Top 10 Favourite Movies

So I like Vash love ranking stuff and debating it, especially over a pint. So tell me your Top 10 personal favourite movies. Here are mine:

  1. Shawshank Redemption - I know this is a choice that usually ends up in the Top 5 of a lot of these type lists but it's so hard IMO to argue with it being anywhere else in the list. Perfect narration, excellent story and a gritty and suspenseful feel have it top of my list.
  2. The Dark Knight - easily the best of the Bale trilogy. Obviously Ledger is phenomenal in the film but its just everything about the film that makes it my second favourite. You've got the stunts, the character interplay, Ledger's performance, introduction of Harvey Dent/Two Face etc. My only downside about this movie was the replacement of Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes but still a fantastic film
  3. Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift - this is where people start looking at me funny. But hear me out. As a 14-year-old obsessed with middle-America and Japanese culture as well as cars this movie ticked every box for me. I know watch it at least twice a year for the nostalgia and any time I am home sick it also gets thrown in the DVD player. I've seen it over 100x and I will die on the hill that I love this movie.
  4. The Godfather - I think this may artistically be the best movie ever made, I didn't get to see it until a lot later in life but have an extreme appreciation for the film. I have it ranked above number 2 for Brando's performance and also because it is an introduction to the characters which is something that always excites me in film.
  5. The Godfather II - see above.
  6. Memento - I love films with non-linear narratives and this might be one of the best. It helps that Guy Pearce is from my home town so there is something about this film that I have always loved so deeply. It's the second best of all of Nolan's films IMO (I have yet to see Oppenheimer).
  7. Back to the Future - again middle America, and just wholesome good fun. This film gets a run on Aussie free-to-air TV every 3-4 months and it's one of the view films I will accept sitting through ads to watch. I love the story, anything to me where actions of the past have onflow implications and different scenarios being played out is a tick fora film in my book.
  8. Django Unchained - my fiance hated it and fell asleep withing 15 minutes but I loved this film and it is oft quoted around the house. In my opinion, I think this is the best of Tarantino's work (just ahead of Pulp Fiction)
  9. Forrest Gump - I mean what's not to love about it.
  10. Good Will Hunting - I'm not sure when I first saw it but this is another movie that every time I see it on I will sit there and watch it to the finish even through ad breaks. This started my obsession with America and I long held hopes of moving to Boston purely based on this movie (maybe one day).
That's my list. Let me know your thoughts, I will fight for number 3 until the day I die.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Fine, fine, but you'll see a lot of mine aren't the "staples" of top 10 film lists ;)

1.) The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy Extended Editions -- Sorry, I'm a Tolkien fan, these are amazing. Not true to the books, I know, but still great watches. The Hobbit films are ok, but so far removed from the story of the book it's harder to back them.

2.) V for Vendetta -- I love it, it's good film.

3.) Bicentennial Man -- How could a trans person not relate to a story of a person who goes on an epic journey to become who they feel they are and has to deal with the red tape of "normal" society to try and be recognized as himself? I's very fitting ;)

4.) Darkest Hour -- Gary Oldman. Such a great actor and such a great role he played here. I'd pair this with Dunkirk, they fit well as a duo.

5.) Good Will Hunting -- Is there anything about Good Will Hunting NOT to love? Robin Williams in a fantastic role as Will's therapist, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, the bar scenes...come on!

6.) Men of Honor -- De Niro and's a great combination and it works well in this case. Probably not a lot of people's tastes, but it is for me.

7.) My Name is Khan -- Not many people saw this one, I really like it, not because of the whole "I'm not a terrorist" thing, but as someone with mental health issues, Khan's character really resonates with me. It's also just a damn good movie.

8.) The Green Mile -- I can't help it, I like Michael Clarke Duncan, great actor in an amazing role.

9.) Mr. Holmes -- Absolutely love Ian McKellan playing Sherlock Holmes here. He's aging, losing his memory and he has to solve his last mystery. Wonderful acting.

10.) Star Wars (the whole "main" arc of films) -- This one wasn't on my list for a long, long time, but in context and in time, it grew on me. All nine of the so-called core films, I really have come to appreciate them as a good series. Full of holes, full of problems (fuck you, Jar Jar), and so heavily edited by now that the originals look nothing like they actually were at premier. But still...they're Star Wars. Star Wars is fun.

Honourable mentions:

-The Book Thief -- Ok, the movie sucked, but the book is so good this deserves a mention, lol
-Lee Daniel's The Butler -- Good movie, and who doesn't love Forest Whittaker?
-The Boy in the Striped Pajamas -- Love a tragic ending, and this one's up there.
-Enemy at the Gates -- War movie, lots of twists, it's a good watch.
-Cornetto Trilogy + Cuban Fury + Run Fatboy Run -- No, they're not classic cinema, but come on, lol
-Deja Vu -- Really good Denzel Washington role.
-Everything is Illuminated -- Not for everyone, I openly admit that, but it's a quirky and deep story about finding your heritage, and really has a good message. Underrated Elijah Wood performance, too.
-Forrest Gump -- Same reasons you listed, it's just...Forrest Gump, lol
-The Last Emperor -- I don't know why, watched this a lot and it sticks with me every time.
-The Last King of Scotland -- For all I love the one above, I HATE this movie. It's a great movie, but fuck Idi Amin, lol
-Gangs of New York -- Daniel Day Lewis, great movie!
-The Great Raid -- I feel like this one's a really underrated movie about soldiers held captive in the Philippines during WW2
-Hidden Figures -- AMAZING movie, great cast.
-The History Boys -- No one gets why I put this one on the list, lol, but it's a good film and I love it dearly.
-My Boy Jack -- Again, not a classic piece of cinema, but a great look at The Great War through the eyes of Rudyard Kipling and his son.
-Only the Brave -- Really good look at the Granite Mountain Hotshots and all they did to become a recognized crew leading up to the Yarnell fire.
-Renaissance Man -- I'm a sucker for Danny DeVito and this is one I really love, a little underrated.
-Spaceballs / Robin Hood Men in Tights / Blazing Saddles / The Producers -- Mel Brooks. Watch Mel Brooks.
-The Terminal -- Tom Hanks, really good Spielberg movie.
-Unbroken -- I'll give this a big shout, really good movie.
I greatly enjoyed 1-6 when I saw them, and 7 is one I haven't seen so that's going on the list.

I've only seen the first 6 Star Wars, and I'm in the very small minority that prefers 1-3 more than 4-6. I didn't watch them until lockdown in 2020 though so maybe it's the lack of nostalgia for the older ones that I don't get.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
I greatly enjoyed 1-6 when I saw them, and 7 is one I haven't seen so that's going on the list.

I've only seen the first 6 Star Wars, and I'm in the very small minority that prefers 1-3 more than 4-6. I didn't watch them until lockdown in 2020 though so maybe it's the lack of nostalgia for the older ones that I don't get.
I didn't watch them until just before 7, so I didn't have the nostalgia, either, and honestly I'm on the fence as to which trilogy I like. I just know I hate Jar-Jar, lol
I didn't watch them until just before 7, so I didn't have the nostalgia, either, and honestly I'm on the fence as to which trilogy I like. I just know I hate Jar-Jar, lol
Yeah I don't know, I found him funny for about 2 minutes then realised he was just annoying.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Fine, fine, but you'll see a lot of mine aren't the "staples" of top 10 film lists ;)

1.) The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy Extended Editions -- Sorry, I'm a Tolkien fan, these are amazing. Not true to the books, I know, but still great watches. The Hobbit films are ok, but so far removed from the story of the book it's harder to back them.

2.) V for Vendetta -- I love it, it's good film.

3.) Bicentennial Man -- How could a trans person not relate to a story of a person who goes on an epic journey to become who they feel they are and has to deal with the red tape of "normal" society to try and be recognized as himself? I's very fitting ;)

4.) Darkest Hour -- Gary Oldman. Such a great actor and such a great role he played here. I'd pair this with Dunkirk, they fit well as a duo.

5.) Good Will Hunting -- Is there anything about Good Will Hunting NOT to love? Robin Williams in a fantastic role as Will's therapist, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, the bar scenes...come on!

6.) Men of Honor -- De Niro and's a great combination and it works well in this case. Probably not a lot of people's tastes, but it is for me.

7.) My Name is Khan -- Not many people saw this one, I really like it, not because of the whole "I'm not a terrorist" thing, but as someone with mental health issues, Khan's character really resonates with me. It's also just a damn good movie.

8.) The Green Mile -- I can't help it, I like Michael Clarke Duncan, great actor in an amazing role.

9.) Mr. Holmes -- Absolutely love Ian McKellan playing Sherlock Holmes here. He's aging, losing his memory and he has to solve his last mystery. Wonderful acting.

10.) Star Wars (the whole "main" arc of films) -- This one wasn't on my list for a long, long time, but in context and in time, it grew on me. All nine of the so-called core films, I really have come to appreciate them as a good series. Full of holes, full of problems (fuck you, Jar Jar), and so heavily edited by now that the originals look nothing like they actually were at premier. But still...they're Star Wars. Star Wars is fun.

Honourable mentions:

-The Book Thief -- Ok, the movie sucked, but the book is so good this deserves a mention, lol
-Lee Daniel's The Butler -- Good movie, and who doesn't love Forest Whittaker?
-The Boy in the Striped Pajamas -- Love a tragic ending, and this one's up there.
-Enemy at the Gates -- War movie, lots of twists, it's a good watch.
-Cornetto Trilogy + Cuban Fury + Run Fatboy Run -- No, they're not classic cinema, but come on, lol
-Deja Vu -- Really good Denzel Washington role.
-Everything is Illuminated -- Not for everyone, I openly admit that, but it's a quirky and deep story about finding your heritage, and really has a good message. Underrated Elijah Wood performance, too.
-Forrest Gump -- Same reasons you listed, it's just...Forrest Gump, lol
-The Last Emperor -- I don't know why, watched this a lot and it sticks with me every time.
-The Last King of Scotland -- For all I love the one above, I HATE this movie. It's a great movie, but fuck Idi Amin, lol
-Gangs of New York -- Daniel Day Lewis, great movie!
-The Great Raid -- I feel like this one's a really underrated movie about soldiers held captive in the Philippines during WW2
-Hidden Figures -- AMAZING movie, great cast.
-The History Boys -- No one gets why I put this one on the list, lol, but it's a good film and I love it dearly.
-My Boy Jack -- Again, not a classic piece of cinema, but a great look at The Great War through the eyes of Rudyard Kipling and his son.
-Only the Brave -- Really good look at the Granite Mountain Hotshots and all they did to become a recognized crew leading up to the Yarnell fire.
-Renaissance Man -- I'm a sucker for Danny DeVito and this is one I really love, a little underrated.
-Spaceballs / Robin Hood Men in Tights / Blazing Saddles / The Producers -- Mel Brooks. Watch Mel Brooks.
-The Terminal -- Tom Hanks, really good Spielberg movie.
-Unbroken -- I'll give this a big shout, really good movie.
...I see a few films I am not super familiar with and will ABSOLUTELY be adding to my backlog.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
1. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

Modern comedy noir starring two of my favorite actors (that's a whole other list) written and directed by the man who wrote several of the action movies that helped shape my tastes growing up. I love movies with twists and turns. I love comedy. I love snappy dialogue. I love great acting. This movie has all of that in spades.

2. The Prestige

Christopher Nolan is probably my favorite director (gonna need to finish that list at some point). I mentioned loving twists and turns, and this one definitely provides that. Acting is a check. I have always been in love with magic and the craft behind it. Also, I love me some stunt casting (Bowie as Tesla!)

3. The Color of Money

For my money there has never been an acting performance as fine as Paul Newman as an aging "Fast" Eddie Felson. Martin Scorsese directed this sequel to The Hustler and its easily the most underrated movie from one of the greatest directors of all time. A young Tom Cruise is electric as an annoying cocky douchebag hotshot. Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio is IMO one of the best actresses in history. And a young Forrest Whitaker tries his best to steal the whole movie in one cameo scene. The soundtrack is also absolutely perfect.

4. Dawn of the Dead (1978)

The movie that made me fall in love with horror and realize that even genre films can have a deeper meaning. This movie is why I still have a Fangoria Magazine subscription after all these years.

5. The Thing

Greatest horror movie of all time. I put Dawn above it for sentimental reasons, but this one is unmatched in its field. Rob Bottin proves he is a master of special effects. John Carpenter is a legend and this is his masterpiece.

6. Tombstone

Killer cast. Fun, slightly over-the-top acting (perfect for a western). I named my son Wyatt because of this movie (even though Val Kilmer steals the show as Doc Holliday). Incredibly quotable. Holds a place in my heart because of a cross-country road trip my father and I made to Tombstone, Arizona after watching the film.

7. GoodFellas

A perfect movie. Scorsese's magnum opus IMO. Not much needs to be said about this one. THAT SOUNDTRACK THO.

8. Heist

I love heist movies. I already mentioned loving twists in my flicks and this one is another prime example. I don't think there's been an actor more suited to David Mamet's dialogue style than Gene Hackman. Danny Devito is a scene stealer as the antagonist mob boss, and delivers one of my favorite nonsensical movie lines that just FEELS right because of how he says "Everyone needs money, that's why it's called MONEY." Also co-stars maybe my favorite magician of all time, frequent Mamet-collaborator Ricky Jay.

9. Memento

LENNY! The movie that sent me down the movie nerd rabbit hole. Did not realize a literal random Netflix DVD could send me down such a rabbit hole in life.

10. Mulholland Dr.

If Christopher Nolan is my favorite director, David Lynch is my favorite entertainment human. I think he's an absolute genius in his ability to tell stories that might not always make logical sense to you, but he still knows how to elicit emotion and a general FEEL in you. This one starts by feeling like another Lynchian "wtf" production, but there's an actual clear narrative to be found amongst the dreamy twisty plot. I think I get it. Mostly.
The Godfather - I think this may artistically be the best movie ever made, I didn't get to see it until a lot later in life but have an extreme appreciation for the film. I have it ranked above number 2 for Brando's performance and also because it is an introduction to the characters which is something that always excites me in film.
Can someone explain the meme of Godfather being one of the best movies to me? I found the audio levels to be all over the place and characters were hard to hear and make out. It's a decent watch, but I'd love to understand why people say it's one of the top movies of all time.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Can someone explain the meme of Godfather being one of the best movies to me? I found the audio levels to be all over the place and characters were hard to hear and make out. It's a decent watch, but I'd love to understand why people say it's one of the top movies of all time.
Considering the time in which it came out it was a game changer. An epic Mob story that is still relatable due to the family dynamics at play. Really feels like the start of the Lee Strasburg style of acting becoming prevalent, ushering in much more believable acting performances in mainstream movies. Al Pacino straight up snatches the Best Actor of a Generation baton from Marlon Brando. Beautifully shot. Insanely quotable. Appeals to film nerds and dudebros alike.

But yeah I always watch with subtitles.
Considering the time in which it came out it was a game changer. An epic Mob story that is still relatable due to the family dynamics at play. Really feels like the start of the Lee Strasburg style of acting becoming prevalent, ushering in much more believable acting performances in mainstream movies. Al Pacino straight up snatches the Best Actor of a Generation baton from Marlon Brando. Beautifully shot. Insanely quotable. Appeals to film nerds and dudebros alike.

But yeah I always watch with subtitles.
So it's mainly the same sort of "you had to BE there" explanation I give zoomers when talking about Ocarina of Time?


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
So it's mainly the same sort of "you had to BE there" explanation I give zoomers when talking about Ocarina of Time?
I'd say that plays a role...but it also came out well before I was born, so its not like I was there either, but I still love it.

I do think it's one of the quintessential American cultural movies.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
...I see a few films I am not super familiar with and will ABSOLUTELY be adding to my backlog.
Hopefully you'll enjoy them as I do, it's great to see we all have such varied tastes!
2. The Prestige

Christopher Nolan is probably my favorite director (gonna need to finish that list at some point). I mentioned loving twists and turns, and this one definitely provides that. Acting is a check. I have always been in love with magic and the craft behind it. Also, I love me some stunt casting (Bowie as Tesla!)
Oh great shout! The Prestige is a great film, I totally overlooked it on my list.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
One day I'll finally get around to reading the book.
GIF by South Park


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Okay here's my stab at what movies came to mind.

1) Boondock Saints - my favourite movie of all time, wasn't received too great but it's kind of a cult classic

2) V for Vendetta - the philosophical meaning behind this film is what get me

3) True Romance - most people were introduced to Tarentino through Pulp Fiction, this came first and it's still my favourite Tarentino movie to date

4) Requiem for a Dream - okay this movie is kind of fucked up and disturbing, it's NOT for everyone, but I think it does a great job demonstrating how each decision in your life has such an impact and how it can get out of control

5) The Departed - I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it but the entire movie is great for start to finish, and that ending

6) Fight Club - Tyler Durden, are you there?

7) Gladiator - are you not entertained!?

8) Avengers: Infinity War - easily the "newest" movie on my list. The snap was one of my biggest wtf moments in all of movies and the cultural impact of it. EVERYONE was talking about it.

9) Jurassic Park - I was obsessed with dinosaurs as a kid and loved it for that reason. Today? I feel like it sends a message of the consequences of humans going too far - the whole COULD you do it vs SHOULD you do it thing

10) Space Jam - ...yeah this is just a guilty pleasure. It's objectively not great but it's light hearted and I still rewatch it today
Okay here's my stab at what movies came to mind.

1) Boondock Saints - my favourite movie of all time, wasn't received too great but it's kind of a cult classic

2) V for Vendetta - the philosophical meaning behind this film is what get me

3) True Romance - most people were introduced to Tarentino through Pulp Fiction, this came first and it's still my favourite Tarentino movie to date

4) Requiem for a Dream - okay this movie is kind of fucked up and disturbing, it's NOT for everyone, but I think it does a great job demonstrating how each decision in your life has such an impact and how it can get out of control

5) The Departed - I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it but the entire movie is great for start to finish, and that ending

6) Fight Club - Tyler Durden, are you there?

7) Gladiator - are you not entertained!?

8) Avengers: Infinity War - easily the "newest" movie on my list. The snap was one of my biggest wtf moments in all of movies and the cultural impact of it. EVERYONE was talking about it.

9) Jurassic Park - I was obsessed with dinosaurs as a kid and loved it for that reason. Today? I feel like it sends a message of the consequences of humans going too far - the whole COULD you do it vs SHOULD you do it thing

10) Space Jam - ...yeah this is just a guilty pleasure. It's objectively not great but it's light hearted and I still rewatch it today
The Departed is just on the edge of my Top 10, Nicholson in particular was brilliant but just a great film all round
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I don't watch a lot of movies. I've seen 4 this year and only 2 new ones last year. I just don't like watching movies so my list is pretty easy to compile. I really only watch comedies and Star Wars lol

1. Airplane!
2. Blazing Saddles
3. Jurassic Park
4. Star Wars: A New Hope
5. The Dark Knight
6. Role Models
7. LOTR: Two Towers
8. Field of Dreams
9. Independence Day
10. King Kong vs Godzilla (1962 version)
I don't watch a lot of movies. I've seen 4 this year and only 2 new ones last year. I just don't like watching movies so my list is pretty easy to compile. I really only watch comedies and Star Wars lol

1. Airplane!
2. Blazing Saddles
3. Jurassic Park
4. Star Wars: A New Hope
5. The Dark Knight
6. Role Models
7. LOTR: Two Towers
8. Field of Dreams
9. Independence Day
10. King Kong vs Godzilla (1962 version)
I don’t have a top 10, but your top 2 would definitely make mine… probably Jurassic park too
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