U.S.A. Boston Marathon! (Patriots' Day)

Happy Patriots' Day everyone! Today is the day that commemorates the beginning of the Revolutionary War, and is a state holiday in a few places, but not a national holiday. The Marathon was first run in the late 1800s, and because of how big it was becoming and when it happened, they changed Patriots' Day to always fall on a Monday rather than the actual date itself so that the city of Boston would only need to be shut down for a single day in the week.

So far, Marcel Hug (SUI) has set yet another course record on Men's wheelchair. This dude is a machine and by far the best there's ever been.

Women's wheelchair will be finishing soon, this one will be a bit closer.

If anyone is unaware, unlike many marathons, Boston has different starts for different groups so that each winner gets their own time to shine and cross the finish line.

You can watch for free online.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
my father was a runner in the marathon. It was hot and his feet bothered him so he didn't have his usual average time. He averages about 8:30.

He was also there during the bombing with my mom. Worst day of my life.

One year I would like to go with. He's not retiring from it anytime soon lol.
my father was a runner in the marathon. It was hot and his feet bothered him so he didn't have his usual average time. He averages about 8:30.

He was also there during the bombing with my mom. Worst day of my life.

One year I would like to go with. He's not retiring from it anytime soon lol.
8:30 pace for the whole marathon? That's pretty amazing actually...so like a 3:45 finish time?

I remember the bombing quite well. I was still working in Boston daily and not too far from the finish line. Had a bunch of friends and coworkers who went to see it in person and were there during the time it happened. One of my coworkers had two close family friends who lost limbs as well and we were there when he got the phone call about it.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
Yes, that's correct. I guess that's why he qualifies for it lol. He also has pretty long legs. Him and my grandfather both did the high jump in high school.

The main thing I remember is that we could NOT get through to them. I quickly suspected that the towers or whatever were actually overwhelmed by the sudden amount of people trying to make contact. He was interviewed by our local station once he came back.
Yes, that's correct. I guess that's why he qualifies for it lol. He also has pretty long legs. Him and my grandfather both did the high jump in high school.

The main thing I remember is that we could NOT get through to them. I quickly suspected that the towers or whatever were actually overwhelmed by the sudden amount of people trying to make contact. He was interviewed by our local station once he came back.
No one in all of the city was able to do anything with their phones for a while there. It was craziness.

FYI, in case anyone was curious, the youngest victim of the attack had a park named after him just outside the Children's Museum in Boston: https://bostonchildrensmuseum.org/martinspark/

Used to walk by that park daily for a while as well.
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