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Microsoft Xbox 360 Marketplace Shutdown, July 29th

I didn't find a thread here regarding this, so I'm posting this here.

The Xbox 360 Marketplace will be closed on July 29th. July 16th was the last round of discounts that Microsoft will be offering so all game prices are final now. I'm assuming DLC will no longer be available after the 29th as well.

I'm having difficulty finding a complete list of games that aren't also available on the Xbox One, but if you go to the marketplace on your Xbox, any game that won't be available on the Xbox One store will not have a +Xbox One under it.

Note: Make sure your payment info is up to date on XBOX.COM, not another MS site. For some reason, updating the info on the console itself wasn't working, but if you update your info on Xbox.com, it will carry over. Xbox.com's store page is trash, so stick to your Xbox when buying games.

The list of discounted games and how much they were discounted in % is here.

It's worth mentioning that while some games might not be available on the 360 after the 29th, they still might be available elsewhere. Most specifically, PS3 and Steam. If they're not discounted on the Xbox 360, it might mean that they're also available somewhere else. Example: Abyss Odyssey is one of the games that won't be carried over to the XBONE, but it's still 15 bucks on the marketplace (not listed on discounted list), and is on Steam for the same price. That said, some games are discounted, but still available elsewhere, like Bulletstorm (just get the PC version).

Games Radar suggests these 47 games will be long gone come the 29th. Which I find odd, because Aegis Wing is in their list, but it's on the Xbox One. It's also one of the games that was made completely free for all. Easy download.

I'm still trying to figure out what I want to lay down my money on. Trying to balance what games I'm interested in picking up specifically on the Xbox in a digital manner. Might consider Legend of Spyro, as it's not cheap physically, but it's 10 bucks on the 360 digially. The Legend of Spyro trilogy is NOT on Steam and unlikely to be as it wasn't as well received as the original trilogy. I've already bought Castlevania: SOTN, as it's probably the most accessable version for me. There are a number of games that are playable on the Xbox One that I'm still going to get before the 29th as I don't have an Xbox One yet.
Games maybe worth checking out. I tried to keep them 10 bucks or lower and looked for games that aren't also available on the XBONE. Price are in USD.

Aegis Wing - Free - Space SHMUP. Xbox exclusive. Playable on XBONE. May or may not be available after the store closes, even if it's playable on the XBONE.
Alien Rage - $1 - FPS (On Steam for similar price). Generic.
Arkadian Warriors - $5 - Dungeon Crawler. Action-RPG. I played the demo. It's functional, but bland. It has a transformation ability where you turn into a beast like Altered Beast or Bloody Roar, but combat seems suuuuuuper limited in that form and it seems like just gives you the ability to higher damaging attacks.
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena - $15 - CIB copies are slightly more expensive, even on PS3. Game not on Steam or any other legal services for some reason.
Bionic Commando (the 3D "sequel that everyone hated), $1.50; and Bionic Commando Rearmed - $0.99 - Steam has a bundle with both for $3.51, just 28c higher than the games individually on Steam.
Black - $10 - FPS, similar price for CIB copy for both Xbox and PS2 copies. No MP, means no missing out on extra gameplay features.
Black Knight Sword - $2.50 - 2D Side scroller. On PS3 store as well.
Bloody Good Time - $1 - FPS - On Steam for 5. Seems better reviewed on PC.
Burnout Crash - $.49 - "Racing", on PS3 and iOS
Conker: Live and Reloaded - $10. Cheapest way to get this version. Rare Replay has the N64 version.
Crimson Alliance - Free, $15 if you choose to buy all the classes - Action/RPG
Crimson Skies High Road to Revenge - $10 - Flying game. Physical copies are cheaper, but still work getting if you don't want to get a physical copy. This game never got a remake/rerelease. Highly recommended.
Death Spank - 1.50. Action/RPG. Also on PS3 and Steam. Steam version is 15. Sequel is 15 on all systems. Written by the same person who did the Monkey Island games.
Dogfight 1942 - $.99 +$6 for two DLC missions - Flying game. Game is on Steam. I got it on Steam complete with the DLC when it was cheap and on sale. 7 bucks might be good on 360, but I don't think it's necessary to get if there's a perfectly fine PC version. Both support flight sticks.
Eternal Sonata - 15. RPG. On PS3 as well. Phsycial copies more expensive on both systems.
Fusion: Genesis - 10. Spaceship twin stick shooter + RPG - no wiki page, only on 360 it seems.
Homefront - $.49 - FPS. This is not a very good game, but it's definitely a playable romp and it's only 50 cents. Unlikely to find it cheaper anywhere else. If you have the 5.63GB of space on your 360, it might be worth it, even if you only play it once.
Jade Empire - 10. Action-RPG. "Complete" version on steam for 15.
KOF NeoWave - 10. Fighting. Remake of KOF 2002 (which is also on XBLA). No Steam port (2002 is on Steam, though). There are KOF games out the wazoo. KOF98 is also available on the Xbox. If you want the one that is only on the Xbox, this is the one.
Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon - 10. The physical copies are getting too pricey for the game it is. 10 bucks for the Spyro fan in you. It's on PS3, as well. The first Xbox game, A New Beginning is also on the 360 for 10 bucks, but physical copies for that game are pretty cheap.
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection - 5. First three MK games. I don't know how much better or worse these play compared to other versions of the games. I am ass with MK games.
Ninja Gaiden Black - 10. Physical Copies are more expensive. Ninja Gaiden got a "Sigma" release on PS3 and then in the Mega Collection in 2021 for XBONE, PS4, Steam, and Switch. This is the only way to get the first updated edition of Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox.
Panzer Dragoon Orta - 10. Railshooter. Xbox exclusive. More expensive physically. No remake.
Raze's Hell - 10. Third person shooter. Xbox exclusive, more expensive on Physical.
Red Faction: Guerrilla - 1. Remastered version on steam for 20. Physical copies are all under 10 bucks CIB.
Remember Me - 2. Third Person shooter. On Steam for 6.
Resident Evil - 2. This is the Gamecube remake given the HD remaster treatment on Xbox. Same version on Steam for 5. RE0, RE4-6 all have the same pricing and aren't on the XBONE.
RE Revelations - First episode is same as the other RE games, but Episode 2 is free on the 360 and 1 and a half bucks on steam.
Rez HD - 10. Railshooter/Rhythm game. Rez Infinite is on Steam for 25 and can be played with a VR headset. But Rez DESERVES to be played.
Sonic Fighters - 5. Fighting. Only available elsewher via the Sonic Gems collection for the Gamecube.
Space Channel 5 Part 2 - 5. Rhythm. 7 on Steam.
Spare Parts - 1. Beat 'em up/Action/Adventure/Platformer.
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix - 1.50. Only version of SF2 not available anywhere else (except for PS3 marketplace). IMO, this is the best version of SF2.
Test Drive Unlimited 2 - 20 bucks. Physical Copy is around 15. Upgraded version of TDU with a brand new location. PC version is RARE and annoyingly expensive. Probably doesn't work out of the box like the first one.
The Dishwasher - 1. Sidescrolling Action. Xbox 360 only. I think the sequel is the same price, but I bought the sequel forever ago instead of the first game. Sequel is on Steam for 10 bucks, but not the first game.
The Escapists - 3. Strategy game. This is on steam for 18 bucks, 26 if you get all the DLC expansions, 58 if you get both games and their expansions. Or just buy the original version without the extras for 3 and see if it's even worth dumping a bunch of money on a sprite based prison escape sim.
Thief (2014) - $2.24. Thief is dirt cheap everywhere (except, Steam for some reason...), but cheapest here. If you want a phyiscal copy, it'll run you less than 10 bucks complete... for each system, even the Xbox One and PS4. It is rated very well on the 360 marketplace (4.5 out of 5). It takes up 5.5GB of space.
Valiant Hearts - 10. WWI story based puzzle game. It's 15 on Steam. It has mixed reviews on Steam for whatever reason. Steam has a bundle with both games for just under 25.
Vigilante 8 Arcade - 5. Vehicular combat. It's not on ANY other system. Not even Steam. This is a remake of the PS1/N64 classic.
Life is Strange and The Wolf Among Us - These are games that have their first chapters completely free on the Xbox, but if you want the rest, you're going to have to pay up. Both games are on Steam in their complete form and won't take up the limited Hard Drive space on your Xbox... BUUUUUT, the first episodes being free makes it for an easy demo to see if you want to play the rest of their respective games.
Warp - 1. Puzzle/Stealth. Made by Trapdoor and release shortly before Fez. It's 10 bucks on Steam.
WRC 5 - 3.50. Rally racing. It's 10 on Steam. Steam has all of the DLC, the 360 does not.
Yars Revenge - 1. Rail shooter. 10 on Steam. This is a reimagined take on the Atari classic.
Yie Ar Kung Fu - 2.50. Fighting. This is a remastered version of the arcade classic with "updated graphics". It's massively outdated but being one of the first fighting games and a game that introduced many common elements we now know of a fight game, it's kinda worth the 2.50. It's not on anything newer system. Not even PC.
Zeit^2 - 2. SHMUP with time rewind implementation. it's 10 on Steam.
Zombie Driver - Base game: 2.50; Game with DLCs: 11.50. Vehicular combat. Steam has base game for 10. Complete version with all DLC and the OST for 15. Steam version with the Complete bundle is probably better. The base game takes up a Gig of HD space.

These are what I currently have on my Xbox. Some might no longer be available:

- Aegis Wing
- Alien Rage
- Assault Heroes
- Beyond Good & Evil HD - No longer available
- Braid
- Call of Duty Classic
- Castlevania; SotN
- Crimson Alliance - No DLC
- Dead Space Ignition - This game is trash, even if it's still there, don't get it. Only played it for the bonus it gave you for DS2.
- Doom and Doom 2
- Duke Nukem 3D
- Hexic HD
- Hydro Thunder Hurricane
- I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 - Indie game. The indie game line was a line of XBLA exclusive titles sold for 1 buck. I don't think it lasted very long and it's the only game I ever got and kept, because it's stupid fun.
- Life is Strange Ep 1
- Limbo
- Marathon: Durandal
- NeoGeo Battle Coliseum
- Outrun Online Arcade - No longer available due to Sega losing Ferrari license.
- Perfect Dark - Should be on Rare Replay
- Poral: Still Alive.
- Prince of Persia
- Rez HD
- Serious Sam 3: BFE - No longer in shop
- Serious Sam First and Second Encoutners - No longer in shop.
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- Soul Calibur -
- Splosion Man
- Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix
- SVC: Monster World
- SVC: ToeJam & Earl
- Both Dishwasher games
- The Maw
- The Wolf Among Us Ep 1
- Valiant Hearts
- Vigilante 8 Arcade
- Yars Revenge
- Yie Ar Kung-Fu
- Zeit

Plus some demos for Samsho 2, KOF 98, Nights into Dreams, Ms Splosion Man, Guardian Heroes, Daytona USA (which I can't buy on the 360 for some reason despite the demo being in the shop still), Capcom Arcade Cabinet, both Metal Slug games on the market, and some of the games listed above.

I'd say "get your games now before the store closes tomorrow" but download speeds are miserable right now. Unless you are just getting small games, it might not even be worth your time. I assume re-downloading purchased games after the store closes will not be possible, unlike delisted Steam games. Games you un-installed do not show up in your library.
that's kinda why I mostly kept to games 10 and below (USD). I'm not going to suggest anyone drop 40 on the 360 version of DOA5 and then the hundred or so on the DLC when you can get the game on more powerful systems where it'll perform better and for cheaper.

I'm pretty sure I missed out on loads of sweet deals when Nintendo closed the Wii and Wii U shops. It definitely wouldn't have hurt to see if there was something that catched your eye.
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