How many sodas in a day?

How many sodas do you drink in a day? 1 to 2?

or up to a whole 12 pack?

cindy crawford pepsi GIF by Yahoo Screen


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
I've had to completely cut soda out of my diet. It's causing my anxiety/ depression to get worse and the worst part of it is that it really irritates my bladder.
Yep, it's a hard, hard habit to kick, but when you realize that all it's doing is ruining your body and causing you to gain really makes no sense.
Yep, it's a hard, hard habit to kick, but when you realize that all it's doing is ruining your body and causing you to gain really makes no sense.

I went through 2 sleepless nights because of my soda addiction. I was up ever 2 seconds, in and out of the bathroom. It wouldn't stop. It has really discouraged me from ever wanting to drink any kind of soda again. I just don't want to risk it because I don't want to spend the night on the pot.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
I went through 2 sleepless nights because of my soda addiction. I was up ever 2 seconds, in and out of the bathroom. It wouldn't stop. It has really discouraged me from ever wanting to drink any kind of soda again. I just don't want to risk it because I don't want to spend the night on the pot.
Yep, I actually wound up with kidney stones because of it, one had to be surgically removed. Not worth it, at all
*looks at other answers*

*puts down soda can*

Uhhh haha I'm in the wrong thread sorry about that
No shame in it, soda is tasty
I pretty much worship coke/pepsi. At various points in my life it was 1 per day and at other points it was 2 per day. It was getting a bit out of hand a few years ago so I started tracking whether or not I'd drink coke on a daily basis. I'd say I'm at the point where 50% of days in the year I don't have any coke, and the other 50% I do. But on the days that I do, I tend to have 2 cans.

Lately, I have gained a bit of weight, which I don't think is actually all that related to the amount of coke I drink, so I'm trying to cut it out for a while to help. The last two years, I have done Dry February, but with giving up coke instead of alcohol (since I don't drink alcohol anyways). I'm going to try and expand that a bit this year into January and March (except when the Chiefs play).


Full-time time waster
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
There were times when I was drinking soda instead of water. That and my morning coffee. Ruined the heck out of my teeth in that 4-5 year time frame. I did then curb a lot of it and only had at most a can or bottle a day, sometimes a drink from a fast food place.

Now it's at best carbonated water over soda (sugar free ones) and I might occasionally indulge on it. Eating out I don't care and just get it then. And since the horrible years my teeth have been fixed, though I did loose my top molars on both sides to that.
I completely cut soda out of my life 9 years ago and do not miss it.

In fact, my wife had a Fanta over the summer and I took a tiny sip just to remember the taste (I used to love orange soda) and it was undrinkable. I spit it out. I can't believe I used to drink this stuff. Mountain Dew, Fanta, Root Beer, Surge, its all so bad.


Dangerously under-medicated.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I don't drink soda much anymore. Since they started changing the flavour of everything due to sugar tax, etc it's just not that nice anymore. I used to love Lucozade but even that tastes like arsehole now. Coke Original would be my preferred choice, but I'd only really have it if I'm out at a restaurent eating or something.

I drink water at work and tea when I'm at home. For dinner I'll drink dilute or a glass of milk.

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
i have never been and will never be a coffee drinker. just dont care for the taste. so since i've been a kid soda has always been where i got my caffeine fix. in my peak years i would probably be at 4 cans a day. i think that maybe several years or decades down the road they're gonna do studies on the addictiveness of things like high fructose corn syrup

Screenshot 2024-01-16 093349.png
i've been trying to slow down my soda consumption across the last few years, and this year one of my new years resolutions was to cut it down to one a week max. it's been tough but i've made it so far this year! caffeine withdrawal is a bitch but my adhd meds keep me going. thanks, amphetamines!

tbh i cant believe i never got kidney stones with the clip at which i was going in my most reckless years, but i've also had like a dozen cavities and a crown put in across my life so i think i broke even just about. that said i do still miss her. mountain dew livewire...i saw you at the convenience store this morning and i got an orange juice instead. i'm sorry...maybe next time


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
If you include soda mixed into cocktails, probably a few per month. If only counting straight soda, then basically zero. The only soda I like is Coke, but the caffeine makes me feel like complete garbage, and one can is enough to do it. I wasn't allowed to drink it often as a kid, and I couldn't afford to when I was in my early twenties, so it never became a habit for me.

It's interesting all the comments about teeth. I've never had a cavity, which apparently is pretty weird? Maybe the lack of soda is a big part of that. I had no idea it'd destroy your teeth even if you brushed them regularly.

I, like most weird ass people, drink ginger ale when on planes sometimes. Normally I'll go for the seltzer though. So I guess when I'm flying I'll have up to 1 soda.
Being at altitude affects how things taste, and it makes ginger ale taste better. I can't remember specifics but you actually aren't weird for doing that!
Although I did try it once and wasn't impressed.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
It has been so long since I’ve had soda, in the rare instance that I do, I end up with hiccups after the first drink.

Coffee in the morning.

Half and half (known as Arnold Palmer elsewhere) or water through the day.

Coffee at night.

Back in the day, I lived off of energy drinks. Jack or Crown and Coke, or Red Bull and Jager (as a mixed drink, not a bomb shot, 1/3 Red Bull to 2/3 Jager) were my drinks of choice if I was off and out.

To start a typical night shift, I’d start with coffee when I’d wake up. By the time I got to work, it was time for a 20oz Red Bull to wash down a 5 Hour Energy. Halfway through the shift… another 20oz Red Bull and 200mg of caffeine in pill form. By about 4:20am, it was time for more coffee to power me through the last part of the night.

Long story short, I started having heart issues that were exacerbated by the adrenaline of the job. With that much caffeine, it didn’t take much to set me off. I should have just done cocaine like normal people… but I don’t like the smell.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
decaf, right? It's apparently not wise to take in caffeine past like 5 in the evening otherwise, you'll have a poor night's sleep.

No sir, regular caffeinated, bold. All those years of ingesting ridiculous amounts of caffeine has my tolerance sitting pretty high. I can finish my coffee, brush my teeth, and go straight to sleep. It’s weird… my night coffee is part of the unwind routine.


I see you
Queen of the Dead
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
No sir, regular caffeinated, bold. All those years of ingesting ridiculous amounts of caffeine has my tolerance sitting pretty high. I can finish my coffee, brush my teeth, and go straight to sleep. It’s weird… my night coffee is part of the unwind routine.
I am this person too, though it's more to do with metabolizing caffeine super fast.

Also, I'm like 1 step away from being narcoleptic. My superpower is the ability to fall asleep in less than 5 minutes most nights.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
To start a typical night shift, I’d start with coffee when I’d wake up. By the time I got to work, it was time for a 20oz Red Bull to wash down a 5 Hour Energy. Halfway through the shift… another 20oz Red Bull and 200mg of caffeine in pill form. By about 4:20am, it was time for more coffee to power me through the last part of the night.
I got heart palpitations just reading this.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I got heart palpitations just reading this.

That’s ultimately what ended up happening. I got to a point where my heart would race anytime shit got sketchy on the job, it was no longer *just* helping me stay alert… it was winding me up before anything had the chance to happen as well.
I gained 50 lbs from 2020 - 2023 because of my job change (went from being on feet 10 hours a day to sitting all day long). After losing my job in Feb 2020, I pretty much only sat around and continued my normal soda intake (large baja blast at lunch, 2 cans or so at home each evening, turning into 6+ cans a day after losing job). I've had terrible teeth problems my entire life, likely due to soda; because I brush, floss, and mouthwash twice, sometimes three times daily. Despite all that, the acid in the soda still rips through enamel, and I was overconsuming and not being active at all anymore.

I had to hard stop in May 2023 because my teeth were literally breaking from eating, and I was 165 lbs, the most I've ever weighed. I stopped cold turkey, like ripping off the band aid, right when Tears of the Kingdom came out. I had been riding my bike during the warm months between 2020 - 2022, but I had been off the bike all of 2023. So I bought a new water bottle, a water jug for the fridge, and began the process of converting to only water with one coffee each morning.

After 11 months, I'm down to 150 lbs and holding. I still don't have a bike anymore, so I've turned to walking. My wife and I walk around 15-20 miles a week together, and I don't drink soda anymore. If I really feel like indulging, I'll have a Coke Zero here and there, but I prefer to just stick to water so I don't get used to the idea of soda again - sugar or not.
I can't remember the last time I ordered a large soda. Large hot cocoa, smoothie, or Chai latte, sure, but never a soda. I almost never finish mediums, and Jack in the Box "mediums" might as well be a large. 20 ounce drinks are typically more than enough for me. Sometimes, I've opened up cans of soda, taken a couple sips, and then never finish it. So much liquid has gone down the drain.

Though, I'm probably dehydrated because of my personal limitations.
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