FOG Board Games?

Last night I came to a realization. Because of our fancy new D&D dice rolling system we have built into the forums now, we are capable of doing more types of games without having to use the honor system or a host that does everyone's moves for them. Anyone who has access to Photoshop or any similar program has the ability to host most popular board games in a forum setting by just using an image of the board as the background, and having a separate layer for each player's token that they can move around and update a thread with. I imagine it would probably go about the same pace as our current D&D games are going, and a lot of games could probably even work with the host playing as well.

So this is basically me just throwing it out there and gauging interest in such a thing, regardless of whether I or someone else wants to host. I've run both Monopoly and Mario Party games like this in the past and it worked pretty well. The former we actually finished because it was over a voice call (still took HOURS). The latter I ran on the old site once or twice with like 10 people and never got very far because of inactivity, but it was fun at the time and I would be interested in trying it again. For that one, though, we'd need to come up with enough mini-games that could work on a forum. But I feel like the possibilities are pretty vast for this sort of thing. Maybe Betrayal at House on the Hill could work?


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
I haven't played many board games in years, but I love the sound of this, I think there could definitely be potential for a multitude of different games to be played, absolutely!
I demand we play the game of Life.
Life could definitely work I imagine, but I'm not sure if I'm the best one to host it considering I've only played a couple times in my life. I'd have to look up the rules. A d10 could easily be used as the spinner, though.
I remember we used to play sorry! A lot. @Cole remember?
Sorry could also work with d12s, though I'm not sure if people would find it as fun since there isn't a lot of decision-making aside from which piece to move. But I'm not against trying it. It'd probably be a lot shorter than any of the other stuff mentioned.

Was thinking of others, and I bet Clue would work pretty well. Maybe Risk too, but I forget exactly how that's played. I should also bring up that when I ran a Monopoly game, I was able to find a template someone made that let me create a custom version of the game. I don't really know enough about the GW cliques to do that myself since I joined too late, but if I found the template again I could always rename the properties and such to make a GameWinnopoly or something.
I would play whatever board game with y'all. I'd be in.
Yep Yes GIF by zoefannet
If this gets off the ground I'm sure the staff would be willing to help you get setup with any forum stuff or badges you may want.
I do have a badge in mind for the winner if I end up running Mario Party, but other than that I'm not sure what else I would need. Unless we were to have participation or host ones as well, but idk.

I'm not sure when I'd get around to starting it, but that's the game I'm most interested in doing. The only thing I feel I'd need help with for that would be ideas for little mini-games we could play at the end of each turn so it wouldn't just be like the same game of Hangman or whatever every time. But that's not really staff stuff.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
I do have a badge in mind for the winner if I end up running Mario Party, but other than that I'm not sure what else I would need. Unless we were to have participation or host ones as well, but idk.

I'm not sure when I'd get around to starting it, but that's the game I'm most interested in doing. The only thing I feel I'd need help with for that would be ideas for little mini-games we could play at the end of each turn so it wouldn't just be like the same game of Hangman or whatever every time. But that's not really staff stuff.
We got enough creative minds around here that I'm sure we could help you brainstorm the "party games" part of it.
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