Anyone ever consider turning a room in your home into a classic gaming room?


I have a LOT of classic games from Dreamcast, PS1, Xbox, Gamecube, SNES, NES, Genesis, as well as Saturn and Jaguar games. I considered setting things up in my basement to where I have everything plugged into a single system, maybe even buy a CRT TV to use light gun games. But I'm lazy and never got around to doing it.

Anyone actually end up doing something like that? Or ate all of your games and consoles sitting in boxes somewhere like mine?
I live in a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment with another adult, so that's not gonna happen. 7-10 years ago I would have been all about it, but I sold most of my retro video game stuff.
I set up a computer as an all-purpose emulation machine connected to my TV. Navigation is by PS5 controller only, pick a console and then pick a game for it. I only have games released in the USA on the emulation machine though, don't want the list of games to choose from to be TOO long right?

I have all kinds of quality of life improvements baked in to those systems too. Input lag reduction, upscaled graphics, widescreen patches, and the standard save states and whatnot.

I do still have an old CRT and all my old systems, but never use them. Honestly, the emulation is a better experience.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I have 43 consoles and 2500+ games, I lost that battle years ago, lol
You’re the fucker Amazon sells that 800 outlet surge protector for.

We live in a 2 bedroom house, but we do have this gaming corner. Original resident was into having friends over for drinks and poker. We repurposed the bar.

View attachment 252

That’s a pretty sweet setup you got there, I like the minimalistic use of the LED’s… some people go overboard with it and it looks tacky.
We live in a 2 bedroom house, but we do have this gaming corner. Original resident was into having friends over for drinks and poker. We repurposed the bar.

View attachment 252
That's pretty cool. I've long wanted a classic arcade machine. It would have to be a Crazy Taxi or Hydro Thunder machine, though.

Mark said:
That’s a pretty sweet setup you got there, I like the minimalistic use of the LED’s… some people go overboard with it and it looks tacky.

I'm subbed to r/battlestations on Reddit. Some people go super crazy with the RBG, and then some are so adverse to RBG that there's actually a tag for it.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I'm subbed to r/battlestations on Reddit. Some people go super crazy with the RBG, and then some are so adverse to RBG that there's actually a tag for it.

Yeah, my buddy is one of those nut jobs that could kill an epileptic if hit hit the lights. To each their own, but I can’t help but feel all that shit would be distracting. If I’m playing the game, I’m killing the lights or setting them as low as possible.
Not specifically a classic video game room, but we essentially had the walls of the exercise room wallpapered with book stands filled with our collection a couple years ago before we moved. Most of it's still boxed up in the garage at the moment.

No longer have a CRT, and gave away all of my Genesis (+CD +32X) stuff years ago because the nostalgia just wasn't there, but still have the other Nintendo/Sega/Sony stuff. Could maybe do something with it one day if it hasn't all begun to rot away by then. As-is I would be content just getting a nice setup going for the Xbox collection, instead of boxes and discs being strewn everywhere. Trying to find specific things is a pain in the ass. Alas, I'm lazy. 😂
We live in a 2 bedroom house, but we do have this gaming corner. Original resident was into having friends over for drinks and poker. We repurposed the bar.

View attachment 252
That's an amazing use of the space. Good work.

We don't have enough rooms in this place to make one a gaming room. Maybe when we get a larger place we can do that, but right now I'm using the second bedroom (which is also our guest room) as my office since I work from home full time.


New Member
GW Elder
I live in the basement of my inlaw's house. My spouse and I just have our video games in our main living area, our bedroom area is still unfinished so we're just going to continue having our main living area just be our gaming area. I need more shelves for my games though, I'm running out of space on my shelf right now, lol.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I can't even get through all the recent games I want to play, much less go back and replay older ones. If I were to do that, I'd probably go the emulator route. A lot of those old consoles didn't actually work all that well, and switching between more than a few seems like a pain. (There's a shop near here that sells a lot of retro games, and they have a big sign by the NES section that essentially says, "we highly recommend you don't buy this because these things are highly unreliable"), Putting them on display in the same room would be a good compromise, I think.

I live alone and my living room is basically a gaming room already, so there's not much point in dedicating another room to it.


Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
GW Elder
We live in a four bedroom house and two of those rooms we've turned into one's that support our own hobbies. My fiance is more crafty so her's is setup for doing macrame and other things of that nature. Mine is the video game vault :D

Also not pictured in here is a dedicated NFL Blitz/NBA Hangtime arcade cabinet, I'm not home currently so cant grab a current picture.



Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
We live in a four bedroom house and two of those rooms we've turned into one's that support our own hobbies. My fiance is more crafty so her's is setup for doing macrame and other things of that nature. Mine is the video game vault :D

Also not pictured in here is a dedicated NFL Blitz/NBA Hangtime arcade cabinet, I'm not home currently so cant grab a current picture.

Great looking setup, and very jealous of the Dew Xbox!
We live in a four bedroom house and two of those rooms we've turned into one's that support our own hobbies. My fiance is more crafty so her's is setup for doing macrame and other things of that nature. Mine is the video game vault :D

Also not pictured in here is a dedicated NFL Blitz/NBA Hangtime arcade cabinet, I'm not home currently so cant grab a current picture.

Did you mod your Dew flavored Xbox before your motherboard melted?


Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
GW Elder
Did you mod your Dew flavored Xbox before your motherboard melted?
I did not as this board revision isnt as prone to the clock capacitor melting down (although I did open it up to check)

It's crazy I remember getting into Game Collecting soley because of the forums here, well that and watching AVGN. I remember Nicodemus was supposed to send me an old Packard Bell computer that I was going to turn into my DOS setup but that ended up falling through for one reason or another.

Crazy Jamie

Active Member
GW Elder
I'm loving these pictures of the setups. My collection is currently taking up our entire garage and most of our attic. We're currently in a four bedroom house, and we'll either be extending that to five bedrooms or moving to a five/six bedroom house in the next year or so. When either of those happens I'll be moving the collection into a gaming room. The only downside to that is that there is very little chance that the room I get has enough capacity for everything that I have, so I'll either have to keep some of the collection stores somewhere else (probably the attic), or downsize it. But that problem is for further down the line. For now I just keep buying games and ignoring the fact that I definitely won't have room for everything in future.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
I'm loving these pictures of the setups. My collection is currently taking up our entire garage and most of our attic. We're currently in a four bedroom house, and we'll either be extending that to five bedrooms or moving to a five/six bedroom house in the next year or so. When either of those happens I'll be moving the collection into a gaming room. The only downside to that is that there is very little chance that the room I get has enough capacity for everything that I have, so I'll either have to keep some of the collection stores somewhere else (probably the attic), or downsize it. But that problem is for further down the line. For now I just keep buying games and ignoring the fact that I definitely won't have room for everything in future.
The collection conundrum, lol. Storage space vs ambition


Sad, lumpy oatmeal that used to be Xellos
GW Elder
Ultimately, I'm planning to cordon a portion of my basement to be a game room/bar, but I haven't gotten around to the finishing the basement part.

My living room has PS5, Switch and Steam Deck Docks on it, my basement currently has Xbox One, PS4, and Wii U hooked up (as well as being my PC's main habitat), but I have many more consoles just chilling in storage right now.
We live in a four bedroom house and two of those rooms we've turned into one's that support our own hobbies. My fiance is more crafty so her's is setup for doing macrame and other things of that nature. Mine is the video game vault :D

Also not pictured in here is a dedicated NFL Blitz/NBA Hangtime arcade cabinet, I'm not home currently so cant grab a current picture.

Hella sexy.

I live abroad but I plan on returning home (some day), so until then I regularly have things shipped to my parents' home, and stored in their basement. Apart from some niche stuff (Virtual Boy and Vectrex), I limit my collecting to GameCube, PS3, Wii, Wii U, PS4, and Switch.

I'd like to have a collection of older games, but I can't justify the extra space required for storage, or the costs. So for now, I've limited it to games I *like*, and games from generations that cannot be easily emulated. Maybe I'll start a serious N64 collection at some point too, but there's no rush.


Sad, lumpy oatmeal that used to be Xellos
GW Elder
Soooo, I had all my games (from most gens) on a dvd tower. Ended up giving the tower to my kid, putting all the PS4 and 5 games into a smaller bookshelf, and packed away the games I wasn't actively using.

And then, I spent 17 hours this weekend looking for where I put them. And still haven't found them
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