I'm looking forward to ________


Hakuna Matata
GW Elder
What are you looking forward to today? Or in the near future?

Are you excited about anything? Filled with anticipation?

Whats going on?

Tell us!


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Moving. I’ll be moving out of the city into a very rural area soon, it’ll be the first time in my life that I’ve lived that far from an urban area. I’m excited, yet nervous because I’ve never been one of those people to pack up and move a long distance from where I grew up. I’ve been to plenty of states on the east coast, never out of the country or on a plane. Admittedly, I’d love to travel more… but life made it kinda difficult to stray too far from where it all started.
Family vacation to Universal Studios Orlando in about a month.

My daughter is turning 10 and she's become a big Simpsons fan, so it is necessary for her to make the trip to Springfield and split a giant donut with her father.
That's my goal, too. My daughter just turned 10 and loves the Simpsons and Star Wars so we eventually want to get down that way and see both themed places in Orlando.

But her and her sister decided they wanted to go to the Atlantis resort instead which I was 100% okay with.


Hakuna Matata
GW Elder
have you tried not having girly baby skin?
Ashton Kutcher Burn GIF
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