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Aussie Dingo Aussie Dingo: Predator vs Prey - Ep 1 (Night 4/Day 4)


CFO of Shitposting, Head of Data & Insights
GW Elder
You beaut! Welcome to Austraylya and crikey do we have some fun in store for you! My name's Steve Irwin and I just love animals! Everything about them. There is not a species on this planet that I don't love.

Here in Australia we have some of the rarest and most interesting creatures right on our doorsteps. I'm passionate about conservation of their land and their lives and want to bring the joy of these animals into your living rooms. There would be no greater thing for me in life than for everyone across the world to appreciate and protect animals.

Not all animals are friends with each other though and for my next show I wanted to show you the inter-species dynamics between Predators and Prey. So I have set up cameras across 1 million hectares of the Australian outback, I want everyone across the world to watch on as these animals interact and live their lives.

Welcome to Episode 1 of Aussie Dingo: Predator vs Prey

Prey Role List:
White Ibis
Tasmanian Tiger
Random Prey
Random Prey
Random Prey
Random Prey

Random Prey can come from this list, and there can not be 2x the same role (either with confirmed roles or within the random roles, that is to say each role appears only once):
Tasmanian Devil

Predator Role List:
Box Jellyfish
Funnel Web Spider
Saltwater Crocodile
Random Predator

Random Predator can come from this list, and there can not be 2x the same role (either with confirmed roles or within the random roles, that is to say each role appears only once):
Great White Shark
Common Death Adder
Cane Toad

Solitary Animal Role List:
Daddy Long Legs Spider

Night Order of Actions
Night 1:
Kookaburra Nomination
Wombat Protect
Funnel Web Spider Check
White Ibis Check
Predator Kill
Night 2 onwards:
Tasmanian Tiger joins Land of the Dead
Wombat Protect
Kangaroo Check
Quokka Watch
Echidna Check
Funnel Web Spider Check
White Ibis Check
Saltwater Crocodile Death Roll
Predator Kill

  • DMs strictly banned, no screenshotting either.
  • Days: 24 hours
  • Nights: 12 hours
  • Night 1 actions completed via the number system we have been using
  • Unlimited vote changes but only votes in bold will count.
@Aussie Leather Underwear
@Fool's Requiem
@Joseph Snapple
@Local Hero
@Tommy Boy
@Zell 17

It is now Night 4, Day Phase 4 will open when all actions are received


CFO of Shitposting, Head of Data & Insights
GW Elder
* fade in Uluru, sunrise *

Crikey! I'm used to seeing these fellas dead after getting hit by cars and trucks but never have I seen one left dead as a result of a jellyfish attack!

So sad, after she found her Joey now the Joey is all alone in this world again.

* fade to black *

Alu was culled, he was the Kangaroo
Letterkenny GIF by Crave


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Is this a for real thing or just speaking statistically?
Statistically. Alu was resurrected by Benzine and lived, I was resurrected and lived, Zell was resurrected and lived.

I should add maybe it's happened in a game I haven't played but for some reason they tend to hang around lol
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