Multi Favorite Video Game related podcasts?

Curious to what if anything you all listen to

I mostly listen to retro related podcasts, but I have a couple that keeps up on current gaming news

Current (though I rarely listen unless topic really interests me)
  1. MinnMax Show
  2. Continue
  3. Windbreaker (Former Escapist people)
  4. Random Encounter
  5. Easy Allies (Used to listen to the whole thing when Brandon and Kyle were still with them)
  6. Thirsty Mage

  1. Watch out for Fireballs (typically more retro but not always)
  2. Cane and Rinse
  3. Abject Suffering (watchout from fireball guys but they play an awful game)
  4. Retro Warriors
  5. Retronauts
  6. Retro Blast
  7. Retro Encounter
  8. Stop Skeletons from Podcasting (though they've kind of dropped this and stick more to their youtube which is great, it's all about interesting games and peripherals. He just did a video where he played shooters and fighters with a train controller)

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
a dear friend of mine is the editor for the Insert Credit podcast which features Tim Rogers, Frank Cifaldi, and Brandon Sheffield. it's one of the longest-running gaming podcasts out there and there's a thriving community built around it. they focus on both retro games and modern ones and if you know anything about the Video Game History Foundation (Frank Cifaldi is the founder/director) or Action Button (Tim Rogers is Action Button and is famous for hours-long reviews of games like Tokimeki Memorial, Cyberpunk 2077, and Boku no Natsuyasumi) this is for you

apart from that i occasionally listened to The Besties which is a GOTY podcast that hearkens back to the days when two out of the three mcelroy brothers were game reviewers as their day job

i have done video game podcasts but none of you will ever find them and that is for the best

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
Embarrassed Meme GIF by The Simpsons


Horror Movie Guru
When I listened to gaming podcasts, it was 4Player Podcast. They're Twitch streamers/podcasters that were really good back in the day.
Hmm, at this point I'm out of podcasts. Haven't listened to one in probably over a year, maybe year and a half at this point?

I used to listen to:
8-4 Play - podcast for a Japanese-to-English localization company
Easy Allies - pretty sure everyone knows who they are. Once Kyle left I lost a tremendous amount of interest, and things went downhill from there.
Giant Bomb - On-and-off, I mostly just followed them for Gerstmann's E3 stuff. Would put it on during extraordinarily long grinding sessions in MMOs.
RedSunGamer - Have no idea who these guys even were at this point, but it was another Japanese-centric gaming podcast I would toss on every now and again to hear different perspectives.

And... I think that's about it? Nothing else is immediately springing to mind, at any rate.

Oh nooo, have I earned a reputation? :giggle

A friend of mine did once make an off-hand comment about having done some dancing at a convention, and then made the very unfortunate decision to rib my ribbing and issue a challenge. It took all of 15 minutes to find the video. :rofl

But FQ's too cute, I can't bully her like that!
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