Multi Favorite Console(s)


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I’m a PlayStation loyalist. Not because one is better than the other. Not because of the titles of one versus the other. I just like the controller. I don’t have a PS5 yet, but I love the fact that the controllers haven’t changed much at all over the years. It will ALWAYS be “Start” and “Select”, by the way. They can’t change that for me.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
My favourite console of all-time is probably the N64. It's the one with the most unique memories for me - even if I played more games on Xbox 360 or PS4, the quality of the games on N64 is unmatched.

In the more modern era, I would probably pick the PS5.

It really did have the most diverse selection of games for that era.
Of all time? It's gotta be SNES or PS2 (w/ PS1 BC), with the latter winning only if the BC counts. Just too many all-time great games. I have an enormous amount of DS games I want to play, and many of those are (S)NES ports, but honestly I've never really jived with handhelds.

Currently? I mean I trapped myself into the Xbox ecosystem years ago thanks to Mistwalker and Harmonix, so it's technically gotta be the S|X. But I've also mostly played MMOs (FFXI & FFXIV) for the last decade so the real answer is "none."

My favourite console of all-time is probably the N64. It's the one with the most unique memories for me - even if I played more games on Xbox 360 or PS4, the quality of the games on N64 is unmatched.
I'm legally obligated to plug Mystical Ninja starring Goemon and Mischief Makers anytime someone mentions N64.


New Member
GW Elder
Mine is hands down the Sega Genesis. But I also love the Gamecube, and PS2. The modern consoles are cool, but I'm more of a retro gamer myself.
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