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Board Your DND campaigns

I want to hear all about your DND campaigns, especially if they're homebrew. What they're like, if you're the DM or just a player, your character and your party's composition, cool homebrew items, etc.

My homebrew campaign is set on the planet of Iommia (reference to Tony Iommi from Black Sabbath) and on the continent of Algaria. It's a traditional fantasy world akin to the Forgotten Realms but in its own universe. The world is currently 3,280 years after a cataclysmic event called The Great Fracture. It was a war started by evil magic users and cult members who followed an ancient Purple dragon but were ultimately defeated by a group of heroes that sacrificed themselves in the final battle to stop them. I call it the Great Fracture because it both drastically transformed the continent physically, and it split up the single, continent wide country into multiple ones.

The world functions a little differently and has the sun rise in the west and set in the east, and the year is 400 days instead of 365. Days are still 24 hours just to keep long rests and travel simple. @God. is in the campaign so I can't reveal too much, but they're currently in the middle of a few very interesting quests.

If anyone has seen the video on the 40 year long DND campaign, I tried to model it after the concept of that one as much as I could with what limited resources I have, but I intend to have this go on for as long as I'm alive. If players leave for one reason or another, I'll end up bringing new people into the fold, but we have a group of 7 and they're all currently level 6.
Sooo… a while back a friend of mine posted the trailer to Vox Machina season 1 and said something like “this looks good”. I mentioned critical role to him and unknowingly dropped him completely down the rabbit hole. He didn’t even touch the sides. Since then, we have just hit the year mark for a once a month dnd game he is running. He kinda smashed a few published campaigns together and added his own flourishes and player storylines to it.

I’m running a half elf rogue who is actually a private detective pursuing his wife’s murderer - an act of revenge against my character.
Wall of text incoming.

I've technically only played legitimate D&D once in my life, but years before I even listened to any D&D shows I had a group of online friends I'd essentially play make-believe with and we called it D&D. We had a DM, arbitrary stat bonuses that were 50% jokes, and we rolled d20s for everything. Everything was theater of the mind, no combat math, and everything that happened was complete nonsense. I played an anthropomorphic bearded dragon lizard beastmaster named Fred Firebeard who wielded a magic scythe and for whatever reason had a beard made of fire that helped him with persuasion just because it looked cool. There was an aarakocra spellsword, some sort of jedi-esque gorilla, a character that was just a mechanical orangutan parody of Freddy Fazbear (also named after him), and a few other players with more typical races who joined occasionally (gnome, tiefling, half-elf). I was the oldest member at like 21 so 90% of it was boner jokes and the like. The main villain was Shrek. We entered a tomb where we got wishes from a genie named Cr1TiKaL. Somebody managed to fall up a 50ft wall. The General Store in town literally sold military generals that you could hire for like 50g a minute or something insane like that. We collectively had an army of like 100 animal companions by the end thanks to me, as well as several lizard babies that hatched as a result of my character fucking a naga. We time traveled at one point. Rode a boulder like Spongebob for a while. Lots of other stuff that is either too crude to mention or wiped from my memory because I was drinking. Very stupid stuff but it was everyone's first exposure to the game and became a legendary experience that led to many future games.

By 2020 I had gotten hooked on Critical Role and similar shows so I bought a bunch of 5e books and tried to DM Phandelver for 3 of the same people with some plans to go homebrew after the adventure. Had a female brass dragonborn dancer bard played by the previous DM, a female kender ranger (custom race I had to make. Pain in the ass), and a male half-elf monk played by the only member who had actually played real D&D before. They pretty much got wiped by the goblin ambush, but I kinda fudged it a bit and let the monk disguise himself as a goblin to trick them. I forget how that resolved, but to move things along I let them stabilize their friends and camp out for the night. The monk went further down the path alone and got himself hit by one of the traps or something. The others followed and they got attacked by the goblin watchmen. Successfully killed them off and got information about the hideout from one they kept alive. Think they accidentally killed him during the interrogation but moved on to the cave to get their stolen money back. Was pretty proud that they ended up skipping everything through the wolf room and climbing straight up to Klarg the boss's chambers. The ranger almost died in the fight but popped back up from a 20 and they ended up killing him and his pet. However the monk did die and we ended the session there. Never ended up continuing that game for a variety of reasons. The ranger was a very outdoorsy guy who wanted to do a lot of crafting and wanted his cooking to do something significant for the party. Wasn't sure how to deal with that or the fact that the monk player's character died so early. The whole thing was so stressful because I had to do pretty much everything for them and people still complained about the combat speed. Barely had a grasp on the game myself.

Recently the guy who played the ranger has successfully run some games using a system he completely made up. But because he's much more experienced with video games than TTRPGs it wasn't perfect. I helped him with some stuff but it just didn't end up being my type of game because there was no leveling, everyone was powerful from the start, and most of the time we weren't doing anything super interesting or story related. Even still it was fun to play something at all and it might continue in the future. We had a couple upstanding brute types (human and orc), I played a clueless decrepit old amnesiac who was secretly a manipulative mind-flayer type creature in disguise, and a half naked hairless catfolk drunkard who was basically comic relief wizard #2. My favorite moment from that game was successfully persuading a man to trade his spell book to me in exchange for the staff I wielded. I told him it could control water and let him try it out, but stood behind him and did it telekinetically myself while he was using what was basically a big useless stick. The DM didn't even fully realize what I was doing at the time.

Most recently I found an old game system based mainly on the Paper Mario series and taking place in that world. It was pretty flawed, but simple, and I was really excited to try it out because I used to do Mario RP on GW back in the day. Me and the original DM guy spent an entire night repairing it into something actually playable and proceeded to start working on a game. I'm planning on doing it over text instead of voice and we already have 2 characters made for it. One is a Monty Mole from Yoshi's Island with static-based electric powers named Mike. He's in with the Pianta Syndicate from TTYD. The other is Carter Cowbones, a wandering gunslinger Dry Bones who was found by and later brought into Daisy's army. He proved to be extremely skilled and loyal, eventually becoming a captain. I haven't fully figured out what I want to do with the story yet, but I have a villain and a lot of little ideas to build off. Still waiting on one more player who seems to be interested in playing a Duplighost.
My best mate DMed a game for us for a rather fantastic year. Fourth Edition (before 5 came out). Long time ago now. I made the world map by ramming Iceland into Scotland and drawing them together into one island. We didn't get to explore a tenth of it.

Party members included
  • my wizard Wistark Shizbits, who started off a greedy ass in search of power, but ended up going good rather than let demons portal into the world. Massive moustache.
  • Grimlock Skullfucker, 9 foot tall dragonborn fighter whose motivation is just the love of killing tough foes. He liked to intimidate and chased NPCs who slighted him.
  • Lumen Hadron, militant elf ranger who hates magic and got infected as a werewolf in our first campaign. Tried to burn an essential spell book we needed to win the first chapter.
  • Norman, no-humour dwarf knight in a dragon-worshipping cult. No subtlety, no brains, just grumpy smashing of foes with hammers.
  • Gravilla Bloodrock, goliath barbarian woman who likes a fight. She actually had a conscience. Only character I would have had a drink with.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I just finished a Strahd campaign. My GM changed a lot of things about it (so I've been told). Played a Barbarian because I ain't remembering all that shit about spell slots etc. I think Strahd MUST be the number one changed/homebrewed campaign out there.

I am curious what everyone in here thinks of that Wizards licensing debacle that happened a few months back?

And, did anyone see the movie?

Pun Damage

That Pain You Feel at a Bad Pun
GW Elder
I haven't played D&D since just after the pandemic really got going. I'm feening for it, bad.

Been trying to sit down and write out the Paladin subclass homebrew I have an idea for that uses the Void Titan class from Destiny.
I am curious what everyone in here thinks of that Wizards licensing debacle that happened a few months back?

And, did anyone see the movie?
Just ignored the licencing stuff myself, I'm not close to Wizards of the Coast or affected by what they do. Haven't seen the movie but I liked the Hugh Grant moments they released as trailers. Felt off that there wasn't much to see from the party characters.
i actually have a big googledoc of all my dnd characters that includes art i have of them, short synopses of their stories, and links to other stuff written about them. wendy is my favorite but i love them all

for the fire emblem heads out there i also did an extremely ambitious 5e homebrew featuring Tellius, the setting for path of radiance/radiant dawn. i haven’t actually playtested it yet but i did put a stupid amount of effort into it

Pun Damage

That Pain You Feel at a Bad Pun
GW Elder
"A company of mercenaries who shot to fame after slaying a gigantic prostitute."

I didn't know slaying giant sex workers could make you famous.
My best mate DMed a game for us for a rather fantastic year. Fourth Edition (before 5 came out). Long time ago now. I made the world map by ramming Iceland into Scotland and drawing them together into one island. We didn't get to explore a tenth of it.

Party members included
  • my wizard Wistark Shizbits, who started off a greedy ass in search of power, but ended up going good rather than let demons portal into the world. Massive moustache.
  • Grimlock Skullfucker, 9 foot tall dragonborn fighter whose motivation is just the love of killing tough foes. He liked to intimidate and chased NPCs who slighted him.
  • Lumen Hadron, militant elf ranger who hates magic and got infected as a werewolf in our first campaign. Tried to burn an essential spell book we needed to win the first chapter.
  • Norman, no-humour dwarf knight in a dragon-worshipping cult. No subtlety, no brains, just grumpy smashing of foes with hammers.
  • Gravilla Bloodrock, goliath barbarian woman who likes a fight. She actually had a conscience. Only character I would have had a drink with.
I love exactly everything about this
I just finished a Strahd campaign. My GM changed a lot of things about it (so I've been told). Played a Barbarian because I ain't remembering all that shit about spell slots etc. I think Strahd MUST be the number one changed/homebrewed campaign out there.

I am curious what everyone in here thinks of that Wizards licensing debacle that happened a few months back?

And, did anyone see the movie?
The fact that WotC broke down and gave in was absolutely amazing. It's a testament to how we can win against big corporations if we actually all band together and stick with it. I saw the movie the weekend it came out and it was awesome. Easily one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time.
Has anyone here ever made any homebrew races? I'm going to be whipping up some homebrew dragonborn types based on some of the "forgotten" dragons- purple, orange and yellow. Purple dragons are terrifyingly powerful and I fucking love them.

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