Here I am!


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
Hi everyone!

I'm not creative so I just stuck with my original s/n but if yall are friends with me irl (even if only semi-irl), then yall know me as Tu.

I joined the forums in 2002 (I was 13) because I had a huge crush on Shadowspirit and wanted to spend more time with him lol We were in 8th grade together and stayed relatively good friends up until adulthood. We're not so close now but we follow each other on IG if that means anything.

I was a part of all sorts of clubs and clans... Shinra, SOLDIER, Demon Outlaws are the only ones I can really remember. I do remember some of yall but I'll apologize ahead of time if I don't remember all of yall, especially those who switched usernames!

Despite my low activity and inability to recall/name members, I am very fond of GW and all the members I've had the pleasure of knowing--some I've gotten to meet/hang out with irl due to geographic proximity, one helped me with my father's eulogy five years ago, one member I cat-sat for when they went to Europe, one is attending my wedding this fall and even those that I just get to see life updates on FB!

I just turned 35. I work a pretty standard office job in North Texas. When it's warm and not-windy out, we spend time on the lake working on our wake boarding skillzzzz (we're not great but it's still fun when the water isn't violating us). My fiance and I have 4 cats. We got through both Overcooked! games together. You may find us at an EDM festival/concert here and there. I'm also obsessed with the band Starset.

I think that concludes my life updates :)
I'm glad I was able to properly guilt you into posting here!

I have to check, but I might still have the card you sent me one time. I think I was living with my grandparents at the time you sent it. It was one of the very few non-bills I got sent to me while I lived there. Was a nice fond memory.


GW Elder
Hi everyone!

I'm not creative so I just stuck with my original s/n but if yall are friends with me irl (even if only semi-irl), then yall know me as Tu.

I joined the forums in 2002 (I was 13) because I had a huge crush on Shadowspirit and wanted to spend more time with him lol We were in 8th grade together and stayed relatively good friends up until adulthood. We're not so close now but we follow each other on IG if that means anything.

I was a part of all sorts of clubs and clans... Shinra, SOLDIER, Demon Outlaws are the only ones I can really remember. I do remember some of yall but I'll apologize ahead of time if I don't remember all of yall, especially those who switched usernames!

Despite my low activity and inability to recall/name members, I am very fond of GW and all the members I've had the pleasure of knowing--some I've gotten to meet/hang out with irl due to geographic proximity, one helped me with my father's eulogy five years ago, one member I cat-sat for when they went to Europe, one is attending my wedding this fall and even those that I just get to see life updates on FB!

I just turned 35. I work a pretty standard office job in North Texas. When it's warm and not-windy out, we spend time on the lake working on our wake boarding skillzzzz (we're not great but it's still fun when the water isn't violating us). My fiance and I have 4 cats. We got through both Overcooked! games together. You may find us at an EDM festival/concert here and there. I'm also obsessed with the band Starset.

I think that concludes my life updates :)
I vaguely remember you, but welcome back!


Bingo! Dino DNA.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Hi everyone!

I'm not creative so I just stuck with my original s/n but if yall are friends with me irl (even if only semi-irl), then yall know me as Tu.

I joined the forums in 2002 (I was 13) because I had a huge crush on Shadowspirit and wanted to spend more time with him lol We were in 8th grade together and stayed relatively good friends up until adulthood. We're not so close now but we follow each other on IG if that means anything.

I was a part of all sorts of clubs and clans... Shinra, SOLDIER, Demon Outlaws are the only ones I can really remember. I do remember some of yall but I'll apologize ahead of time if I don't remember all of yall, especially those who switched usernames!

Despite my low activity and inability to recall/name members, I am very fond of GW and all the members I've had the pleasure of knowing--some I've gotten to meet/hang out with irl due to geographic proximity, one helped me with my father's eulogy five years ago, one member I cat-sat for when they went to Europe, one is attending my wedding this fall and even those that I just get to see life updates on FB!

I just turned 35. I work a pretty standard office job in North Texas. When it's warm and not-windy out, we spend time on the lake working on our wake boarding skillzzzz (we're not great but it's still fun when the water isn't violating us). My fiance and I have 4 cats. We got through both Overcooked! games together. You may find us at an EDM festival/concert here and there. I'm also obsessed with the band Starset.

I think that concludes my life updates :)
I want to say we talked quite a bit way back then, probably while I was still bentalbot or Blind Guardian.

Shinra was my clan, so that makes a lot of sense now. You might have even been in my later one, Kingdom of Darkness.

Very happy to see a familiar name though. Welcome back!


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
I love the lake pictures you post. So jealous. I wish I knew how to wakeboard or ski but I had bad experiences tubing and stopped volunteering to be pulled behind a boat. My brother owns a lake house and two boats so maybe someday I'll try again.

I will say that hitting the water on a wakeboard is (most of the time) not as bad. You just gotta be ready to eat lake for about half an hour or so, and afterwards the fun starts. Doooo iiittt!!

Great to have you with us @Gloom-is-good, I remember you very well from GW and am pleased you jumped in here. Welcome home :)

(Oh, I used to be Apollo :))
Noooow I remember you (slightly) 😅

I want to say we talked quite a bit way back then, probably while I was still bentalbot or Blind Guardian.

Shinra was my clan, so that makes a lot of sense now. You might have even been in my later one, Kingdom of Darkness.

Very happy to see a familiar name though. Welcome back!
Ok see, for some reason I thought you were some other Ben! Was there another Ben..? Ah well doesn't matter. I definitely remember you (now)! We were two peas in a pod back then! Hello!


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
Hello Tu :wave

I like the mention of Overcooked, my partner and I also played those together, very good game for non-gamers :chuckle

Shame the PS4 doesn't have more like it
Yes! A game worth testing relationships for! 😂 We are playing Plate Up now which is somewhat similar. I think that's just on PC and Steam though.


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
Hey there, Tu! Long time, no see. I used to have you on facebook (and be in your fan club) but, I have no idea what happened.

Either way, keeping the old sn isn't the end of the world, I did the same thing.
Wait what? You were in the fan club? 🤣 I'm dyyiiiying! I can't even begin to imagine how you ended up there!

If I ended up deleting you from FB, it's probably because I forgot the connection between your name and your GW name. My bad! I'm sure it didn't terribly offend you


Sad, lumpy oatmeal that used to be Xellos
GW Elder
Wait what? You were in the fan club? 🤣 I'm dyyiiiying! I can't even begin to imagine how you ended up there!

If I ended up deleting you from FB, it's probably because I forgot the connection between your name and your GW name. My bad! I'm sure it didn't terribly offend you
I don't really use FB at all, so it's no biggie. I just have it, and randomly post.... Dog pics, usually?


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
I don't really use FB at all, so it's no biggie. I just have it, and randomly post.... Dog pics, usually?
You're better than me! Most of my posts are just other people tagging me. I'm so bad at social media lol I have friends who I've known for over a decade and there's probably 1 picture of me with them. I made an IG for my cats.. I just share memes on it once a week.. in the meantime Google's all "hey! You have SO many pictures of your cats! Should we delete some of them?" And I'm like "nah I'll just pay for more storage" 😆


Retired Webmaster Eh 🤷‍♂️
GW Elder
you can't shut me up
Emily Blunt Yes GIF by The Animal Crackers Movie


Active Member
Hi everyone!

I'm not creative so I just stuck with my original s/n but if yall are friends with me irl (even if only semi-irl), then yall know me as Tu.

I joined the forums in 2002 (I was 13) because I had a huge crush on Shadowspirit and wanted to spend more time with him lol We were in 8th grade together and stayed relatively good friends up until adulthood. We're not so close now but we follow each other on IG if that means anything.

I was a part of all sorts of clubs and clans... Shinra, SOLDIER, Demon Outlaws are the only ones I can really remember. I do remember some of yall but I'll apologize ahead of time if I don't remember all of yall, especially those who switched usernames!

Despite my low activity and inability to recall/name members, I am very fond of GW and all the members I've had the pleasure of knowing--some I've gotten to meet/hang out with irl due to geographic proximity, one helped me with my father's eulogy five years ago, one member I cat-sat for when they went to Europe, one is attending my wedding this fall and even those that I just get to see life updates on FB!

I just turned 35. I work a pretty standard office job in North Texas. When it's warm and not-windy out, we spend time on the lake working on our wake boarding skillzzzz (we're not great but it's still fun when the water isn't violating us). My fiance and I have 4 cats. We got through both Overcooked! games together. You may find us at an EDM festival/concert here and there. I'm also obsessed with the band Starset.

I think that concludes my life updates :)
Welcome! Thank you for the intro. Have you lived in TX your whole life?


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
Welcome! Thank you for the intro. Have you lived in TX your whole life?
I would say for most of it!

I was born in Vietnam, came over to Houston at 5. My mom then promptly left my dad and moved in with the alpha loser of H-Town. It was a very unstable situation so I spent a lot of my childhood staying here and there with whoever could take us in while they were on/off again. Was in San Jose for one point of that time but other times, I can't say for sure where.

Then in 2016 I had one of those quarter life crises. Gave/sold most of my stuff. Ended up on Long Island.

Now I'm back in Dallas (where I did my undergrad).

I used to consider being a Texan as part of my identity but now I don't because of Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott 😒
I would say for most of it!

I was born in Vietnam, came over to Houston at 5. My mom then promptly left my dad and moved in with the alpha loser of H-Town. It was a very unstable situation so I spent a lot of my childhood staying here and there with whoever could take us in while they were on/off again. Was in San Jose for one point of that time but other times, I can't say for sure where.

Then in 2016 I had one of those quarter life crises. Gave/sold most of my stuff. Ended up on Long Island.

Now I'm back in Dallas (where I did my undergrad).

I used to consider being a Texan as part of my identity but now I don't because of Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott 😒
Don't worry, as 2.5 raccoons in a trench coat you can easily claim having no responsibility for either of them. Now, what are the politics of procyonids in Texas like?

Pun Damage

That Pain You Feel at a Bad Pun
GW Elder
I recognize your name! If I'm not mistaken, you participated a good deal in the Egg Pets forum.


Bingo! Dino DNA.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Ok see, for some reason I thought you were some other Ben! Was there another Ben..? Ah well doesn't matter. I definitely remember you (now)! We were two peas in a pod back then! Hello!
There was only me. There can be only one.

I also found the member list for my Kingdom of Darkness/Nox Noctis Regnum clan from October 2004. You were a Corporal. And not really surprised to remember that Kanis was my right-hand in there! Sad that this looks like it was after he bailed for the army.

Member list
(Also listed is the members race.)
--- Blind Guardian [Vampyre]

--- Kanis [Lycanthrope] [On leave.]



--- Isis [Necromancer]

--- Slyner [Vampyre]

--- The Kupo [Lycanthrope]

--- Havoc51 [Vampyre]
--- Wyzegy [Vampyre]

--- Author X [Lycanthrope]
--- Gloom-is-good [Vampyre]
--- Cokilla [Vampyre]
--- Dark Panther [Lycanthrope]
--- The Kangster [Vampyre]

Private, First Class:
--- War Hawk [Lycanthrope]
--- Shinta [Drow]
--- Panther [Lycanthrope]
--- Obi-Wan Kenobi [Lycanthrope]
--- dark knight [Human]

--- Mogmaster [Necromancer]
--- Tom [Necromancer]
--- ChipperJones [Necromancer]
--- Rob64 [Human]
--- Dark Cloud Star [Vampyre]
--- Smaugy [Vampyre]
--- Midnight Prophecy [Vampyre]
--- Ocre [Human]
--- Majora's Wrath [Lesser Demon]
--- Scott [Lesser Demon]
--- Sonata of Chaos [Werewolf]
--- Dragon_Knight X [Drow]
--- blitz [Lycanthrope]

--- El Diablo Nacho [Lesser Demon]
--- Viper [Human] (Wanna be necromancer)
--- Andy [Human]
--- Witch-King of Angmar [Ghoul]
--- RPGoddess [Human]
--- Jpdan1 [Human]
--- Bloodsport_223 [Human]
--- thelostsoul [Vampyre]
--- Spike [Vampyre]
--- Scorpio87 [Lycanthrope]
--- Charizard's Breath [Vampyre] [Technical Difficulties.]
--- Tiamat [Lesser Demon]
--- Moridin [Necromancer] [On leave.]

Total members: 42.​



Bingo! Dino DNA.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Actually there was another Ben! 🤭 I don't recall his s/n.. but he was a couple years younger but just as tall and even referred to yall as the twins! He was my (forum) son 😅

I more meant in username, I'm fairly sure I was the only one using my actual name half the time. There were plenty of other Ben's over the years. Though I think I also recall deleting some old inactive account years later when I actually changed to "Ben", so maybe there was someone running about before that. 🤔
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