• This News Doesn't Suck!

    Everyone stop what you're doing! It's happening! GW's own Alu is having a baby!! Come and congratulate him here: Need some help identifying this picture.

    We're so happy for you, Alu!

PC [EDIT: It's here!] Cats + Spaceships + Roguelite = Whisker Squadron: Survivor

BRO a roguelike FLIGHT GAME?

get me as a beta tester, get me an early access list, link me to the game. you are speaking my fucking language.

Aaron says:
Sure! There's a free demo on the Steam page and it has a feedback form built in - but I'm also planning to do one or two more zoom playtests next week and if they'd like to participate that's be great! Feel free to DM them my email.

Here's a link to the steam page:

I'll also DM you his email in case you'd like to be one of the last official playtesters!
Whoa I just saw a thread about this game on ResetEra. That’s super cool that you know the devs! I will watch the trailer later when I’m at my desk lol
Aaron used to work at Ravensoft, back when they made things that were not just Call of Duty, lol, and he's put together a small (10 or so?) but mighty little team! They hired another studio (DCell I think) to do full animation for the trailer. Definitely one of the better indie trailers I think I've seen.


The Ritualist
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
So what I'm seeing is that the survivor will be like a roguelite Starfox? And the full game something like Star Wars Rogue Squadron? I don't hate it. I liked all that a lot.

I also know of a streamer who might be into playing the demo and streaming it. I can't promise anything, but I can throw the name forward if Aaron is interested in that. He's a very good egg.
This is dope. If I had a Pc I'd be playing it. Has the team mentioned anything about porting it to Xbox at all?
Standby, I'll find out! A lot of things have been mentioned, so I don't want to get it wrong 😅

So what I'm seeing is that the survivor will be like a roguelite Starfox? And the full game something like Star Wars Rogue Squadron? I don't hate it. I liked all that a lot.
Yep! This one is a roguelite Starfox basically, something between Starfox meets Vampire Survivors. I've never played Star Wars Rogue Squadron, but the next Whisker Squadron title will be more of an open world experience. They want to have more of a focus on exploration of the galaxy, moons, and the creatures within the universe, etc.

I also know of a streamer who might be into playing the demo and streaming it. I can't promise anything, but I can throw the name forward if Aaron is interested in that. He's a very good egg.
Yeah! I'm sure he'd love to have more streamers playing the game. Let me know if there's anything they need to stream!
Back to say: It's here!

They've been toiling away at this for a couple years now, taking it from a colorful playground to a really mature futuristic aesthetic, and from open world elements to splitting it into multiple titles, this one focused on a roguelite on-rails shooter experience.

Indie games are hard, especially with a team this small. I'm impressed by how hard they've worked and what they've been able to put together. If you play, I hope you like it! It's on sale on steam currently. Link:


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
Aw, wish I would've kept better tabs on this! Totally would've BG3'd it in the weekly console thread. ...Few read them anyway, I'll go do that in a moment and no one will be the wiser!

Congratulations on the successful launch! 😁
Aw, wish I would've kept better tabs on this! Totally would've BG3'd it in the weekly console thread. ...Few read them anyway, I'll go do that in a moment and no one will be the wiser!

Congratulations on the successful launch! 😁
😍 This is amazingly thoughtful, thank you so much, it's super appreciated!

And update: We're pretty excited, I just looked and it so far still seems to have only positive reviews on Steam.

It's also been picked up by an interesting and unintentional crowd, furries 😂 Some of the feedback is hysterical (and a lot of the fan art is very NSFW).

@Lunar Kreskents -- tell your partner the game is so much fun! Thanks to @Raine I got the chance to play it and it's amazing fun :)
I'm so excited to hear you enjoyed! I sent him your message, he will surely appreciate it. 😸 Also thanks @Raine!
Cats Happy Cat GIF
Fun fact: My partner and Team Flippfly just released a big new update to Whisker Squadron: Survivor. If you haven't gotten in on that sweet cats+spaceships action, now is the time!

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 6.17.58 AM.png

It's a roguelike shooter from the makers of Race The Sun if you played that way back when. The update is going for more depth in the experience, with a new branching map where each node is a combat encounter or some other interesting choice, a more fleshed out narrative, and a lot more variety on enemies.

Pew pew shameless plug!
Oh, well, that was a nice little surprise while pausing doomscrolling being all listless:

Yesss!! It's coming in a week and officially is coming to PS5!

My partner just put out their new trailer too:

Animated by the extremely talented Jin Li, who is a total badass. She literally taught herself how to draw using only eye tracking and voice recognition after developing bad repetitive stress injuries. She's a total inspiration.
Playstation posted the trailer on their Youtube channel and it's gotten a cool 20k views in 1 day. It looks so cool with the big E for Everyone and everything. Pretty exciting!

Trying to remember now who asked me about consoles in the past. @Raposuh probably not coming to Xbox anytime soon, but if you find yourself with a PS5, we got at least one console covered now! Whether or not it gets any more ports will depend on how well it does for launch.
Will it be available for PS4 as well?
Currently PS5 and Steam only.

I think PS4 is pretty unlikely I'm afraid. If a platform likes your game, they fund a sum of money to help pay for the development cost of porting your game to their system, which is a big incentive for indies choosing platforms. I can't imagine Sony has much incentive to bring new indie games to PS4 though. Is their ploy to entice new users to buy PS5s working? :D Then again, Race the Sun found it's way to several Sony platforms over the years, so with all that institutional knowledge maybe they'd try to add PS4 at some point anyway!

More likely though, I imagine if the game does well over the next year or so, Switch would be the next platform they'd shoot for.


Tea Wrecks
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
awwww yeeaaaaaaaa
space cat GIF

As an external advisor, I kind of forgot I might be in the credits 🤣 Thank you for finding that, I probably never would have known!
Very first thing I did, was watch the credits just to see.

Also, if I could stop getting my shit pushed in by ArachniDaddy, I'd be a lot happier... :cry

Definitely fun. I think my one irk is the auto-guiding of the ship back to forward, because it kind of results in artificial drift on the controller. It's pretty hard to track ships while it's constantly trying to pull the reticle back to center and keep me flying forward. I'm sure this would result in flying into the walls/ceiling/floor more. 🤔

Aside from that, it's got good rogue-like vibes and I can tell it'll just take more practice and experience to progress. As it should be.
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