Active Global refresh button.

Since I have GW pinned to my home screen it doesn't show the browser GUI. Would it be possible to add a refresh button somewhere? Maybe with the buttons to jump to the top/bottom of the page? The real-time stuff works great on desktop but it seems more finicky on mobile so having a way to refresh the page I am currently on would be awesome!


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Since I have GW pinned to my home screen it doesn't show the browser GUI. Would it be possible to add a refresh button somewhere? Maybe with the buttons to jump to the top/bottom of the page? The real-time stuff works great on desktop but it seems more finicky on mobile so having a way to refresh the page I am currently on would be awesome!

The logo SHOULD refresh the forum home, but elsewhere you’re pretty much reliant on the real-time updates and navigating to force a refresh right now. @Crystal might be able to work something out with a global refresh button, but, in the meantime… those are the only solutions I have.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
The logo SHOULD refresh the forum home, but elsewhere you’re pretty much reliant on the real-time updates and navigating to force a refresh right now. @Crystal might be able to work something out with a global refresh button, but, in the meantime… those are the only solutions I have.
Hmm. I'll have to look into that, for sure. It works fine on mobile for me, but will try to add a refresh!
The logo SHOULD refresh the forum home, but elsewhere you’re pretty much reliant on the real-time updates and navigating to force a refresh right now. @Crystal might be able to work something out with a global refresh button, but, in the meantime… those are the only solutions I have.
Yeah, that works for the main page. It's really in threads that I miss the ability to refresh.
Hmm. I'll have to look into that, for sure. It works fine on mobile for me, but will try to add a refresh!
idk if they use an addon or did something custom but ResetEra has a refresh button in their top nav bar and I'm like 99.9% sure are also on XenForo.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yeah, that works for the main page. It's really in threads that I miss the ability to refresh.

idk if they use an addon or did something custom but ResetEra has a refresh button in their top nav bar and I'm like 99.9% sure are also on XenForo.

I just split out your suggestion so we don’t end up burying it and forgetting about it. Definitely a useful one, so I don’t wanna lose track of it.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yeah it makes sense for it to be here, you mentioning trying to refresh FB in the same way you refresh here just made me think of it lol

I just really like the idea, so it’s the easiest way to make sure it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. Monkey brains and whatnot… you know how it is. Big yellow prefix and it’s own thread makes it more noticeable.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yeah if I hadn’t posted it there and then it probably never would have made it out of my head

I get it, dude, that’s exactly why I split it out, because if I didn’t it would have been forgotten. I ain’t having that “did you see post 45 of 126 in thread X about refreshing the page?” bullshit. It’s too easy for me to forget about stuff like that.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Looks like ResetEra are custom-coding theirs, but it's basic functionality, we should be able to do that.

<div class="re_pageRefresh" onClick="window.location.reload()"><i class="mdi mdi-refresh"></i></div>
<div class="u-scrollButtons js-scrollButtons" data-trigger-type="">
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