U.S.A. Did Florida's Beavis Out A Fellow Republican?

If the below article is to be believed, yes, he did, the sonuvabitch....

The 24-hour show of comity among House Republicans following the election of Democratic dreamboat Speaker Mike Johnson is officially over. That's bad news for the country, but even worse news for House Republicans.

The declaration of war came from none other than Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, who bears a notable resemblance to Jack Nicholson's character in "The Shining." Gaetz, high off his successful takedown of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, decided his first order of business was to apparently out a Republican colleague as potentially gay in retaliation for accusing Gaetz of being a "foolish liar" amid the GOP speaker debacle.

"There might not be another member of Congress who lives a lie every day more than [Rep.] Jason Smith," Gaetz said, returning fire Thursday evening on his "Firebrand" podcast. "And Jason Smith knows exactly what I'm talking about and, by the way, so does almost every member of the House Republican caucus."
It ain't the first time this has happened w/in the Republican Conference either. Back in 1994 then-Rep. "B-1" Bob Dornan outed WI Rep. Steve Gunderson on the floor of the House...

I mean yeah, that's... usually what happens when you don't play ball? It's no different than Lindsey Graham, except he's been an obedient little stooge so he's still allowed a seat at the table for now. You can't have "baggage" (in their view) like that and not eventually get got.

Fuck both/all of them, regardless.
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