. Israel is the "holy land" and absolutely must be our allies in the eyes of a our 3/4 of our population. Also, some believe that if the world gets involved in a war in the "holy land" we're bringing on Armaggedon. Ignore the fact that it's supposed to be the time in which Jesus comes back and that there have been many MANY battles over the "holy land". But still, going against nearly three quarters of the countries population is EXTREMELY risky when it comes to politics.

2. I'm pretty sure there's some kind of financial incentive to not act. Why does no one get involved in the Kasovo v Serbia conflict that is brewing? No oil. What about Morocco and it's disputed territory? No oil. Why did the US/UN sent troops into Sudan to help resolve a conflict that doesn't involve us? Fucking oil. Why spend money and resources when there is no financial benefit? That's why no one really goes against the will of Saudi Arabia. That's why no one does anything about Russia/Ukraine. China. North Korea. There is either no financial benefit or getting involved could result in some kind of economic crisis (1970s oil crisis anyone?).


The Gaza related "handling with care" stuff starts at about the 6 minute mark.

Yeah, I agree. It’s frustrating that we have to vote for one horrifically awful party just because the only alternative is somehow even worse than they are.
this is why I hate politics. Our two party system is trash.

Edit: There is some financial incentive regarding Ukraine, but more incentive to not starting nuclear war by opening attacking Russia in reponse.
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1. Religion.
More to the point, Biden himself is a devout Catholic. It's, if you'll excuse me, a big fucking part of why the man sucks so goddamn fucking much. :bah

I know the Right-Wing nutjobs are going on and on about how Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. isn't a "real" Catholic because he had the audacity to acknowledge International Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31st), which just so happened to land on a Sunday shared by Easter this year. Buuut days can be multiple things at once, like fucking Columbus Day Indigenous Peoples' Day, and advocating for a delay in International Transgender Day of Visibility because it lands on the day of a holiday celebrated by the people attempting to fucking genocide us sort of maybe proves its importance. IYKYK.


Joe Biden has been in politics for like 50 years. The man has not meaningfully changed in any way start to finish. Just like the above, if he's now too far left (or far right) for people that's got way more to do with how far to the right (or left) they've shifted than anything else.

In 2020 you either voted against Trump or you voted for Biden. That's the only distinction. And, again here, neither man has changed in the intervening 3 1/2 years - voting "for" Biden has always been a vote for preserving the status quo. Nothing more, nothing less. Biden was never a candidate meant to improve anything, merely to slow the rate of decline.

You can replace "Joe Biden" with the name of like 90%+ of the Democrat's leadership and it'll still apply.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Fallout dropped just in time. Just saying…

Part of me has a bad feeling that Israel is about to escalate a whole lot more than what we’ve seen. This whole “lack of consequences while others do the heavy lifting” thing is putting Netanyahu in a position to feel pretty confident, and those mildly worded (and ignored) requests for some discretion just don’t balance it out.

The other part of me hopes that I’m just being cynical and that cooler heads will eventually prevail… or the well of funding will run dry for someone… or that something less catastrophic will happen that what everyone seems to be anticipating.


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GW Elder
The people in power do not give a shit about religion. It's about perpetuating American dominance. This is done by keeping everyone else distracted and unable to coexist peacefully. Israel is a perfect tool for this.
The people in power do not give a shit about religion. It's about perpetuating American dominance. This is done by keeping everyone else distracted and unable to coexist peacefully. Israel is a perfect tool for this.
The problem, of course, is that you're conflating half a dozen different things, domestic and foreign, while also trying to neatly separate them (in a way that makes sense for you). It, uh, doesn't actually work like that in practice? And I feel like that's what a large part of the disconnect is.

While what we're currently describing as Christian Nationalism is aptly summarized as such, it's not a new concept by any means. And when you look at the people pushing back at it, there are minimally two large camps: Something akin to anti-Fascists, of any stripe, that see the movement as the authoritarian and anti-democratic power trip that it is. But also a different style of Christian Nationalist, that don't disagree with the messaging as much as they do the way that message is being presented.

There is no separating American dominance/excellence/similar concepts and religion. They're the same thing. And, by and large, the people in power - the ones that aren't just blatantly in it for power and influence (and by extension, money) like Trump - do care about religion. Their personal religion, that does not necessarily strictly adhere to your interpretation nor the "actual" words and teachings. Y'know what I mean?


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GW Elder
No, I don't. At the most charitable, the religion espoused by America's rulling elite can be interpreted as some selective conservative reading of the bible, but it's mostly Manifest Destiny. When I say they don't give a shit about religion, I am talking about the common denominator aspects of Judeo-Christian theology, explicitly excluding American exceptionalism. At most they will pay lip service to it, if it suits their goals. It is not a driver whatsoever. You can call that religion but then what isn't? I would say it's ideology.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
The problem, of course, is that you're conflating half a dozen different things, domestic and foreign, while also trying to neatly separate them (in a way that makes sense for you). It, uh, doesn't actually work like that in practice? And I feel like that's what a large part of the disconnect is.

While what we're currently describing as Christian Nationalism is aptly summarized as such, it's not a new concept by any means. And when you look at the people pushing back at it, there are minimally two large camps: Something akin to anti-Fascists, of any stripe, that see the movement as the authoritarian and anti-democratic power trip that it is. But also a different style of Christian Nationalist, that don't disagree with the messaging as much as they do the way that message is being presented.

There is no separating American dominance/excellence/similar concepts and religion. They're the same thing. And, by and large, the people in power - the ones that aren't just blatantly in it for power and influence (and by extension, money) like Trump - do care about religion. Their personal religion, that does not necessarily strictly adhere to your interpretation nor the "actual" words and teachings. Y'know what I mean?

Forward and publicly-facing, they care about religion. Day to day practice? Not a chance, as it is with most. Religion is nothing more but the most “stable” foundation for politicians to defer to when they can’t offer a reason or justification for something. I guess it’s easier to be pro-life if you prop it up by your sky daddy being mad at you if you have an abortion. Sure, there are political decisions that are made under the guise of protecting religious beliefs, but we all know what the same fuckers making those decisions are up to in their private lives.

Compare that to a nation under a different religious code… those politicians could have been strung up and stoned to death, but the difference is… they likely wouldn’t have gotten to the point of questioning or supporting whatever it was that led them to the gallows to begin with. I can’t help but agree that @Leandros? is right about the US and religion, it just doesn’t have the control over politics that it used to, it’s a show at best.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
As long as the vast majority of the American public keep lapping up this “good guys versus terrorists” narrative that gets spoon fed to them, it’s going to keep happening and probably keep getting worse too.

Funny you should say that… I was just “joking” the other day that it has been a while since we’ve seen the ol’ “terror threat gauge”, and that it might be time to break it out for some good old-fashioned fear-mongering before November.
You can call that religion but then what isn't? I would say it's ideology.
...And what, then, did you think I meant by Christian Nationalism? 👀

~35 years and functionally 5 states reveals zero difference between the lip service (and attendance of service besides) between Joe Biden/whomever and the common American Christian. Expressly conservative or otherwise.

It has been America's mission to spread Freedom™ and Democracy™ throughout the world, with often disastrous results. You can change the precise wording to whatever you want - I would say it comes across a bit desperate/No True Scotsman-esque depending on exactly where it lands - but it is what it says on the tin. :shrug

As someone that's at best agnostic and anti-organized religion at the best of times, well, I'll refrain from that diatribe. I support and respect people doing what they want/need with their personal lives; beyond that, YMMV.

I can’t help but agree that @Leandros? is right about the US and religion, it just doesn’t have the control over politics that it used to, it’s a show at best.
Bit of a Catch-22, y'know? The advent of the internet has revealed most of it for being the fraud that it is; it's no longer plausible deniability of a couple bad apples or localized issues. The actions of the Church and its adherents has led to a perceptible drop in congregation attendance and belief, which leads to the Church and its adherents becoming more mask-off and direct, which leads to a perceptible drop in attendance and belief...

There's a reason why things are heading the way they're heading within the conservative (and liberal, yes) spheres.

I just had the most wicked sense of deja vu, like I've written this exact thing before lol


Horror Movie Guru
Meanwhile, the west might have actually decided they didn't want to get directly dragged into another war.

YMMV on accuracy of the report, but all the same as long as things don't escalate further I suppose.

I mean well yeah, we're constantly getting dragged into Ukraine's nonsense, why should we get dragged into this one?


Horror Movie Guru
So you're pro mass-genocide, then?

Nope, and I want you to point to where I actually said that. Russia has already threatened the west with constant threats of nuclear attacks if we got involved. All Im saying is, we should not get involved.
However: it is not crazy for people to say we shouldn't help out in instances where we're not technically in an alliance with them. It's a non-interventionist view and there can be logic behind it.

Others of us don't want a country stomping over another people and taking their territory. Some people just don't want to get involved if it's not directly impacting us. It's a view.

However, please refrain from calling it nonsense @Dead2009


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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Nope, and I want you to point to where I actually said that. Russia has already threatened the west with constant threats of nuclear attacks if we got involved. All Im saying is, we should not get involved.
No, what's nonsense is jerkoffs like you who sit idlely by twiddling their thumbs like some fucking keyboard warrior when people's families are being brutally murdered by the 1000s. But that's okay because it's not your family or anyone you know right? I'm sure no American has any part Ukrainian in them - but sure, call it nonsense. Go shove your head back up your own ass where it belongs before you start bashing a situation you clearly have absolutely zero understanding of you inconsiderate scumbag.
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