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Multi Destiny 2: The Final Shape


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I don't know if anyone else here has ever spent any time with Destiny, but I just want to say a few words about it in the aftermath of The Final Shape dropping.

I've had an off-and-on relationship with Destiny ever since the game was announced all those years and years ago. I've spent about 400 hours on Destiny 2 and I honestly have no idea how much on the first entry.

They've done some things that have really pissed me off: namely, "content vaulting" where they remove parts of the game supposedly because the spaghetti mess of code is a massive house of cards that can tumble at any time. That drove me away from the game for a bit.

But the newest "expansion" was aimed to be the culmination of a decade of storytelling, so obviously I had to jump back in for the grand finale.

Somehow...they nailed it. I haven't felt like this about a multi-player game expansion since World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. The campaign was the best they've put out over all these years. I was concerned that, not being a Raider, I'd miss out on being part of killing the big bad, the Witness, but I stayed up all night watching several teams attempt to be the first to clear the raid and finish him off.

Finally, after the longest period of time it's taken to clear a raid for the first time (19 hours), the task was completed...but what that accomplished was unlocking the REAL final mission for everyone else to experience and feel as though they were part of a true community of players finishing this massive story.

I'll likely pop back in here to say more (whether or not anyone is interested :link ) but this game has meant a lot to me over the years, and I'm curious if anyone else can say the same.
I was watching my brother play it yesterday. It looks fine, although I only saw basic overworld stuff and not the campaign.

I do have the base game, but I haven't played it in a while. The last time I booted it up I had no idea what anything was. My feeling is that a game like this is not for me, although I do like the controls. Or maybe I'm just OOTL after 7 years.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
And yeah, content vaulting is dumb.
The really shitty thing is that if someone wanted to go and experience the whole story that was capped off in this expansion, they literally cannot.

A major character makes their return in this story, and you cannot go back and experience why that's such a big deal.

What makes it worse is that it's content that people paid for.

As great as the game currently is, just talking about this aspect makes my blood boil a bit.
A major character makes their return in this story, and you cannot go back and experience why that's such a big deal.
no fuckin way.

Played heavily up to and through Forsaken. I just couldn't keep up anymore after it. Played Beyond Light for a month before I didn't have the time again.

Saw some cinematics the last few months, knew something big and bad was going down. But dang, you're making me want to know.

I knew he'd be back. He was pinnacle Destiny.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I have a friend who's very into Destiny. To the point where they were always checking some app/site on their phone for when some particular item drop was available (I believe) and were getting merchandise from Bungie... I hadn't asked if they played through whatever culmination of story this was, but my guess would be yes. Hard to tell since all I've seen them playing lately is Final Fantasy XIV.

I tried Destiny maybe a year because of it, but couldn't bring myself to get into another raiding game again. At the time I couldn't even be fucked with parties, and it just didn't seem like something you could really solo-play. I think I remember getting a choo-choo to ride around, and nothing beyond that.

Shame, it did seem like a pretty good FPS, but I did get the feeling if you weren't in on it from the beginning you were ultimately gimped. Now I kind of understand why it felt that way.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
My hope is that they're working on a legitimate Destiny 3 that would allow them to start somewhat fresh with a new overarching plot and an updated engine. They've definitely reached a story beat where that would make sense now, and this would allow new people into the community.

But the pessimist in me says they're going to rebrand Destiny 2 into just "Destiny" and ride this ship into the ground while they focus on bringing back Marathon and aiming for those sweet, sweet competitive FPS numbers.

That would make me sad because I'm not a big competitive gaming guy, I much prefer cooperative games, and Destiny has the best feeling FPS gameplay I've ever experienced.
My hope is that they're working on a legitimate Destiny 3 that would allow them to start somewhat fresh with a new overarching plot and an updated engine. They've definitely reached a story beat where that would make sense now, and this would allow new people into the community.

But the pessimist in me says they're going to rebrand Destiny 2 into just "Destiny" and ride this ship into the ground while they focus on bringing back Marathon and aiming for those sweet, sweet competitive FPS numbers.

That would make me sad because I'm not a big competitive gaming guy, I much prefer cooperative games, and Destiny has the best feeling FPS gameplay I've ever experienced.
I remember when Destiny 2 was announced and I got so fucking mad because Destiny was supposed to be a "live-service game" that constantly got updated. So fair, it took until Destiny 2 to get that right. But then we have the sunsetting/vaulting problem, which they most certainly learned from with Destiny 2. So, I'm in agreement that this is the prime time to upgrade the engine and release Destiny 3. Plan to accommodate expansions for at least 10 years again, except this time, no sunsetting or removing paid content. I'm sure a beefier game can handle the various expansions in a way WoW is able to. I would support it and not villainize them for "starting over" again. This time would make a lot more sense seeing as we've been through it already, and it wouldn't be just an updated name and fresh coat of paint like 2k Sports games. It would be legitimately new. I'd very much support that.
Between Destiny 1 and Destiny 2, I've got a combined 2100+ hours. I dropped off HARD in 2020 when they sunset weapons because I just didn't have the time/drive to grind LL and perks. I've played through the campaign of The Final Shape, but haven't gotten myself up to raid level yet. Had a busy couple of weekends and work has also been busy. Really want to get to it though. My clan is still active, I just have to get up to snuff to jump in with them for a raid.

But yea, I really fuckin love Destiny! Be happy to play with anyone from here too!


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
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