Ok, I've been thinking.
I think our mob is Tommy and/or Shortkut (not including Ben). There is an off chance that Kelly is, but I have my doubts.
dimmerwit is definitely not mob. If he was, he wouldn't be blowing the cover of one when down to two.
Vash is NOT vampire. I cannot see the Vampire chosing to not kill anyone, so I assume they attacked Vash. I think it's also unlikely that he is mob because I do not think the mob can afford to not kill people regardless of what shortkut wants us to think. I think they think they can still convince the Agency to vote out the Vampire.
At this point, I can't see Alu being bad. I know Kat and Jawneh are good.
Our remaining bads are Christina, shortkut, Ben, and Tommy. Remember this when I get killed tonight.