• This News Doesn't Suck!

    Everyone stop what you're doing! It's happening! GW's own Alu is having a baby!! Come and congratulate him here: Need some help identifying this picture.

    We're so happy for you, Alu!

VTS Mafia VTS Mafia Night 3/Day 3

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Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
In this game, you aren't voting to lynch anyone, you're voting to send them to jail. The person jailed is not immediately removed from the game, but instead is "put on trial" during the next day phase. Once jailed, they cannot use any special abilities until released from jail (be that by early release or being found Innocent). However, when on trial, you can feel free to role claim as much as you want to try and save your bacon. Otherwise, I ask that you refrain from any role claiming. Hinting, however, is allowed.

The minimum amount of votes to arrest a player will be roughly the number of citizens / 2.

A handful of players will be chosen at random as the Jury for each trial and they will decide if the player is Guilty or Innocent. Guilty players are killed and removed from the game. Jury Verdicts are decided by simple majority.

During each day phase you will also be concurrently deciding the next player to arrest (keep an eye on those juries).


In this game there are 4 special Citizen roles, chosen from the following:

Lawyer: Once per game can release a Defendant from Jail, by contacting the Governor via DM.
Gumshoe: Each night, can investigate a player, discovering their role.
Good Cop: Once per game, at night, can arrest a player to be put on trial the next day.
Vigilante: Each night, can execute a player.
Judge: Once per game, during a trial, can either release a player or condemn them to death.

In this game there are 4 Mobsters, chosen from the following:

The Mafia:
The Don: Can only be killed by being found Guilty at Trial. There will always be a Don in the game.
The Consigliere: Each night can investigate a player, discovering their role.
The Cleaner: Twice per game can prevent deceased player roles from being revealed to the City at daybreak. The Cleaner will still learn these roles.
The Button Man: Once per game, at night, can kill a player at night, in addition to the normal mob kill.
Mob Lawyer: Once per game can release a Defendant from Jail, by contacting the Governor via DM.

In this game there MAY OR MAY NOT be a Dirty Cop:

Solo Player:
Dirty Cop: Once per game, at night, can arrest a player to be put on trial the next day. Once per game, at night, can kill a player. If they make it to the end of the game without being discovered, they win. If discovered by the Consigliere, joins the Mob and wins/loses with them. If discovered by the Gumshoe, cleans up his act and becomes a Good Cop and wins/loses with the Citizens.

@Alu Capone
@Zell 17
@Tommy Boy
@Local Hero
@Fire Queen
@Joseph Snapple

Unlocked Roles for future games
The Snitch (Citizen) - When arrested, gains knowledge of one random mobster.
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Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Danger Is My Last Name

Everything was going gangbusters for Trip Danger III. The infamous son of the city had been having a rough go of it as of late. The scion of the powerful Danger family had been accused of being in bed with countless broads in his day, but never with the Black Hand. Things got so screwed up tight that he had to spend last night in the clink when he should have been ringside for the big fight. Those tickets had cost some hefty cabbage, so you can imagine his dismay at having to waste away a night chinning with a couple grifters and dope fiends waiting for his day in court.

But that was all in the rearview now, as he beat the rap and got off scott free. Now was his big moment, as he ambled down the courthouse steps while his lawyer fended off all the paparazzi and hacks working the crime beat for the daily rags. One newsman's voice calls out above the rest and Trip comes to a halt halfway down the steps, ready to hold court and soak in the attention.

"Mr. Danger! What do you have to say to those people who have been calling you a criminal?"

Trip smiles his cocky smile and pulls out his solid gold lighter, flicking it open and closed, an affectation that's become almost a trademark. "I'm hurt, I tell ya. Bunch a clueless fucks in this city, I swear. These mindless sheep don't listen to who they should, if you catch my drift. They think I'm a thief? Stealing a man's wife, that's nothing. But stealing a man's money? That's larceny."

Trip's lawyer tries to calm him down and end the informal press scrum, but Trip is loving the attention.

"No no no, listen up. Any chump wants to come for Trip Danger, they better come heavy. That goes for la cosa nostra, John Law, whoever. If you want a piece of me, you better get in line 'cause my dance card is full, baby. I'll give you the skinny on who you really SHOULD be focusing them lamps on, and it ain't gonna cost you any scratch. You need to be looking-"

That's when the shot rang out. Best guess is that it came from a high-powered rifle on the roof across the street, but no one could say for sure in all the commotion that followed. The bullet was a real Sunday punch right to Trip's chest and it dropped him like a bad habit. As the newsies either scattered or moved in for the perfect picture for the front page, that gold lighter tumbled down the stairs...right into the gutter.

TD has been killed by the Vigilante. He was a Citizen.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Another day, another headline. But not the one most were expecting after the late-night news of local businessman Alu turning himself in on racketeering charges. No, a much more unexpected headline is splashed across the top of the City's leading broadsheet.


Cole has been arrested.

Today, Alu and Cole are on trial.

Alu's Jury
Fire Queen

Cole's Jury
Local Hero
Joseph Snapple

A Baby Maker

puppy haver
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Exhibit 1 for my innocence:


  • 3 to 4 medium overripe bananas, mashed (1 1/2 cups)
  • 1/3 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups gluten-free all purpose flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Prepare the loaf pan:
    Grease an 8x4-inch loaf pan generously
  3. Mix the wet ingredients:
    In a large mixing bowl, add mashed bananas and stir in melted butter, sugar, egg, and vanilla.
  4. Mix the dry ingredients and combine:
    In a smaller bowl, add flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Whisk to combine. Add the flour mixture to the larger bowl with the wet ingredients and stir until fully combined. (Note that it will be slightly lumpy because of the pieces of mashed banana.)
  5. Bake:
    Pour batter into the prepared loaf pan, scraping the bowl to assist. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour, or until a tester comes out clean.
Lisa Simpson GIF by The Simpsons


GW Elder
okay I am back after dinner.

@VashTheStampede please tell me I'm not competing with Alu, because I don't think I can beat a recipe.


I am alive. the mob did not get a kill, and I am on trial.

which means I was saved by the police. but which police?

let us first look at good player roles. there are 5 potential pro town roles, but only 4 in this game.

since I am one of them (just in case this wasn't clear, since I'm on trial now I'M THE GUMSHOE, I literally called myself a sick with a capital D. like... a private dick? come on guys. how did only shortkut catch this? or was he just the only one who spoke up about it?

if others saw it and didn't say anything. I need to know, because that might lend credence to my theory thst shortkut outted me on purpose to try and give justification for me dying.)

but I digress. I am the gumshoe. we now know we have a vigilante. that leaves 3 town roles, judge, lawyer, good cop.

at this juncture, I should tell tou, since Vash said it was kosher at the end of the previous day phase, I did speak to a few people last evening. some I believe, some I do not believe. but I do have LOTS of new information.

and one thing I WILL say, is I know one of those other roles. they confided in me and I believe them.

but it is NOT a good cop.

that leaves two roles and 1 slot.

interestingly, it seems probable that the bad cop is a 50/50 chance to even exist in the game.

I still believe the bad cop took the 2nd shot night 0. and I think that's who saved me.

let's see what else.

hopefully by the end of this day phase I'm gonna be proven right by Alus death, so hopefully there isn't too much doubt in my innocence

but this isn't going to help my case.

I investigated TD last night, obviously found nothing. and for the second night in this game, my target died.

by the way, if clues will help sway you. on day 1 in a post while arguing with Kat, I posed a hypothetical. this hypothetical.

so if you're on the fence about someone, and they say "I'm a townie", you vote to kill. if they say "I am the gumshoe and I investigated Tommy Boy who turned out to be a civilian and later died", your stance is they are now believable and should therefore be spared?

you heard her, mobsters. just role claim and you win! zell was right all along, it doesn't matter who's playing, just role claim!
that wasn't a hypothetical, that is exactly what happened night 0.

in my first post of day 2, I capitalized several letter As even ones that were out of place to point Alu specifically (but also anyone else) to later in the post where I said

"now matter how Aluring is the Consigliere".

I even had to spell "alluring" wrong for it.

then at the end of the post I called myself "a Dick".

after Alu responded, I told him to "type with his right hand, man". a Consigliere is the right hand of a don.

later I said he should get down to the Nitti gritty.

Frank Nitty was Al Capones right hand man.

I gave it all to you. believe me or don't until Alu dies. but I would reserve voting guilty on me AT THE VERY LEAST until we see what happens with

since I am one of them (just in case this wasn't clear, since I'm on trial now I'M THE GUMSHOE, I literally called myself a sick with a capital D. like... a private dick? come on guys. how did only shortkut catch this? or was he just the only one who spoke up about it?
To be fair, after your long post yesterday (which I read thoroughly!), you made it abundantly clear you were gumshoe, no conversation needed. That is, unless there's another gumshoe to challenge the claim

lisa simpson episode 21 GIF


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I’m not on the jury, so I have no impact on voting for Alu. It seems pretty cut and dry

how did only shortkut catch this?
Thanks for the shoutout

if others saw it and didn't say anything. I need to know, because that might lend credence to my theory thst shortkut outted me on purpose to try and give justification for me dying.
Never mind. You fucking capitalized his name and Dick, it was the least subtle thing since you role claimed in the zell game we demolished :rofl

I don’t consider it calling you out since I didn’t spell it out and it was obvious.

Either way… time to find the next target for jail

Cole’s biggest suspicions were Alu, TD, and Zell. He got Alu right, but got TD wrong. As of yesterday he only had time for two investigations, so it could make sense that zell is guilty. Depending on his role, he’s of no consequence to the town (button man already used his ability), so there was no need for Cole to shout his findings, but the consigliere is the mafia detective so he can find everyone’s role and now is the most dangerous mafia member left in the game.

Voting zell
I’m not on the jury, so I have no impact on voting for Alu. It seems pretty cut and dry

Thanks for the shoutout

Never mind. You fucking capitalized his name and Dick, it was the least subtle thing since you role claimed in the zell game we demolished :rofl

I don’t consider it calling you out since I didn’t spell it out and it was obvious.

Either way… time to find the next target for jail

Cole’s biggest suspicions were Alu, TD, and Zell. He got Alu right, but got TD wrong. As of yesterday he only had time for two investigations, so it could make sense that zell is guilty. Depending on his role, he’s of no consequence to the town (button man already used his ability), so there was no need for Cole to shout his findings, but the consigliere is the mafia detective so he can find everyone’s role and now is the most dangerous mafia member left in the game.

Voting zell
I agree and I'm easy to influence.

I vote @shortkut


GW Elder
I’m not on the jury, so I have no impact on voting for Alu. It seems pretty cut and dry

Thanks for the shoutout

Never mind. You fucking capitalized his name and Dick, it was the least subtle thing since you role claimed in the zell game we demolished :rofl

I don’t consider it calling you out since I didn’t spell it out and it was obvious.

Either way… time to find the next target for jail

Cole’s biggest suspicions were Alu, TD, and Zell. He got Alu right, but got TD wrong. As of yesterday he only had time for two investigations, so it could make sense that zell is guilty. Depending on his role, he’s of no consequence to the town (button man already used his ability), so there was no need for Cole to shout his findings, but the consigliere is the mafia detective so he can find everyone’s role and now is the most dangerous mafia member left in the game.

Voting zell
I still think it was subtle if not every one caught it.

but regardless.

I'm still very iffy on Zell. my initial vote and argument with Zell yesterday was about 60/40. I had a suspicion he might be in the mob, I told you guys about Alu FIRST and then I went after Zell. the hope being that Alu could shed some light inadvertently.

he did not.

so I altered the plan. instead I basically went nuclear instead, and tried to bring forth the truth

I'm sorry but I stand by TD dying. he was actively hurting the town's chances. he needed to go.

but TD being innocent does cast Zell in a different light.

but you left out one of my suspects.


let's say other people caught my inferences, no one said anything until you did.

did you out me on purpose so no one would question when I'm dead?


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I still think it was subtle if not every one caught it.

but regardless.

I'm still very iffy on Zell. my initial vote and argument with Zell yesterday was about 60/40. I had a suspicion he might be in the mob, I told you guys about Alu FIRST and then I went after Zell. the hope being that Alu could shed some light inadvertently.

he did not.

so I altered the plan. instead I basically went nuclear instead, and tried to bring forth the truth

I'm sorry but I stand by TD dying. he was actively hurting the town's chances. he needed to go.

but TD being innocent does cast Zell in a different light.

but you left out one of my suspects.


let's say other people caught my inferences, no one said anything until you did.

did you out me on purpose so no one would question when I'm dead?
Outing someone requires there to be subtlety. You were as subtle as pink elephant

Either way, you don’t know who saved you so why don’t you think about who knew your role before you start making more accusations


GW Elder
Outing someone requires there to be subtlety. You were as subtle as pink elephant

Either way, you don’t know who saved you so why don’t you think about who knew your role before you start making more accusations
thanks to you, EVERYONE knew my role! you literally outted me, multiple times before I even made my reveal post.

how about we get a show of hands, who saw the clues in my first post of day 2 BEFORE shortkut said something?

I vote Cole.
yeah well I vote Alu.

First he changes my name to a mob boss, then he accuses me of being the right hand man of a mob boss.

He has no consistency and clearly I'm the real gumshoe.
no one would ever give you a private eye license. you look like you're 12.


GW Elder

Who did you investigate, why, and what were the results?

Why did you vote for yourself during yesterdays day phase?

Who are the other mobsters?

we can offer you a deal, life without parole. just name names. whos the Don.

A Baby Maker

puppy haver
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
odd timing indeed. very odd timing.

Alu, who did you investigate night 0 and 1 and what were their roles?
I investigated you when you investigated me. We chased eachother in circles while screaming "I see you!" Over and over.

I voted for myself because there was no chance of it not ending up with me at trial at that point.


The Ritualist
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
So, Mr. Coleman, if that is your real name, ignoring your blatant Dick dropping yesterday which could easily lend you to seriously scar Tommy Boy, what were your night 0 and 1 actions? Clearly last night doesn't get you any credence as TD has an extra cavity in his chest. I did skip the first 6 pages of day 1 and day 2 was a blur as I played a lot of BG3.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
thanks to you, EVERYONE knew my role! you literally outted me, multiple times before I even made my reveal post.

how about we get a show of hands, who saw the clues in my first post of day 2 BEFORE shortkut said something?

yeah well I vote Alu.

no one would ever give you a private eye license. you look like you're 12.
It’s funny, Cole is able to accept that he lacked subtlety exactly the same way Zell is able to accept criticism of his wolf game
Duck Hunt Laughing GIF


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
So, Mr. Coleman, if that is your real name, ignoring your blatant Dick dropping yesterday which could easily lend you to seriously scar Tommy Boy, what were your night 0 and 1 actions? Clearly last night doesn't get you any credence as TD has an extra cavity in his chest. I did skip the first 6 pages of day 1 and day 2 was a blur as I played a lot of BG3.
Follow up: @Cole on a scale of 1 to @Ants! , how many eggplants should you get?


GW Elder
I investigated you when you investigated me. We chased eachother in circles while screaming "I see you!" Over and over.

I voted for myself because there was no chance of it not ending up with me at trial at that point.
what else? what a night 0? what about this last night phase?
So, Mr. Coleman, if that is your real name, ignoring your blatant Dick dropping yesterday which could easily lend you to seriously scar Tommy Boy, what were your night 0 and 1 actions? Clearly last night doesn't get you any credence as TD has an extra cavity in his chest. I did skip the first 6 pages of day 1 and day 2 was a blur as I played a lot of BG3.

I investigated Tommy Boy. he was a civi.
I investigated Alu, he is the Consigliere.
I investigated TD, and I was severely disappointed.

It’s funny, Cole is able to accept that he lacked subtlety exactly the same way Zell is able to accept criticism of his wolf game
Duck Hunt Laughing GIF
I can accept I lacked subtlety, what I want to know is who else saw it before you said something. what happens if it wasn't subtle at all, everyone saw it on their own, but only you chose to out me?

that would make you look pretty bad.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I can accept I lacked subtlety, what I want to know is who else saw it before you said something. what happens if it wasn't subtle at all, everyone saw it on their own, but only you chose to out me?

that would make you look pretty bad
How would it look bad? I didn’t call you out just to call you out. I used your obvious claim to enhance my suspicion of Zell. Even when I hit him over the head with it, he still refused to acknowledge @Alu Capone is the consigliere. So the most likely reasons for this are:
  1. Zell is mafia with Alu
  2. Zell is bad at this game
  3. Cole is not the gumshoe
I don’t know why you’re playing dumb about your whole feud with Zell from earlier, but it makes the most sense for us to try to get a second mafia before they can whittle our numbers down even more


GW Elder
I was in jail last night and investigated my cells toilet. TD left his own version of a game log in there for me.

First night I confirmed a townie role that I will not be outing now as it's one that hasn't been confirmed and I'd rather keep you all guessing.
but you're on trial. Is the town worth more than your life? Why don't you tell us WHO you investigated then? Give us a name. Let's start there.
How would it look bad? I didn’t call you out just to call you out. I used your obvious claim to enhance my suspicion of Zell. Even when I hit him over the head with it, he still refused to acknowledge @Alu Capone is the consigliere. So the most likely reasons for this are:
  1. Zell is mafia with Alu
  2. Zell is bad at this game
  3. Cole is not the gumshoe
I don’t know why you’re playing dumb about your whole feud with Zell from earlier, but it makes the most sense for us to try to get a second mafia before they can whittle our numbers down even more
in what way am I playing dumb? I was very coordinated in what I did to/with Zell. you keep saying its subtle, which means lots of people noticed it.

but only one person said it out loud. WHY?

Lets say you thought it was so obvious that everyone noticed it.

What good does it do to say it outright? just KNOWING Zell missed it should be enough to suspect him, even if it was obvious, if the mafia missed it, you just outed me to them. publicly. bad cop could've taken a shot at me.

just because YOU caught it, doesn't mean everyone else did. and if you're the only one that did, ALSO a huge reason you shouldn't have said it.

you're not stupid, you're a smart player, we've discussed strategies in between games.

you would have thought that all through.

what good comes from outing me?


The Ritualist
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
First night I confirmed a townie role that I will not be outing now as it's one that hasn't been confirmed and I'd rather keep you all guessing.
TD pulled this shit with us before as a Seer and if I didn't pull his ass out from the gavels and land my phat one there he was toast.

And I'm not pulling that thing again. :D


I investigated Tommy Boy. he was a civi.
I investigated Alu, he is the Consigliere.
I investigated TD, and I was severely disappointed.
This is now much easier to quote as reference. Thank you.

Mid-questioning shitposting, if you were hypothetically a baker, what recipe would you consider to duke it out in a bake-off against Alu?
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