Campaign Stormwreck Isle; The Forgotten Clifftop Observatory (1-4a)

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims is incredibly ecstatic. More so than usual when blood is about to be spilled as he's riding a mother fucking owlbear! Like what is going on! It's amazing! Everything worked out like a charm! See owlbear, get to owlbear, mount owlbear. Who knew it was that easy! He grabs the rope around the owlbears neck with a firm grip, knees locked to its side, and raises his fist in the air, soaking in all the glory!

Hahahahaa! Now THIS is what im talking about! A great beast with equal bloodthirst as mine and in unison we can brutalize all these who dared to act cowardly! Hahahaa!

Sadly some of the excitement wavers as the kobolts manage to swipe at the owlbear and even manage to fling rocks at Aims himself. That wont do. They'll all pay the price for attempting to mess with the two of them!

Hey halfling! Do me a favor and tell good ol' OB here to leave his right flank to me! I'll be sure to swing at everything there! Hahaha!

His excitement then completely vanishes as he sees Zesty aiming towards them, thinking it is at the kobolts. Then the bolt swooshes by just barely missing the owlbear. Okay... Bad aim. But then the newly recruited metallic puppy runs towards Aims and the owlbear and takes a chunk out of his new steed. What the fuck man?! This doesn't compute.

Whoa whoa, what in the hells tiefling?! Get your mutt off my mount! Murder those blue things will ya!

This is all going to shits and Aims is having none of it. Determined to control the situation, he gets serious and lets his old soldiers instincts take over. He tugs on the makeshift reigns enough to turn the owlbear slightly to reorientate so that he gets in reach of kobolt4. He leans forward and tugs the reigns a bit to get the owlbears attention and then points at kobolt4. He lets his murderous instincts loose and aimed at the kobolt before grabbing his hand ax and taking a swing at the neck of the kobolt.

Now, you magnificent bastard of a beast. Let us destroy these vermin who decided to disturb you, rrraaaaahhhhh!

((Lemme know if I need to roll animal handling or something to try to work with the owlbear to some capacity.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Aims is incredibly ecstatic. More so than usual when blood is about to be spilled as he's riding a mother fucking owlbear! Like what is going on! It's amazing! Everything worked out like a charm! See owlbear, get to owlbear, mount owlbear. Who knew it was that easy! He grabs the rope around the owlbears neck with a firm grip, knees locked to its side, and raises his fist in the air, soaking in all the glory!

Hahahahaa! Now THIS is what im talking about! A great beast with equal bloodthirst as mine and in unison we can brutalize all these who dared to act cowardly! Hahahaa!

Sadly some of the excitement wavers as the kobolts manage to swipe at the owlbear and even manage to fling rocks at Aims himself. That wont do. They'll all pay the price for attempting to mess with the two of them!

Hey halfling! Do me a favor and tell good ol' OB here to leave his right flank to me! I'll be sure to swing at everything there! Hahaha!

His excitement then completely vanishes as he sees Zesty aiming towards them, thinking it is at the kobolts. Then the bolt swooshes by just barely missing the owlbear. Okay... Bad aim. But then the newly recruited metallic puppy runs towards Aims and the owlbear and takes a chunk out of his new steed. What the fuck man?! This doesn't compute.

Whoa whoa, what in the hells tiefling?! Get your mutt off my mount! Murder those blue things will ya!

This is all going to shits and Aims is having none of it. Determined to control the situation, he gets serious and lets his old soldiers instincts take over. He tugs on the makeshift reigns enough to turn the owlbear slightly to reorientate so that he gets in reach of kobolt4. He leans forward and tugs the reigns a bit to get the owlbears attention and then points at kobolt4. He lets his murderous instincts loose and aimed at the kobolt before grabbing his hand ax and taking a swing at the neck of the kobolt.

Now, you magnificent bastard of a beast. Let us destroy these vermin who decided to disturb you, rrraaaaahhhhh!

((Lemme know if I need to roll animal handling or something to try to work with the owlbear to some capacity.))
((Actually, gimme a STR check first.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

Aims is incredibly ecstatic. More so than usual when blood is about to be spilled as he's riding a mother fucking owlbear! Like what is going on! It's amazing! Everything worked out like a charm! See owlbear, get to owlbear, mount owlbear. Who knew it was that easy! He grabs the rope around the owlbears neck with a firm grip, knees locked to its side, and raises his fist in the air, soaking in all the glory!

Hahahahaa! Now THIS is what im talking about! A great beast with equal bloodthirst as mine and in unison we can brutalize all these who dared to act cowardly! Hahahaa!

Sadly some of the excitement wavers as the kobolts manage to swipe at the owlbear and even manage to fling rocks at Aims himself. That wont do. They'll all pay the price for attempting to mess with the two of them!

Hey halfling! Do me a favor and tell good ol' OB here to leave his right flank to me! I'll be sure to swing at everything there! Hahaha!

His excitement then completely vanishes as he sees Zesty aiming towards them, thinking it is at the kobolts. Then the bolt swooshes by just barely missing the owlbear. Okay... Bad aim. But then the newly recruited metallic puppy runs towards Aims and the owlbear and takes a chunk out of his new steed. What the fuck man?! This doesn't compute.

Whoa whoa, what in the hells tiefling?! Get your mutt off my mount! Murder those blue things will ya!

This is all going to shits and Aims is having none of it. Determined to control the situation, he gets serious and lets his old soldiers instincts take over. He tugs on the makeshift reigns enough to turn the owlbear slightly to reorientate so that he gets in reach of kobolt4. He leans forward and tugs the reigns a bit to get the owlbears attention and then points at kobolt4. He lets his murderous instincts loose and aimed at the kobolt before grabbing his hand ax and taking a swing at the neck of the kobolt.

Now, you magnificent bastard of a beast. Let us destroy these vermin who decided to disturb you, rrraaaaahhhhh!

((Lemme know if I need to roll animal handling or something to try to work with the owlbear to some capacity.))


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| You haul on the rope to try to turn the beast, so that you can attack it's attacker. Fortuitously it starts to turn, though of it's own volition and wanting to smash the metal dog, but your strength proves just enough anyway to snap the rope and you pull free from it's neck the wooden whistle ((that all you mother fuckers have ignored up until now)).


It's ornately carved and seems well used.

The owlbear has turned to the North to face the Kobold and Boltzmann.


You take your opportunity and slash down at the kobold as you're swung into range. Your handaxe glides through the air and clean through the neck of Kobold 4. It's brief yelp is shortened as blood sprays upward and the reptilian head topples to the ground, mouth agape.

You deal 9 points of slashing damage to Kobold 4.

Kobold 4 is defeated.


| The owlbear is furious, unphased by the sheer number of creatures around it and hungering for the kill. It lowers it's head, opens it's huge beak wide and screeches directly at Boltzmann.


Owlbear regains 2 HP from Heroism.

The owlbear snaps forward, returning the favor and clamping it's huge powerful beak down on the metal wolf's left shoulder. It's jaws put immense force even on the metal body of Boltzmann, and a large piece of armor plating falls off.

Owlbear deals 14 points of piercing damage to Boltzman.

With it's right arm, it steps forward and rakes the 5-inch long claws towards the Kobold next to the Steel Defender.

The giant paw connects with the Kobold's head and the owlbear crushes it's small body into the ground. A splatter of red paints the side of Boltzmann, as sparks continue to issue forth from its shoulder.

The owlbear deals 13 points of slashing damage to Kobold 1.

Kobold 1 is defeatead.


Moonsprout Beandirt
| Moonsprout reaches out and grabs the whistle from Aims hand. He hurriedly shoves it into his mouth and blows as hard as he can.

There's no note, but a thrum in the air.

((Would have asked for this roll but just did it 'cause.))


The whistle thrills at a pitch you cannot hear, and the owlbear immediately stops still. Its head turns 180° until it's looking straight back at you, on it's back, and it issues forth a curious "Hoo?.

The owlbear is now friendly towards you. It seems indifferent towards Aims. |

((@April Fool ))
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Not knowing who to attack...

Well...heads I fight the Kobolds, tails I fight the Owlbear.

Short Order flips a coin and uses Wild Shape to become a Riding Horse.

The coin lands...

Murder Horse attempts to read the coin but is unable to decipher it, and therefore charges 60 feet ahead and attacks Kobold 2 with his hooves
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Not knowing who to attack...

Well...heads I fight the Kobolds, tails I fight the Owlbear.

Short Order flips a coin and uses Wild Shape to become a Riding Horse.

The coin lands...

Murder Horse attempts to read the coin but is unable to decipher it, and therefore charges 60 feet ahead and attacks Kobold 2 with his hooves


Short Order
@An Obligatory Name Change​
| You turn into a huge fucking horse and gallop the 60 feet past Zesty towards the Kobold.



You rear up at the end of your dash, and your two huge hooves come down on either shoulder of the draconic humanoid. Your hooves slice through it's armor and tissue, knocking its arms off of its torso, and it begins to scream in pain. It falls to the ground, unable to lift itself, and begins running in circles on its side until it faints from blood loss.

homer running in place GIF

You deal 9 points of bludgeoning damage to Kobold 2.

Kobold 2 is defeated.

Kobold 3
| Kobold 3 panics, being the only one remaining, and starts to flee.


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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Absolutely dumbfounded and horrified by what just occurred here, Zesty whistles and Boltzmann returns to his side. Refusing to engage the kobold and not wanting an ounce to do with the owlbear any longer, Zesty disengages from combat and walks away from the group, the battle seemingly over.

I am disgusted by what just took place here.

Saying nothing further, Zesty walks in the direction of the kobolb left in, Boltzmann, casting repair on himself, following.

((I'm not engaging the kobold, and since the owlbear is friendly... ish, I assume the battle is over. So Zesty take no more actions and simply walk away from the fray.))
  • Okie Dokie
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Absolutely dumbfounded and horrified by what just occurred here, Zesty whistles and Boltzmann returns to his side. Refusing to engage the kobold and not wanting an ounce to do with the owlbear any longer, Zesty disengages from combat and walks away from the group, the battle seemingly over.

I am disgusted by what just took place here.

Saying nothing further, Zesty walks in the direction of the kobolb left in, Boltzmann, casting repair on himself, following.

((I'm not engaging the kobold, and since the owlbear is friendly... ish, I assume the battle is over. So Zesty take no more actions and simply walk away from the fray.))


| As Boltzmann moves away from the owlbear, it hollers and bluff-charges the contrapion-canine, but does not take the attack of opportunity. |


Zesty Zapcrackle
| You begin walking South after the Kobold. Boltzmann returns to your side, still covered in kobold gore.

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((Buuuuuuuuuut, combat isn't over yet. @Nae'blis could still catch up to the fleeing kobold if he wanted, I believe. Aims may still want to act following. So... Not quite over.))

((@Nae'blis You're up, too))
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Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims sits up tall on the owlbear and looks over where the last kobolt is going. He gives a little pat on the side of the beast and with a low growl points at the fleeing vermin, egging the owlbear to take the opportunity to go finish off the last one.

I know you want to mess up the last one. Get that last bastard!

Aims also grabs his health potion, pops it open, and downs it inside the beak of the owlbear.

Just to pep you up a bit. Cant say your injuries are holding you back that much.

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
LADS! This owlbear was part of a travelling circus whose boat was capsized. All the others travelling with him died in the wreck. And now... Moonsprout pauses to think how to express this without the owlbear understanding... He inks-thay at-thay I'm his rainer-tray and my ame-nay is Ivan-ay. Moonsprout crosses his arms and nods approval at his own coded message.

Those kobolds, I think, were not the peaceful kobolds we've come to know from Dragon's Rest.

Moonsprout approaches and strokes the Owlbear .
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Nac sways and staggers about in place, shaking his fist after the fleeing kobold .

Yeh, ye better run!*hic*


Nac McWeeble
| You are drunk. |

Aims sits up tall on the owlbear and looks over where the last kobolt is going. He gives a little pat on the side of the beast and with a low growl points at the fleeing vermin, egging the owlbear to take the opportunity to go finish off the last one.

I know you want to mess up the last one. Get that last bastard!

Aims also grabs his health potion, pops it open, and downs it inside the beak of the owlbear.

Just to pep you up a bit. Cant say your injuries are holding you back that much.


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| You jam your health potion into the owlbear's mouth. It is very confused, and the entire bottle disappears down its throat.


Owlbear heals 4 damage (2d4 +2) |


| The Owlbear turns, seeing the final invader try to run. It's predator instinct kicks in and it gives chase, thundering across the ground after the small reptilian.

It just closes the 40 ft distance.


The Owlbear reaches out as it screeches to a halt and hooks the kobold by the back of the neck, tearing out its spine. The head flops forward on a limp meaty part of a e throat, and the kobold's body hits the dirt.

Owlbear deals 7 points of slashing damage to Kobold.

Kobold 3 is defeated.

The Owlbear turns back towards the group and starts looking at the large horse curiously. |

((Combat is over. The Owlbear is friendly towards Moonsprout for now, and indifferent to everyone else regardless of whether they shot it. I'm not on my desktop to update that initiative instance so it won't say the last kobold is dead, but it is. Unless you hurt the owlbear again.))
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Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims pet's and scratches the owlbears head.

You're a very good predator! I love it! Haha! I dont think ive managed to pull out any spines yet myself. Something to strive for later on.

Now... hmm. Should we see if kobolt kebob is tasty?

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Hey! SCREAWEHHHRK! Where are you off to? You just gonna hang out at that best and hope a group of lizard dudes don't come interrupt your slumber? You'd be better off sticking with us.

Moonsprout blows the whistle twice to call the owlbear back over to the group.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
What he said!

Oh halfling. Ive heard these things like to bring morsels back to their nest! Maybe one of them happened to be a poor bastard with some good gear. You could go check it out.

Meanwhile, ill check these kobolts.

Meanders off to check for loot from the mauled kobolts.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Hey! SCREAWEHHHRK! Where are you off to? You just gonna hang out at that best and hope a group of lizard dudes don't come interrupt your slumber? You'd be better off sticking with us.

Moonsprout blows the whistle twice to call the owlbear back over to the group.


| The beast heavily sets itself down on the nest of small branches. A few animal skulls topple from the side.

It is not going to move from its claimed territory. |

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Murder Horse walks over to the owlbears nest to check what's up.


((Moonsprout tell him he's good at murder and I want to be friends))


| As you approach it's nest, the owlbear stands back up and lets out a low hoot of warning. |

((Territoral as fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.))


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| You find amongst the Kobold bits;
  • 2 poor quality iron daggers
  • 1 wooden spear.
  • A set of poor quality leather armor.
  • 17 copper pieces. |


Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Moonsprout uses Animal Messenger, and offers a morsel of food to one of the birda that was chirping. He directs the bird to pass on the following message to "the man with the beard" at Dragon's Rest:

Blue kobolds attack owlbear. Owlbear part of circus. ship crashed. Crew dead. Moonsprout found some new pants and his ass looks great in them.

He doesn't need to know that last part isn't true, thinks Moonsprout.

Then, Moonsprout approaches the beast and attempts to calm it.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Moonsprout uses Animal Messenger, and offers a morsel of food to one of the birda that was chirping. He directs the bird to pass on the following message to "the man with the beard" at Dragon's Rest:

Blue kobolds attack owlbear. Owlbear part of circus. ship crashed. Crew dead. Moonsprout found some new pants and his ass looks great in them.

He doesn't need to know that last part isn't true, thinks Moonsprout.

Then, Moonsprout approaches the beast and attempts to calm it.


| The huge beast snorts and collapses back onto its nest, conceding to not fuck the horse right now, but still refusing to leave it's claimed territory. It's over that circus life, yo.

It is however still considering you friendly. |

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Zesty Zapcrackle
| You keep walking, uncertain what to even think after what the party just did. You'd hoped to follow the fleeing kobold back to wherever it camped, but that damned beast ruined everything.

You continue south along the path, surely the direction it was going. You move away from the cliff a little inland, until you come through some sparse patch of trees.


Clambering over the rocky ground, you spot strange, twisted protrusions of glassy crystal jutting from the earth. The vegetation in this area bears reddish branching scars that form similar shapes.


Suddenly, you hear a screeching roar and notice a winged, glittering blue shape swooping overhead.

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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Sentient creatures... Zesty thought to himself. Those fools have no respect for intelligence. Even if they are not the kobolds of Dragon's Rest, they were sentient.

The orc mauled them because he wanted ride the owlbear...

The gnome turned into a horse to run one over...

The dwarf, drunk off his ass...

The halfling... the hypocrite... Tried to reason with the harpies... Got so self righteously mad at us for killing Carl and orphaning Carlson...
Carlson... Zesty froze. Remembering the child watching his father murdered and mutilated. Zesty hasn't been the same since. The blood on this hands no longer washes off. The halfling says he's a pacifist, but knowing the kobolds are sentient creatures, he STILL tried to tame a territorial beast knowing it would lead to the slaughter of the kobolds!

Zesty kicks a small stone in anger, when suddenly the overhead screech catches him.

Zesty's head shoots towards the sky in time to see the majestic blue dragon figure above. Due to Runara's warning, he believes this blue dragon to unlikely be friendly. Remembering the words of the since slaughtered kobold, could this be the "Sparkrender" it mentioned? The one the kobold sought to bring a trophy to? Could the team have signed its death knell by eliminating the kobolds associated with this dragon? Are we enemies before ever having a chance to speak to it? The disappointment in his "team" flooding back to him and, though you can't see it, he runs red with anger over the slaughter.

A second roar brings him back to the moment.

Seeing a nearby rock, Zesty darts behind, hiding hoping the large predator doesn't see him as easy prey.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Sentient creatures... Zesty thought to himself. Those fools have no respect for intelligence. Even if they are not the kobolds of Dragon's Rest, they were sentient.

The orc mauled them because he wanted ride the owlbear...

The gnome turned into a horse to run one over...

The dwarf, drunk off his ass...

The halfling... the hypocrite... Tried to reason with the harpies... Got so self righteously mad at us for killing Carl and orphaning Carlson...
Carlson... Zesty froze. Remembering the child watching his father murdered and mutilated. Zesty hasn't been the same since. The blood on this hands no longer washes off. The halfling says he's a pacifist, but knowing the kobolds are sentient creatures, he STILL tried to tame a territorial beast knowing it would lead to the slaughter of the kobolds!

Zesty kicks a small stone in anger, when suddenly the overhead screech catches him.

Zesty's head shoots towards the sky in time to see the majestic blue dragon figure above. Due to Runara's warning, he believes this blue dragon to unlikely be friendly. Remembering the words of the since slaughtered kobold, could this be the "Sparkrender" it mentioned? The one the kobold sought to bring a trophy to? Could the team have signed its death knell by eliminating the kobolds associated with this dragon? Are we enemies before ever having a chance to speak to it? The disappointment in his "team" flooding back to him and, though you can't see it, he runs red with anger over the slaughter.

A second roar brings him back to the moment.

Seeing a nearby rock, Zesty darts behind, hiding hoping the large predator doesn't see him as easy prey.


Dungeon Master
| You move behind one of the weird glassy structures as the shape wheels overhead. They're incredibly smooth to the touch, but inside them seems turbulent and chaotic, making them difficult to see through. The dragon circles back towards the North slightly, across the bay and then back South again towards your patch of crystalline spikes.

The dragon keeps going South however, eventually heading out over the cliff where you now notice a distant gray tower-structure perched atop several columns rising out of the ocean. The glittering blue shape circles these towers, and you see it alight on the tower furthest from the island, and disappear out of view.


You move out from your hiding spot, suddenly realizing the strange glassy protrusions and scarred vegetation to be a sign of lightning strikes, or the breath of a blue or bronze dragon.

Cautiously moving South, you eventually come to a broken and overgrown path that winds to the edge of the cliff. The overlook is marked by two marble statues veined with gold, each carved in the shape of a dragon with its mouth open in a silent roar. |


Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
This has to be the observatory. Zesty says to Boltzmann, as no one else is around to hear. But there is no way there I can see to enter. Perhaps, these statues hold a clue?

Zesty investigates the statues for hidden buttons or mechanisms.
Murder Horse trots back over to where the coin was flipped, becomes Short Order again, and picks up the coin

Oh, this coin is the same on both sides anyway.

He walks back to the rest of the group.

Where'd Zesty go? I think we might need to keep moving, this creature shouldn't be murdered.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
This has to be the observatory. Zesty says to Boltzmann, as no one else is around to hear. But there is no way there I can see to enter. Perhaps, these statues hold a clue?

Zesty investigates the statues for hidden buttons or mechanisms.


Zesty Zapcrackle
| You investigate the statues guarding this peninsula before the observatory. They're mirrors of each other, with each dragon sharing the same pose. In each base is a hexagonal shaped hole.

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Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Everyone seems to be keen on leaving. Aims however almost wants to stick around and make the owlbear his own. Maybe if he roasts the kobolts and shares the feast with the beast will it become friendlier towards him. Maybe he also needs to nick the little whistle thing Moonsprout has. Regardless, it makes no difference as they should be heading out to do some more murder elsewhere.

Sigh... If the fates will, I shall come back to see you beast. Stay healthy. You're a might steed. And a great warrior. Maybe the rivers run deep red so long as you live.

ALRIGHT LADS! I think we need to keep going. It's been multiple minutes since the last fight! Unforgivable, hahahaa!

Aims starts walking down the path again. He left all of the little kobolt things behind, though did bag the 17 copper.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Upon feeling around the statues and noticing the hexagonal cutouts, Zesty remembers Runara's words...

"You'll need this key to access the observatory. Do keep it safe."

He reaches into his backpack and retrieves the small hexagonal key, inspecting the dragon head on one side.

I wonder...

Zesty attempts to place the moonstone key in to the slot at the base of the left dragon statue.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Upon feeling around the statues and noticing the hexagonal cutouts, Zesty remembers Runara's words...

He reaches into his backpack and retrieves the small hexagonal key, inspecting the dragon head on one side.

I wonder...

Zesty attempts to place the moonstone key in to the slot at the base of the left dragon statue.


Zesty Zapcrackle
| You slide the moonstone key into the recess of the statue, and it's pulled from your fingertips to click into the lock at the last moment. There is a crackle of energy, and magical light sparks to life in each statues' open mouth. A second later, a shimmering bridge of iridescent magical energy extends from the overlook to the observatory, where a small landing leads to a cracked door.


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((The party has not quite caught up with Zesty yet.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty stands, mouth slightly agape at the magical walkway that appeared. He kneels slightly, at the edge, and puts his hand on the bridge... almost in disbelief that it is real. Sure enough, his hand hits a solid surface and the doubt of whether this walkway is real, dissipates.

Curiosity taking hold of the tiefling, he wants to see if the other statue offers a different result, so he removes the key from the left statue and moves it to the right.

Zesty takes the key from the left statue and places it into the right statues matching... orifice.

((This is kind of two-fold @Ben. Figure I can do this in one go instead of multiple delaying posts, but the idea is to see what happens to the bridge if the key is removed {it seemed important to Runara, so he'll want to take it back to her} and to see if the other statue produces a different bridge.))
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