Cookie Sweetmead

Cookie Sweetmead grew up in your stereotypical halfling village. She was born into a family with a long history of Brewmasters. For as long as anybody could remember, Cookie showed a great talent with baking and cooking. By the time she was 8 years of age she was already cooking all 6 daily meals for the family. Within a few short years of that, the Sweetmead house had become renowned for the place to visit for tea time. It seemed each day more and more family and friends andd neighbors were showing up right at tea time for a visit and to share any of the days gossip. The Sweetmeads did not mind at all and had taken to converting their whole front garden in to what could only be described as an outdoor café. By the time Cookie was 16 years of age, the Sweetmead front garden had become practically the town center. Not only were people showing up for tea time now they would show up for any of the daily meals. Including the mid-sleep meal. On a full moon, the whole town would just stay from dinner to mid-sleep and it would be one giant party. With dance and revelry and music. Of course any travelers and merchants that were passing through were always welcome. Bards had even began to learn that ever fullmoon was guaranteed work at the Sweetmead house and they were never turned away and always left with full pockets and well fed. On one of these occasions a bard had given Cookie an amulet as a thank you for her hospitality. It was simple amulet of a partially rolled scroll. Cookie was enamored with the amulet and promptly put it on and has never taken off since. The bard explained that Oghma himself had wanted her to have it. That she had done so much in her short life to bring so many together to help spread knowledge. From the gossip told at tea times. Merchants and travelers bringing news from far lands. To the bards come to sing of history, heros, and gods. An idea had began to form in Cookies mind. She needed a bigger front garden. Matter of fact, she needed a create a place that would all peoples would come from near and far to. To hear bards sing. To share ideas and debate truths. To spread news from all over the world. Cookie was going to make the best tavern the world would ever know, but first she needed to learn a lot more about how to run a tavern. She also needed a lot of money to build it. But most importantly, she had to figure out a name. It would need to be the best name. A name that would be written in the history books.
Upon hearing the news of Cookie's decision to go out in the world to aquire the knowledge and money she needed for her tavern, the town was understandably saddened but not disheartened. They vowed that the Sweetmead front garden would remain the same as Cookie had left it with foods and drinks that wouldn't quite be as good as Cookie made but still very good. The best of the local blacksmiths even made Cookie a beautiful cookie shaped shield. Painted by a skilled artisan to look just like one of Cookie's cookies. He also made her a bigger meat mallet that was now more a mace than a mallet. It could be a dangerous world out there, but Cookie knew what to do with a meat mallet if it came to down to it. And lastly, some nice armor not too heavy though, as not to slow Cookie down. With that and a few gifts and needs from others, Cookie was off. What better place to start her adventure than the Yawning Portal!
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