Deal breaker in relationships?


Dangerously under-medicated.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Been with my girlfriend for almost 15 years now and we've went through most things and have always been able to work through it. But my boundary would definitely be cheating. That's not something I could work through.
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2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
I thought of another deal breaker--if they can't get me off. Life is too long to commit to bad sex for the rest of your life. I was in my 20s convinced the female orgasm was a myth 😒


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Infidelity. If we’re getting to know each other and you casually mention cheating on your ex, see ya. Yes, it happened.

Hardcore religious types. To each their own, but if you’re trying to drag me to church when I am clearly not into the idea… that’s just not cool. I’m not gonna make the woman I’m with ditch her religion if she has one, I’d appreciate the same respect in return by not having your views pushed on me.

Hardcore political types. Whether you’re a “kick all the Mexicans out” Republican or a “you privileged cis white male, you owe me” liberal democrat, I don’t have time for that nonsense. Politics don’t have a damn thing to do with who I am, who you are, or what our relationship would be built upon.

Self-absorbed/vain people. My ex was one of these. Every time I turned around she was taking a selfie and fixing her hair or just finding some excuse to look at herself.

I thought of another deal breaker--if they can't get me off. Life is too long to commit to bad sex for the rest of your life. I was in my 20s convinced the female orgasm was a myth 😒

Jeez… it ain’t much better on this side, if it makes you feel any better. Sure, it’s quite a bit easier for a dude to get off, however… only one kinda person wants to fuck something as stiff as a corpse, and it ain’t me. Meanwhile, that same partner would have been the type to expect me to balance myself on one leg and one arm to do some secret position I’ve never even heard of.
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