U.S.A. Chinese Students Report of "Chilling Interrogations & Deportations" as US-China Tensions Rise



Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
You know, as someone who has witnessed first-hand that the ruling party in politics is in no way a reflection of the population it governs in its entirety, you should probably be a little bit more sympathetic towards their plight and pay attention before your neck of the woods suffers the same fate.

Is there any particular reason for this sudden change in tone from you? Seems to me like you’re deliberately toeing the line for a reaction, and you’re not going to like the one you end up getting.


Horror Movie Guru
The CCP has been in power since 1949. Without a mass revolt from China's citizens, there's no way to get them out of power, sadly.
Sucks for them; there's a solution - get rid of the Chinese Communist Party and its' stranglehold on China. Until then, they can all go pound sand.
You make it sound like there’s something they can easily do about it and just choose not to.
The CCP prevented two years of development of my life, essentially making me put it on hold. There is nothing anyone can do to stop the CCP that isn’t the CCP. Citizens cannot protest. You get locked down by your government? Deal with it or they kill you. It’s not about pounding sand, it’s about actually dying if you want a choice. If I’ve learned anything from marrying a native Chinese woman, it is that the west has no fuckin idea what they deal with, and threads like this prove it.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
The CCP prevented two years of development of my life, essentially making me put it on hold. There is nothing anyone can do to stop the CCP that isn’t the CCP. Citizens cannot protest. You get locked down by your government? Deal with it or they kill you. It’s not about pounding sand, it’s about actually dying if you want a choice. If I’ve learned anything from marrying a native Chinese woman, it is that the west has no fuckin idea what they deal with, and threads like this prove it.

And that’s the thing. Despite ALL of the bullshit that Americans get to deal with on a daily basis from each other and the government, we still have more freedom of choice than most comparably-sized nations. Is there an illusion of choice or freedom at times? Yes, as with everywhere and everything. But, barring extremism in the form of racial, gender, sexual, or religious prejudice, you’re not going to meet your maker quite like you would in those countries where the “extreme” in extremism is the norm.

The average American, Webster in this case, has no bearing as to what it’s really like over there beyond sensationalized reporting. The average American could spend a week there, outside of the touristy traps, and come home with a new respect for their country and all its flaws.
The average American could spend a week there, outside of the touristy traps, and come home with a new respect for their country and all its flaws.
I'd like to add to this that the average American could also spend 5 years there and still only have a cursory understanding of some of the cultural nuances, norms, and taboos within just the city they live in.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I'd like to add to this that the average American could also spend 5 years there and still only have a cursory understanding of some of the cultural nuances, norms, and taboos within just the city they live in.

Which has to be absolutely true, because it’s just like that here in the states, and likely everywhere else. You’re far more traveled than I am, so you’d know better. However, a week would sufficiently put someone like him in check with a nice dose of reality.
Which has to be absolutely true, because it’s just like that here in the states, and likely everywhere else. You’re far more traveled than I am, so you’d know better. However, a week would sufficiently put someone like him in check with a nice dose of reality.
I didn't mean to sound like I was disagreeing with you. I agree with you 100% -- escaping your "bubble" for just a little bit opens you up to entirely new perspectives. I'm just saying that, while one week would help a lot, it's still really only scratching the surface. Some cultural norms may be completely incomprehensible for people even after spending years living in a place, though they might have a valid explanation rooted in history/geography/social Darwinism.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I didn't mean to sound like I was disagreeing with you. I agree with you 100% -- escaping your "bubble" for just a little bit opens you up to entirely new perspectives. I'm just saying that, while one week would help a lot, it's still really only scratching the surface. Some cultural norms may be completely incomprehensible for people even after spending years living in a place, though they might have a valid explanation rooted in history/geography/social Darwinism.

Oh I know, dude, and I didn’t think you were. Your statement was rooted more in fact, mine was based more around how little time I think it would take before someone with that train of thought would crack under the realization that it’s not quite as simple as “stand up and fight”.

Much like back on January 6th… a whole mob thought for sure that that day was going to be the day that the district finally flipped, and after months of planning, they found out that they were sorely mistaken. The most they got to accomplish was some busted windows and putting some dirty shoes on a desk.

It’s no different on the other side, like back when the riots happened, mobs thought for sure that they’d be able to topple militarily armed police forces with bonfires and trash barricades. The most they got for their efforts were pepperballs, felonies, and fresh Jordans.

It’s not quite as easy to start a revolution as the movies make it out to be… and Webster seems to think this is something that can play out like a wrestling angle with a heel and a babyface.
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The CCP prevented two years of development of my life, essentially making me put it on hold. There is nothing anyone can do to stop the CCP that isn’t the CCP. Citizens cannot protest. You get locked down by your government? Deal with it or they kill you. It’s not about pounding sand, it’s about actually dying if you want a choice. If I’ve learned anything from marrying a native Chinese woman, it is that the west has no fuckin idea what they deal with, and threads like this prove it.
I remember all this detailed in one of the books I had to read for school. "Forbidden City" was the name of the book, based on the events that took place during the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989. Disturbing stuff, and yeah, you can't say the people didn't try a democracy movement because that's exactly what happened here, but the CCP cracked down on it and people were massacred for it.
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This article from several years ago immediately came to mind. Now, granted, this is the New York Times. Pinch of salt required on that basis alone. Also, this is of course a western-centric viewpoint on the matter. But all the same.

And this is circa 2018; more before and after has happened.

China’s Leaders Confront an Unlikely Foe: Ardent Young Communists
Activists in Shenzhen last month protested in support of workers’ rights. Their banners call for the punishment of corrupt police officials and the release of detained factory workers.

HUIZHOU, China — They were exactly what China’s best universities were supposed to produce: young men and women steeped in the ideology of the Chinese Communist Party.

They read Marx, Lenin and Mao and formed student groups to discuss the progress of socialism. They investigated the treatment of the campus proletariat, including janitors, cooks and construction workers. They volunteered to help struggling rural families and dutifully recited the slogans of President Xi Jinping.

Then, after graduation, they attempted to put the party’s stated ideals into action, converging from across China last month on Huizhou, a city in the south, to organize labor unions at nearby factories and stage protests demanding greater protections for workers.

That’s when the party realized it had a problem.

The authorities moved quickly to crush the efforts of the young activists, detaining several dozen of them and scrubbing the internet of their calls for justice — but not before their example became a rallying cry for young people across the country unhappy with growing inequality, corruption and materialism in Chinese society.
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Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Is there any particular reason for this sudden change in tone from you? Seems to me like you’re deliberately toeing the line for a reaction, and you’re not going to like the one you end up getting.
I've been scratching my head over this. He seemed like a reasonable guy until he started posting these threads. It's so weird that I initially thought he was posting sarcastically.

It's got to be tough for Chinese nationals. I worked for a company in the semiconductor industry, and we once hired an intern who happened to be from China. She had the legal right to work in the USA and her skills so l seemed like a good fit, which was all we cared about, but we had to move her to a different group because none of the semiconductor clients would allow her access to their IP due to her visa being tied to China.

I'm sure China does spy on other nations (just like the USA does), but most of them are just normal people.

The craziest thing about her is she came to the USA and got an engineering degree so she could earn the capital to pursue her actual dream: opening a coffee shop. Can you imagine have the dedication to get an engineering degree for that reason?! I hope it worked out for her.
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