PC First world problems of updating an old PC

I upgraded my PC a couple years ago, but was only able to bring over the HDD and the Power supply. Everything else was in the basement, it's at this point a 10 year device.

My son is showing interest in some games, so I decided I would get it a HDD and Power supply so that he could play minecraft and maybe some older games

I order them

Then I remember I need a wireless mouse and keyboard so I order one of those

It comes in, I realize I don't have a data cable for my HDD, so I order one of those and order a bluetooth adapter

I put it together, took me longer than it should have because I only plugged in one of the power cables to the motherboard and not both :facepalm

I also realized he wont have access to Ethernet cable so I had to order a wifi adapter too

And I also dont really have any screws that fit my HDD well so I have two in there sort of that hold it kind of in place, guess I need to order screws for it too

But it is up and running and my son is excited

In the long run didnt cost me that much to get the parts, but it went from oh I just need two things to oh I need 6 things


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I wanted to take an old processor I had and turn it into a Windows XP machine, even bought some parts, but I wasn't THAT invested into it, so I kinda just gave up before really diving into things by buying a motherboard and computer case.
What were you intending on using it for? I still have an XP laptop at work for some legacy software requirements..The battery and trackpad are now dead šŸ˜­
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