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Debating buying a PS4

The last sony console I had was a PS2 but I feel as if I’ve missed so many exclusives. I could deal with some of them - I played a bit of Uncharted 2 and loved it so would have liked to finish that - but FF7 was my favourite game ever for a long time and it doesn’t look as if it’s coming to Xbox. I can’t justify however many hundred pounds for a PS5 when I have an Xbox but PS4s are relatively cheap now and I have plenty to catch up on.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Definitely go with the Pro model. You’re gonna want the extra storage space… 1TB just isn’t gonna cut it for very long. I learned that lesson very quick.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yeah definitely agree with that. Especially with the way updating works for games that require updates.

Dude, some of the games that came out for PS4 and PS5 are HEAVY downloads. I had 8 games on the drive before I started having to pick and choose what to remove.


CFO of Shitposting, Head of Data & Insights
GW Elder
Dude, some of the games that came out for PS4 and PS5 are HEAVY downloads. I had 8 games on the drive before I started having to pick and choose what to remove.
At one point whenever I wanted to update say CoD I'd have to uninstall other games to free up the space for the update to occur. Essentially there would be two copies of the game on the drive during the update so there was no room for anything else.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
At one point whenever I wanted to update say CoD I'd have to uninstall other games to free up the space for the update to occur. Essentially there would be two copies of the game on the drive during the update so there was no room for anything else.

Sounds like the same bullshit I dealt with when it came to GTAV, RDR2, and The Outer Worlds. Right now, we have a 500GB external hooked up for the staple games… so everything on the PS4 is pretty much fair game to remove or currently in-play.

It’s also worth noting, @Andy, that the pro model does the 4k upscaling or whatever, so as long as you have a 4k television… it’ll make the games look nicer.
The PS4 is a fantastic console. I'd say it's worth it for the PS3 remasters alone (Dark Souls series, The Last of Us, God of War 3) -- not to even mention all of the other great exclusives and worthwhile multiplats.

Used and even brand new (but old) PS4 games are still pretty cheap. Physical discs are nice but don't be fooled into thinking you should get a smaller storage space model -- updates and day one patches are huge.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I'd recommend getting one. I've had a PS4 pretty much since it came out, and it got regular use until I got a PS5. I actually still mostly play PS4 games, I just play them on the PS5 now. I feel like a lot of new releases are still on both consoles, unless it's something that really needs the latest hardware, so there are plenty of games for it.

I always buy the smallest storage option for everything, and I bought a bigger hard drive for my PS4. So yeah, I agree you'll want extra space.

I never had any problems with the hardware except the pads on the controller joysticks wore really fast for me. I bought some covers for them and that solved that. Everything else has worked great, no complaints at all


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
PS4 vs PS4 Pro vs PS5 is the primary consideration, I would imagine. We're now at the point of the generation where there are noticeably fewer cross-generation releases, so if for example the FF7 "remake" trilogy is one of the primary motivators you'd probably want to just try and get the PS5. Either on sale, or just wait some more until a price drop (as opposed to increase lol) happens.

Which, particularly on the subject of FF, I would expect Square to pull a Mass Effect or something at this point. Xbox gets FF14 next year, and FF16 seems inevitable - would be strange for FF7 to not eventually come over. Especially since Rebirth only has a 6-month exclusivity period as opposed to Remake's 12-month (and additional 12-month with Intergrade).

I’ll be mainly using it for the exclusives - God of War, Uncharted, FF7… should I still get the bigger storage?
I would say an internal SSD (or otherwise a non-stock HDD) with a decently large external HDD should be the standard approach, for both PS4 and XBO. Since games often require the massive patches the others have mentioned, plus the install itself. And the way PS4's file system is set up is quite stupid, as Tubby mentioned - wherein you functionally download a second copy first, before any erasing happens. So you need ~2x minimum space requirement per game, and many games shatter the 100GB threshold thanks to poor optimization and no audio compression (combined with multiple languages).

It's real bad.
PS4 vs PS4 Pro vs PS5 is the primary consideration, I would imagine. We're now at the point of the generation where there are noticeably fewer cross-generation releases, so if for example the FF7 "remake" trilogy is one of the primary motivators you'd probably want to just try and get the PS5. Either on sale, or just wait some more until a price drop (as opposed to increase lol) happens.

Which, particularly on the subject of FF, I would expect Square to pull a Mass Effect or something at this point. Xbox gets FF14 next year, and FF16 seems inevitable - would be strange for FF7 to not eventually come over. Especially since Rebirth only has a 6-month exclusivity period as opposed to Remake's 12-month (and additional 12-month with Intergrade).

I would say an internal SSD (or otherwise a non-stock HDD) with a decently large external HDD should be the standard approach, for both PS4 and XBO. Since games often require the massive patches the others have mentioned, plus the install itself. And the way PS4's file system is set up is quite stupid, as Tubby mentioned - wherein you functionally download a second copy first, before any erasing happens. So you need ~2x minimum space requirement per game, and many games shatter the 100GB threshold thanks to poor optimization and no audio compression (combined with multiple languages).

It's real bad.
To buils on this: f the Switch 2 really is to be as powerful as the PS4, as rumored, it wouldn't surprise me if the FVII remakes were ported to Switch 2. Squenix would be stupid not to.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
That's the one I checked (I clicked whatever came up first).

Not only is it a heavy game, it will make sure you know your fans are dirty if they are. I can’t think of another PS4 game that kept the fan running as long as that game.
I was never a fan of God of war but holy crap the new ones are worth a console just to play.
The older games really aren't that great. I think they were only rates highly because they came out in the early 2000s when gaming was grimdark and game journalists wanted games to be more than just kiddie games.

God of War 3 has really good gameplay too though, and the PSP games are actually pretty solid little titles.
This might be a good place for me to ask because I always see people discussing storage size on Reddit: is it that big of a deal in most instances? I fully agree that games are getting way too big, especially COD (although I think that's intentional to prevent you from having other things installed), but isn't it easy to just re-download games? I never play more than 3-4 games at a time, and only certain types of games are very large. There are tons of games on PS4 that are pretty small.

As for the topic at hand - do it! The PS4 has so many great exclusives. And tons of collections of older Playstation exclusives if you missed any.
but isn't it easy to just re-download games?
I don't trust online digital distribution platforms. That's why all of my games are physical. But also yeah it's time-consuming and takes up bandwidth to always have to redownload stuff. But by all means if those things don't bother you then it's probably fine.
I've never bought additional storage for any of my consoles and only play digital since it became the norm. PS4 got a little tight at times, PS5 as well, but I just delete the games (keep the save data) and redownload them when I want to play them again. I can see how it would be an issue for people that don't want to wait to play if they have an itch to do it, but it fits my lifestyle. I'll download, put the system in rest and go about my day. PS5 download times are much faster than PS4 for me, too.

The size of some games is becoming an issue, though. 150 GB games... I can only keep 4-5 mainline games on my PS5 at a time. However, I think I only have 8 games, 2 of which I play actively at any time so it hasn't been an issue.

I'm almost at that point with the Switch where I need to add an SD storage card, but I'm holding out and keep deleting Animal Crossing on my kids. :D


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
This might be a good place for me to ask because I always see people discussing storage size on Reddit: is it that big of a deal in most instances? I fully agree that games are getting way too big, especially COD (although I think that's intentional to prevent you from having other things installed), but isn't it easy to just re-download games? I never play more than 3-4 games at a time, and only certain types of games are very large. There are tons of games on PS4 that are pretty small.

As @Smacktard said, digital distribution is a mess at times. Considering my limited exposure to digital games, the amount of instances I’ve seen where games were removed, repackaged, or otherwise altered in a way (complete editions, deluxe editions, whatever each company calls it) that renders a specific purchase unplayable is probably higher than it should be. I’ve seen “free” PS+ games get locked and ultimately repackaged months later, all the way through to games being outright removed.

As for the topic at hand - do it! The PS4 has so many great exclusives. And tons of collections of older Playstation exclusives if you missed any.

In my opinion, the exclusives make it a worthy investment on their own.

The size of some games is becoming an issue, though. 150 GB games... I can only keep 4-5 mainline games on my PS5 at a time. However, I think I only have 8 games, 2 of which I play actively at any time so it hasn't been an issue.

That is unreal to me, though… how they can call that a “library” and not just “a couple games” is beyond my comprehension. The storage potential IS out there, they just very obviously make you pay for it.

I'm almost at that point with the Switch where I need to add an SD storage card, but I'm holding out and keep deleting Animal Crossing on my kids. :D

“I dunno why it keeps disappearing… maybe it’s a sign…”


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
That is unreal to me, though… how they can call that a “library” and not just “a couple games” is beyond my comprehension. The storage potential IS out there, they just very obviously make you pay for it.
Of course you have to pay for it. Consoles are already expensive, and one easy way to make them cheaper is to have options with less storage, because the hardware is cheaper.

It depends on the games too, of course. I bet I have a good thirty games installed on my PS5. I don't have that giant God of War, CoD, or Destiny installed, though.

This might be a good place for me to ask because I always see people discussing storage size on Reddit: is it that big of a deal in most instances?
It's really not in most cases, assuming you have fast Internet. My parents live in the boonies, so it can take days to download even moderately sized games. For them, it makes sense to have lots of extra storage. I have much faster Internet, so I regularly download a dozen games, and the first few will be done before I finish picking the last. A 200 GB game would involve some waiting obviously, but I'd just play another game for thirty minutes in that case.

I did once run out of room while taking a screenshot, though, which caused auto saves to start failing until I sorted it out. So I do keep it pretty full, and it is occasionally annoying.

I'm thinking back, and I might have replaced the HDD in my PS4 because it was showing signs of dying, and just upgraded the storage at the same time because I had to replace it anyway. So I guess I lied about not having any serious hardware problems. I do remember updates constantly failing because of a lack of space, though, so I was probably glad for the excuse.

I don't trust online digital distribution platforms. That's why all of my games are physical.
This is a completely reasonable position, but does having physical discs really solve the problem? I feel like most games need their day 1 patch installed to be playable. I remember the one time I bought a disc game for a PS4 which had zero updates or patches. I rejoiced: "wow! Just like the old days! Put the game in and immediately play!!" Ten minutes in, that was followed by, "wow!! They really need to patch this game, because it's so buggy to be unplayable!!"

Maybe that's gotten better or it was an outlier.


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
The older games really aren't that great. I think they were only rates highly because they came out in the early 2000s when gaming was grimdark and game journalists wanted games to be more than just kiddie games.
Egregious violence and titties, to be perfectly honest.

God of War didn't do anything other games weren't already gameplay-wise - uh, aside from QTEs, which everyone had already decided before GoW were terrible - and tons of those, obviously such as Devil May Cry and Zelda, were doing them better. If it didn't already exist, and the original GoW came out in like the last decade or so, I don't think the series would have found a good following.

This might be a good place for me to ask because I always see people discussing storage size on Reddit: is it that big of a deal in most instances?
It is/was an issue for me because speed > volume. Both the PS3 and PS4 immediately got upgraded to SSDs, and because those were 1) expensive and 2) not terribly large (~250 GB), every bit helped. Final Fantasy XIV was always on there, and that alone ate somewhere between a third and one half all by itself.

...Plus this household just owns too many games in general. Easier to have the external and spend a fraction of the time moving files than redownloading or reinstalling, especially with how slow and clunky that crap is at times. Can easily lose an entire night's worth of available gaming time between OS updates and game updates/installs.

I don't trust online digital distribution platforms. That's why all of my games are physical. But also yeah it's time-consuming and takes up bandwidth to always have to redownload stuff. But by all means if those things don't bother you then it's probably fine.
Nor should you. I can't speak much to the situation on PSP/PSV or PS3/PS4, but we own multiple games and plenty of DLC that are corrupted on Microsoft's servers.

For X360: Circa 2018~2019 Earthworm Jim HD, Pirates vs Ninjas Dodgeball and World Gone Sour can't be redownloaded. If you lose the file/HDD/license continuity breaks, you're SOL. Earthworm Jim HD can humorously be downloaded via the Xbone since it's backwards compatible; no dice on the others. DLC-wise, "Outlaws To the End Co-Op Mission Pack" for Red Dead Redemption was FUBAR'd. Lots of the Ace Combat 6 ships/schematics. The Tales from the Borderlands Season Pass wouldn't re-authenticate.

And this was years ago, so probably more now.

Of course you have to pay for it. Consoles are already expensive, and one easy way to make them cheaper is to have options with less storage, because the hardware is cheaper.
Choosing to use proprietary memory is fucking awful, though. Especially when paired with bleeding edge stuff that, if I'm being honest, kind of just glosses over publishers getting pushy/developers getting lazy with optimization leading to longer-than-necessary load times.

It killed the Vita outright, needing to pay a small fortune for storage. It's going to severely cripple the Xbox Series (more than the S, somehow lol) as cheaper tech leads to better options on the PS5, too. $280 for 2 TB is goddamn outrageous.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Choosing to use proprietary memory is fucking awful, though. Especially when paired with bleeding edge stuff that, if I'm being honest, kind of just glosses over publishers getting pushy/developers getting lazy with optimization leading to longer-than-necessary load times.

It killed the Vita outright, needing to pay a small fortune for storage. It's going to severely cripple the Xbox Series (more than the S, somehow lol) as cheaper tech leads to better options on the PS5, too. $280 for 2 TB is goddamn outrageous.
Is it proprietary? I thought they just had to be a bit smaller than a PC hard drive to physically fit in a PlayStation. I haven't bought a PC hard drive in ages and I only vaguely remember buying the one for the PS4 so idk.
This is a completely reasonable position, but does having physical discs really solve the problem? I feel like most games need their day 1 patch installed to be playable. I remember the one time I bought a disc game for a PS4 which had zero updates or patches. I rejoiced: "wow! Just like the old days! Put the game in and immediately play!!" Ten minutes in, that was followed by, "wow!! They really need to patch this game, because it's so buggy to be unplayable!!
It IS an issue with a lot of PS games -- especially AAA releases. Many big releases have a GOTY edition released later though with updates already included on the disc. But yeah, even still, at least a buggy game > no game at all.


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
Is it proprietary? I thought they just had to be a bit smaller than a PC hard drive to physically fit in a PlayStation. I haven't bought a PC hard drive in ages and I only vaguely remember buying the one for the PS4 so idk.
Nothing proprietary for Sony home consoles post-PS2... yet. Just more of a general observation, since the standard sizes for all of the consoles isn't ballooning nearly as quickly as the unoptimized messes development studios - including and especially the ones owned directly by Sony and Microsoft - are throwing out. :chuckle

The issue with PS5 is more that its options weren't super readily available; needed a specific R/W speed for the console to accept it, which ~3 years ago was both limiting and too expensive for no particularly good reason. Looking at the most common choices now, still looking at about $150 for 2TB and $300 for 4 TB via Amazon. Which is still way better than S|X options (which there isn't much of), but you'd really have to try for that not to be the case.

It's been a while, but I think PS3 simply needed a small bracket attachment (that's come with the SSDs I've purchased, anyway) to bump them from 7.5mm to 9mm? Something like that. I think PS4 was the same, but honestly I don't even remember slotting that in. I just know it's in there because otherwise load times are insufferable. 🤔
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