U.S.A. DeSantis continues to show he's one of the dumbest people out there


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
He’s a little ahead of himself… the last I heard, that production method isn’t even feasible on a large enough scale and certainly not cost-effective enough to be considered a suitable replacement.

I ain’t even gonna lie, I’m with DeSantis on this one and only thing. Leave the beef alone.

Season 5 Epiosde 4 GIF by ABC Network
He’s a little ahead of himself… the last I heard, that production method isn’t even feasible on a large enough scale and certainly not cost-effective enough to be considered a suitable replacement.

Yet. But it takes time. Computers used to cost a fortune, they even used to take up entire rooms, now they fit in our pockets

I ain’t even gonna lie, I’m with DeSantis on this one and only thing. Leave the beef alone.

Season 5 Epiosde 4 GIF by ABC Network

What is the point of of banning it though? It hurts no one


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yet. But it takes time. Computers used to cost a fortune, they even used to take up entire rooms, now they fit in our pockets

Yeah, I’m just not a fan of the idea. It’s weird.

What is the point of of banning it though? It hurts no one

I wouldn’t necessarily ban it if I were him, but I get the sentiment. If people wanna eat dog shit, that’s on them, to each their own. The big issue I see with this in the future is marketing… when it does become a cheaper alternative, it had better be clearly marked as lab-grown. Otherwise, you’re gonna see companies like McDonald’s sending their profits through the roof with the stuff. It’s not quite the same as the Impossible patties, either, apparently there are still studies being conducted about the safety of that kind of engineered product because people just aren’t sure about the long-term effects of consuming it.

I’m not gonna sit here and pretend to be a scientist, but I can only imagine that there are the same risks for bacterial growth as well as the other issue of it being “engineered”… which is ironic, because a lot of people who want these meat alternatives are the same people who don’t want genetically modified foods. Call me old-fashioned, but I just don’t trust it.
It’s not quite the same as the Impossible patties, either, apparently there are still studies being conducted about the safety of that kind of engineered product because people just aren’t sure about the long-term effects of consuming it.
No, people are quite sure that they are safe. This was all either pushback from the (cattle) beef industry who have opposed this kind of stuff from day 1, or misinformed anti-GMO advocates who can't properly interpret a study.

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
yeah that's a good point, the reason i asked is because my wife is vegetarian (maybe i'll ask them later) and whenever she accidentally encounters meat it triggers her gag reflex since she's been vegetarian since sixth grade

i will say this, fake meat has gotten way better tasting over the last few years.
yeah that's a good point, the reason i asked is because my wife is vegetarian (maybe i'll ask them later) and whenever she accidentally encounters meat it triggers her gag reflex since she's been vegetarian since sixth grade

i will say this, fake meat has gotten way better tasting over the last few years.
It's not just gag reflex, but I know they can get really sick due to something in the meat that their body isnt used to


Horror Movie Guru
I mean I dont know how this would really make him dumb, what happens if something in that lab gets into the meat and nobody knows about it?
I mean I dont know how this would really make him dumb, what happens if something in that lab gets into the meat and nobody knows about it?
Why wouldn't people know about it? I'd expect lab-grown food to go through the same food testing and hygiene procedures as regular food. It's not like regular farmed meat is immune to this, speaking as someone who until 2022 couldn't give blood in the US and Australia because of mad cow disease concerns.

One related benefit would be the elimination of antibiotics given to farm animals which is the single biggest contributor to antibiotic resistance.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
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GW Elder
I mean I dont know how this would really make him dumb, what happens if something in that lab gets into the meat and nobody knows about it?

That can happen with any meat.

Its almost like we shouldn't defund regulators.
So, I would default to assuming that he has no legal standing to actually be able to maintain this. The comments he made, themselves, are probably sufficient to win any case brought against it. This is not like, say, California and the vaping ban - California has only gotten away with that because it specifically targeted the flavored vapes. Non-flavored are still available and, as such, the "ban" has withstood scrutiny. Apples to oranges here.

Although in the same breath, maybe that's part of the point. 🤔

I mean I dont know how this would really make him dumb, what happens if something in that lab gets into the meat and nobody knows about it?
A lab is not a lab is not a lab. The very idea of cross-contamination, particularly with regards to toxins and/or bacteria, is antithetical to the entire point of the myriad protocols and failsafes in place in places where those are present - which are also not the places you would be growing meat. At scale or otherwise. The cleanroom at my company, which is merely used for de-greasing and re-greasing ball bearings and therefore is on the lower end of the classifications standards, has a higher safety rating than whatever it is you're currently imagining/fearing.

And everything else, as pointed out, already exists in "natural" meat production. There are, again, a ton of processes in place to try to minimize risk factors, and more still for when something gets through. That's what those recalls and warnings for E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria are about - and they're recalling all potentially affected lots, not just whatever small sampling. Making people sick or killing them is typically not a great way to do business, and while it cuts corners and has a lot of issues the FDA will fuck you up.

As the governor of a state, whom has access to as many experts as he could ever possibly want, he is just factually dumb. But we already knew that, so, it's also just another day ending in Y. :shrug


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Yeah, I’m just not a fan of the idea. It’s weird.
What makes it weirder than our current method of producing beef?

Personally, I can't wait for this to become a thing on a large scale. Raising cattle is horrible for the environment in so many ways. It's also cruel to the animals. All the antibiotics given to farm animals are a huge driver of antibiotic resistant bacteria, as stated earlier. Cramming animals together and moving them around the country increases the chance of new diseases jumping from animals to people (see the bird flu currently infecting cattle and farm hands across the country). It regularly gets tainted and makes lots of people sick.

Our current way to produce beef (or any meat) is so awful, disturbing, and unsustainable that it'd be difficult to come up with a worse one if we tried. If we can find a way to create meat without all of those downsides, it'd be a great thing. So yeah, I'm not surprised DeSantis wants to ban it.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
What makes it weirder than our current method of producing beef?

Probably just the whole fact that I’m perfectly fine with the idea of livestock being killed and turned into beef and eating it, but the idea of taking stem cells to make petri patties weirds me out. We’ve been eating animals since the beginning, we’ve gotten that part down pretty good. Growing meat like mold is just an off-putting concept to me, that’s all. The politics or ethics doesn’t matter to me.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
But not enough to turn off your marketing brain.

Petri Patties™, coming this winter

Petri Patties™, because the soylent is always greener on the other side.

I didn’t want to give you the chef’s kiss because I don’t want you to think my mind has changed and it suddenly sounds good.

I’m still perfectly content with my chicken nuggets made of spare parts.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Probably just the whole fact that I’m perfectly fine with the idea of livestock being killed and turned into beef and eating it, but the idea of taking stem cells to make petri patties weirds me out. We’ve been eating animals since the beginning, we’ve gotten that part down pretty good. Growing meat like mold is just an off-putting concept to me, that’s all. The politics or ethics doesn’t matter to me.
Fair enough, "different from how it's usually done" and "weird" can be considered somewhat synonymous.

Would anything convince you to try it?


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
IMO, if they can get lab-grown meat to be noticably cheaper than and still taste the same as existing meat, most people will switch. People will get over the weirdness if it means they can afford to eat more of the food they like. Hopefully we won't see the government making that needlessly impossible.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Fair enough, "different from how it's usually done" and "weird" can be considered somewhat synonymous.

Would anything convince you to try it?

I’m not sure, good question. Someone snuck one of those impossible whoppers on me before and I got pretty irritated about it, but that’s probably because I’m not a fan of Burger King patties to begin with, so taking the only redeeming quality away from it was enough for me.

I'll eat lab-grown meat. Doesn't phase me at all. I've eaten weirder.

I have the palette of a toddler, dude. Picky as hell. I would survive 0 days without access to garbage American cuisine.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I’m not sure, good question. Someone snuck one of those impossible whoppers on me before and I got pretty irritated about it, but that’s probably because I’m not a fan of Burger King patties to begin with, so taking the only redeeming quality away from it was enough for me.
Being sneaky about what you're feeding someone is never okay!

Foods pretending to be other foods is my own weird food thing. I'm fine eating meals without any meat in them, but I don't want vegetables to be lying about what they are.
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