Misc. Media Sith or Jedi?

Which one would you choose? Sith or Jedi?

I guess I'd become a Sith. More power.

Star Wars Entertainment GIF
I think most would agree he was more sithy at the beginning than at the end. And it's the genocide and torture that I would struggle with. I'm working on it, I swear, but it's not going well.

Do you think think that he had dissociative Identity disorder that developed from when he was a slave?

He really snapped when he lost his mom. Then again when it came to saving Padme. Then he really went off into the deep end with his fight with Obi-Wan and told him that Darth Vader killed Anakin. The more I compare Darth Vader to Anakin, the less alike they seem. They really do behave like different people. He just comes off extremely unstable.

I would say gray jedi but that's a cop out, so realistically probably sith. I'm too emotional to be a jedi. Sounds like you'd basically have to be a robot and that requires a lot of willpower.

But if it's just a choice of one or the other I don't care, I guess Jedi. Just gimme a cool lightsaber color that isn't one of the main 3 so I can be special lol


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
I would say gray jedi but that's a cop out, so realistically probably sith. I'm too emotional to be a jedi. Sounds like you'd basically have to be a robot and that requires a lot of willpower.

But if it's just a choice of one or the other I don't care, I guess Jedi. Just gimme a cool lightsaber color that isn't one of the main 3 so I can be special lol
revenge of the sith GIF by Star Wars


Bingo! Dino DNA.
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GW Elder
Certainly more 'Empire', but this was the first tattoo I got, which is telling.


Definitely always liked Sith more. Might be the general black/red theme. Both sides are rather fucked up when you dig into it, but at least Sith are honest about it.

Although on the 2000 UK census, my brother told me if enough people list one religion then the government has to recognize it. So on some British record somewhere, 12 year old me is literally listed as 'Jedi'.
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